The Omen - Reviews

Carson Daly showed a poster of it with the tagline "this movie will scare the crap out of you"

that was funny, for Daly
I love most of the casting choices, but didn't really like the kid. the original was a cute regular kid, which actually made it scarier, but this... it's like they picked the creepiest kid they could find. so obvious...
all kids are creepy... except for mine, those are just adorable

The Omen will suck so bad.

I saw the trailer during X3 and it's nothing more than a shot - for - shot copy of the original (which is neck and neck with The Shining and Pyscho for my favorite horror movie). Add to the fact that the only truly good leading actor is Liev Schreiber, plus the fact that Damien was grossly miscast, I smell a stinker on our hands.

And worst of all, they give Damien lines. The scene in the trailer where, after knocking Julia Stiles down from the staircase, he goes "bye, bye", wasn't scary. It was stupid.
JackBauer said:
I love most of the casting choices, but didn't really like the kid. the original was a cute regular kid, which actually made it scarier, but this... it's like they picked the creepiest kid they could find. so obvious...

Gregory Peck>Liev Schrieber.

And I like Liev.:up:
And worst of all, they give Damien lines. The scene in the trailer where, after knocking Julia Stiles down from the staircase, he goes "bye, bye", wasn't scary. It was stupid.

Yeah. It would be so much more effective if he just stares at her. :( At first it looked ok, but now that I'm seeing more TV spots and trailers it looks like it's gonna suck.
JackBauer said:
I love most of the casting choices, but didn't really like the kid. the original was a cute regular kid, which actually made it scarier, but this... it's like they picked the creepiest kid they could find. so obvious...

But the point of Donner's film is that you can see it as a co-incidence. This kid may be genuinely evil, or maybe not. So you have a regular kid who could be either.
And worst of all, they give Damien lines. The scene in the trailer where, after knocking Julia Stiles down from the staircase, he goes "bye, bye", wasn't scary. It was stupid.
Yes, totally.

Surprised they didn't have him say, "Hasta La Vista, Mommy."
Wilhelm-Scream said:
Yes, totally.

Surprised they didn't have him say, "Hasta La Vista, Mommy."

That wouldve been scary in a different type of way.
Master Chief said:
Yeah. It would be so much more effective if he just stares at her.

It would be so much more effective if they didn't remake it.
It would be so much more effective if they didn't remake it.

Nice. :(

But meh, what a waste. What's the budget on this thing? 'Cause whatever the budget is, it's not worth the 06.06.06 Tuesday release date, which is really the only reason I can see them wanting to remake the thing.
It would be so much more effective if they didn't remake it.
That'd be a cool preview.
[gravelly voice]This summer......wedecidednottoremake.....THE OMEN.[/gravelly voice]
I'll spend June 6th watching the original Omen on DVD.

I will see it next week on June 6th at 11:40 in Russian time, so it means I will see it before it will be released in US theatres :D
I don´t see any reason to remake The Omen, the movie stands just fine today as it did back then... It´s just cashing on the fame of the original.
I'd pick that kid up by his hair and say "No! ...NO!...No."
I usually have no problems with remakes, and I really like Liev Schreiber. But This just looks bad to me. The original was brilliant. Plus, it was from a different era in horror when there was actually a thing called SUBTLETY, that will probably be lost on modern movies audiences.

Anyone else notice this is two remakes in a row for Shrieber?
Imagine if they remade to kill a mockingbird(which is wonderful), replacing gregory peck with hrmmmmm Freddie Prinze jr.

Now, that would be a remake woth nuking hollywood for.

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