The Departed - Reviews

I really, really hope this is a good one.
Well, ya never really know I guess. And with cops movies, it usually seems to end up mixed anyways. But, the movie looks pretty good from what I've seen.
ChrisBaleBatman said:
Well, ya never really know I guess. And with cops movies, it usually seems to end up mixed anyways. But, the movie looks pretty good from what I've seen.

Even Scorsese helmed cop movies?
JLBats said:
I really, really hope this is a good one.

Same here. Crime is a familiar territory for Scorsese so the hopes are high for this one. Even though the trailer didn't blow me away -- it was too poorly constructed for that, the mere idea of Scorsese and Nicholson doing this genre is thrilling.
Well, it's got a 100 % so far. I hope this one is good. It's Scorcese, so it can't be that bad.
Well.....there was Alexander......but......forget I mentioned it.

It's got a good cast. That's a huge plus, I think. I mean....Nicholson
I just know that this movie is going to be great. I mean you got some great actors and Martin Scorsese behind it. I just can't wait until next week.
Jackie boy's apparent overacting has me very worried about this film(One review on aicn says he eats a fly and smacks damon in the face with a *****). It's funny how you guys always bash pepole like will smith or jamie foxx for having big egos, but it's ok when jack adds whatever dialouge he pleases and insist's on wearing a yankes cap even though he's playing IRISH MOB BOSS IN BOSTON.
Triadkd said:
Jackie boy's apparent overacting has me very worried about this film(One review on aicn says he eats a fly and smacks damon in the face with a *****). It's funny how you guys always bash pepole like will smith or jamie foxx for having big egos, but it's ok when jack adds whatever dialouge he pleases and insist's on wearing a yankes cap even though he's playing IRISH MOB BOSS IN BOSTON.

Dude, some of the best Scorsese stuff comes from the improvisations. "You talkin' to me" was original just Travis looking into the mirror, no dialogue, and the whole "Do I amuse you?" conversation was come up with on set.

So no, I'm not worried.
ChrisBaleBatman said:
Well.....there was Alexander......but......forget I mentioned it.

It's got a good cast. That's a huge plus, I think. I mean....Nicholson

Alexander was Oliver Stone's movie.
JLBats said:
Dude, some of the best Scorsese stuff comes from the improvisations. "You talkin' to me" was original just Travis looking into the mirror, no dialogue, and the whole "Do I amuse you?" conversation was come up with on set.

The entire scene at Tommy's mother's house in Goodfellas (after they beat Billy Batts) was largely improvised.
The reviews have been amazing, I get excited just semi-reading them. (I havent read any fully because I dun want someone to ruin something.) Can't wait.
With a great director and great ensemble cast, I hope this movie is great. :csad:
People who don't see this movie the first week need their true-film-fan card revoked.
damn, im gonna have to try and see both this and jesus camp on the same day....then go to a show later that night.
I wasn't even aware of this film until, like, a week ago and now I'm really pumped to go see it. The whole cast is pretty sweet, and I like the music in the tv spots. Anyone know where I can find the music used in the commercials?
I like that cover of "Comfortably Numb" used in the trailer... any idea who it's by?
i hope this gets good reviews... the performances look great in this movie.
cant wait to see this
This should be a great movie. A mlot of people found it hard to comprehend what was ging on in miami vice (I dont know why) but this movie should make up for that.
Halcohol said:
I like that cover of "Comfortably Numb" used in the trailer... any idea who it's by?

It's by Van Morrison, and it was horrible.

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