The Omen - Reviews

It was an ok remake. If the original didn't exist, people would actually enjoy this one.
It was highly satisfying for a remake. I like how they attempted to relate real life situations to prophecies in the book of Revelations. Even though the bypassed the rapture and seal judgments and went staight to the trumpet judgments.
For an unwarranted, rushed cash-in remake, The Omen was good. Solid. Satisfying. Effective. It relied on the strength of the original, copied it to a large extent, and came out as a lesser, but still enjoyable, copy.

Damien himself was more amusing than scary. But Mia Farrow as his nanny-! Good grief, she was creepy as all get out. The moment when - SPOILERS - she jumps on Thorn's back made me jump out of my seat. Never happened to me before at the cinema!
Kabuki_Jo said:
Mia Farrow was pretty good, but nowhere near the original Nanny. As for the kid, he's a joke...he'll have to take some serious acting lessons if he wants to follow this career...hehehehe.

Bad directing though, really. The director is telling him, "Frown! Really frown now!" :rolleyes: All the kid needs to do is stand there silently, like the kid in the original. He's creepy because he's so inactive and unemotional, the complete opposite of a normal child.
Kevin Roegele said:
Bad directing though, really. The director is telling him, "Frown! Really frown now!" :rolleyes: All the kid needs to do is stand there silently, like the kid in the original. He's creepy because he's so inactive and unemotional, the complete opposite of a normal child.

In the original the kid sort of frowned(Church scene), but as a whole, the new kid really frowned and didn't come off as creepy.

The original ending will always creep me out. To this very day it gives me the chills watching Damien give a little innocent cute smile, then wave at the camera.

That was just pure brilliant filmmaking and acting without the use of words.
so, we wasted two hours of our lives watching this movie

so the kid's performance was off

so it sucked

suck, suck, suck

oh yeah, there was a moment when I just laughed out loud, when the dog is stopped by the basement door, that was funny

I was the only one laughing in that part

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