I can't make a top ten list, as there were only six games that I'm actually very interested in. Most of the games I'm probably going to buy (Donkey Kong, Saints Row 4, Super Mario 3D World, Puppeteer, The Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3). But these are games I've already known of for a while and, they aren't high priority games. So the six that I invested a lot of interest in were
6 Killer Instinct
I can't invest too much interest in this one, though. I have no intent on getting an XBox One, and I don't like the idea of having to pretty much download an "empty game" and then buy every character. I want a complete game. Even if I only wanted to play as one character, friends might want to play with a character(s) I never downloaded (this has happened twice two me; I didn't download Jill Valentine for Ultimate MvC3 and one of my friends plays with her, and for PSASBR I never downloaded Zeus, and one of my friends mained him...) And since I can't, ya know, take a copy of this game over a friend's house, MICROSOFT, they'd have to play on my console with me having to purchase the content they'd want to play with.
But its hard to ignore this one, since I was interested in a Killer Instinct revival.
5 Sonic: Lost World
I always thought the cancelled Sonic X-Treme for the Saturn had potential. This is as close to that as we're going to get. Plus, its rare when I want a Sonic adventure game over a Mario adventure game (I'm going to get Super Mario 3D World, but come on...where is my next gen Super Mario 64/Sunshine/Galaxy-level grand scale open-world adventure? 3D World, while appreciated, feels like it should have been a companion game annouced alongside a REAL Mario 3D adventure). With Mario disappointing me and Sonic leaving me excited, I have to put this one on my list.
4 Pokémon X/Y
I pretty much semi-retired from Pokémon after Platinum. When Black & White came out, I never finished them (I actually got the Japanese White verison and played it to where you beat Team Plasma at the Pokémon League. Obviously the game continues from there, but I just stopped with that, never continued "part two" of the game's story, and when I got the English titles, I never opened them
). I never bothered with Black/White 2, a first for me since I have owned every main Pokémon game since (Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, Emerald, Diamon, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver, Black, White...then I stopped). I can't explain why I'm actually eager for these games, since I feel like I'm ready to drop Pokémon from my life. Maybe these will be the game that rekindle that spark...or officially end my Pokémon career completely.
3 Final Fantasy XV
I hope this one doesn't burn me. I remember when I first saw FF13. I KNEW that was the game for me. And I hated it. And it's sequel (FF13 Two). But ever since I 1st saw FF Vs. 13, I just had to play that game. Twenty years later (...) its finally coming out as FF15, and it will be the 1st FF since FF9 that I'm going to play (13 and 13 Two can't count since...they sucked and I got rid of them).
2 Super Smash Brothers Wii U/3DS
What can I say? At this point, SSB could very well be my favorite game franchise of all time. I love the game's mechanics, and I'm a huge Nintendo ****e, and Mega Man is one of my all time favorite characters, period.
1 X
Xenoblade was something else. It was an Nintendo game, not Konami, Capcom, or Namco, a NINTENDO game that did not look like a Nintendo game. It was the kind of game your friend could walk in on you playing, and be shocked to see you're playing it with a Wiimote instead of a PlayStation 3 controller. Because it felt like a PS3 game. Nintendo rarely ventures away from its comfort zone. Their games have a distinct look and feel. Xenoblade distanced itself from Nintendo's norm. Nintendo CAN produce these "extremes", and it was nice they let Monolith Soft do it. So taking the creators of Xenoblade and delivering a game that looks like Xenoblade, but on a fantastically larger scale, this is the game I want more than any on this list. And that's saying a lot; frickin' Super Smash Bros.: Mega Man Edition is being developed, and I have a game that out-prioritizes that.