Early "Poseidon" reviews...

Milkman95 said:
I think Wolfgang did a decent job with The Perfect Storm and Troy...........I'll check it out and decide for myself..........
By all means, watch Das Boot. It's beyond brilliant.

terry78 said:
According to two reviews at RT, it's subtly racist as far as who lives and dies.
Jesus. What people will write to get some attention.

Peterson has said in a few interviews that he decided to cut a big chunck from the beginning of the movie because it was mostly "character exposition" and "slowed down the pace".
HELLO!!! Why would you cut that?! Hopefully they'll restore most of the material for the DVD.
I'm going to check this out anyway on an IMAX screen - at least it will be good visually...............
This movie will suck because there is no Shelly Winters Underwater swimming scene in it, end of story.
^Very nice........Mia and Emmy will have one though I believe.............
I'd go see this if I wasn't seeing M:I:111 this weekened:o
Meh, disaster films generally don't interest me. You can tell my the trailer Kurt Russell dies. It looks formulaic and boring. I'll pass.
Whats the deal with Emmy Rossum? She is becoming the poster girl for disaster movies.
no surprise there
It's currently at 32%(28 reviews) at the tomatoes place that ppl here hold in such high esteem
Superhero Hype! said:
Saw it last night and enjoyed it. There's no story and the acting is not first rate, so of course the critics will hate it. But it's an intense ride like Twister etc. Definitely not for kiddies and claustrophobic people.
Thanks for telling us it's like Twister...I absolutely hated Twister and will probably catch this one on DVD. I could always use a good laugh.
I'll see it...from 2nd to 6th grade I was really into disasters at sea (ie Titanic, Lusitania, Andrea Dorea, Britannic). The first movie is a classic and I'm glad they changed the characters because no one would top Hackman's Minister character. Looks like this film is gonna be completely style of substance, I think it could turn out to be average
My wife LOVES Kurt Russell (He's Snake Pliskin, so you can't go wrong there) AND Josh Lucas (a poor man's Matthew McCaughahey), so I have a feeling I'm going to get dragged to a matinee of this. I told her it's getting really mediocre reviews so far and that Kurt Russell dies in it, and she didn't seem as interested after that, so maybe I'll be able to wait until it hits DVD. :D

Well we'll see, though it seems Russel is a poor man's Gene Hackman in this though.
And Andre Braugher is the poor man's every black actor that's given a leadership role in an ensemble flick only to go down with the ship.
terry78 said:
And Andre Braugher is the poor man's every black actor that's given a leadership role in an ensemble flick only to go down with the ship.

What a waste, too, because he's just a fantastic actor. His series "Thief" was one of the best things on the boob tube this past six months.

$7.1 mill on Friday (#2 behind Mi3's $7.5 mill). :down
I really enjoyed the original....anmd I loved the new one.

It had some minor flaws. Like

Josh Lucas's sudden swing from "all about me" To "I love them all"


The lack of exploring the potential darker side they all couls have had as seen by dreyfus in the elevator shaft
^I wonder how it would've went if it had been one of the females as opposed to the busboy.
Pterrible movie.
I cannot believe that Wolfgang attached his name to this craptastic movie. The writing rivals General Hospital or Days of our lives. Similiar stuff. Not what I expect from a major release.
Sure, I'm ALL about popcorn fluff but even still, please, don't insult me. Don't.
I felt as if that may have been the longest 2 hrs. I've ever spent in a theatre.
Not one redeeming moment. Kurt is great in anything and here he looks bored. I love SPFX but $160 Million- ON WHAT?!?! The sets looked alright...
Awful, not Four Brothers bad, but nearly there.
I think people were hard on him about "Troy" (I thought that was a good movie overall) but I think he's gonna deserve the backlash on this one :o
\S/JcDc\S/ said:
I think people were hard on him about "Troy" (I thought that was a good movie overall) but I think he's gonna deserve the backlash on this one :o
Yeah, he copped a lot of flak for Troy. After all, Troy was a movie that people seem to either hate or love. I hated it. As for Poseidon, the movie looked like it was gonna tank from the day the trailers came out.
I throughly enjoyed the movie. My selection of movies has never been dictated by reviews, and this movie is yet another evidence of how critics' reviews and my viewing choice defer.

With the exception of the unbelievably useless character in Lucky Larry, the movie was very entertaining.

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