I finished watching season two in just over a day. lol
I thought it was very good. Not as many head scratching moments like season 1. The werewolf transformation was very cool and brutal as usual but I have a WTF moment with one scene regarding it. Peter is in wolf form and Roman rips the jaws open down to the shoulders of the wolf and pulls Peter the human out of Peter the wolf. How...did...that...happen?
I thought Peter transformed into the wolf, not be inside the wolf. It makes no sense. Peter does this in on his own in an earlier scene when he half transforms and his human hand comes out of the wolf's mouth. Freaky stuff!
The tank with the body parts was utterly disgusting! I am hoping Olivia gets a brutal death.
Lastly, what was up with that ending? The doctor transforming into that flying creature and taking the evil baby and wet nurse was another WTF moment.
Can't wait to see where season 3 takes us.