Sequels Emily Blunt = Scarlet Witch?


Jun 10, 2010
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Emily Blunt as the Scarlet Witch?
What do you guys think? A year ago weren't there rumors that Emily Blunt was talking to Marvel or something about thinking of being in one of their movies? People thought it was about Ms. Marvel? Emily Blunt looks like she could be the Scarlet Witch, just like Yvonne Strahovski looks like Ms. Marvel. Do anybody think Emily Blunt would play a superhero? I seen her in these movies 'The Adjustment Bureau" and The Wolfmen and think she could pull it off. With Joss Whedon hinting at a brother-sister act in "The Avenger 2" I was just wondering about this.
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It is a possibility.
I enjoyed her performances in Looper and The Wolfman.
It depends on how the character is written and designed (and I hope to God they do not use the *****-ass trenchcoat design from the Marvel Now redesign.)
I think she would be great as the Scarlet Buh. . . I mean Witch. ;)
seems costume wise they're gonna follow the hawkeye route...
I would love her to be SW, good suggestion! As for her costume, that's a tricky situation. Hopefully it could be as close to her main one except with leggings or as maybe a whole catsuit type of deal. Deffinately needs a little restructuring for the big screen, just like 99% of the women in comics haha.
She would be amazing and can hold her own against Scarlett's star power too.
I have nothing against Emily Blunt, but she really doesn't look eastern European. Then again, Scarlet Johannsen doesn't look Russian, either. I'd prefer SW to be somewhat more exotic looking than Blunt.

I would go with who I wanted for Black Widow...Olga Kurylenko. She definitely has an eastern European look. Since she's not the Black Widow, I can accept her as the Scarlet Witch.
I'm gonna go ahead and suggest Rose Byrne
Milla Jovovich.

She's getting a bit too old for these roles.

I'd prefer Wanda & Pietro to be pretty young. Olga K is a great suggestion. I'd like to see them actually get an Eastern European playing an Eastern European for once. Even if it's not entirely necessary, of course, I wish they'd start being more authentic in their ethnic casting instead of just sticking to America, the UK and A/NZ for everything.
Always thought Gemma Arterton would be a good Wanda. Emily Blunt would be an awesome choice to though.
Yes, I like the idea of Gemma Arterton. I also think Naiomi Rapace would be a good casting.
Blunt is terrific.

Generic fancasting, I know but I always saw Eliza Dushku as Scarlet Witch.
I think Ukrainian-born British actress Vera Filatova from Children Of Men, Peep Show, The Deep and Spooks would make a great Scarlet Witch although I doubt see would get the role if they were casting it.

No and hell no to Blunt. She is a boring actress and a boring choice for Wanda. Fans are continually trying to shove Blunt or her equally uninteresting husband into the MCU, without any cause that I can see.

In its recent casting decisions Marvel has managed to find good actors who were definitely surprises, like Chris Pratt, Emily Van Camp, Lee Pace and even Robert Redford. None of those actors was ever mentioned by fans or entertainment sites as candidates for the roles they landed. Hopefully the studio will continue to surprise us by selecting people who are perfect for the roles, yet whom we would never have suspected. Blunt, already having been cast as the Black Widow (before thankfully being replaced by Johansson), isn't in that category.
I can assure you Lee Pace has been suggested for just about every role in the Marvel U by now.
Lee Pace has been mentioned numerous times for Superhero roles for atleast the last couple of years.

Emily Blunt was almost Black Widow if it wasn't for her contract with Fox stopping her taking the role in Iron Man 2.

I agree about Blunt's husband though.
I can assure you Lee Pace has been suggested for just about every role in the Marvel U by now.

Pace is actually a good actor and would be a good fit for a couple of GotG roles (Korvac, Warlock/Magus). The only role he was actually in contention for was Star Lord, as far as I can tell.

In contrast, Blunt isn't really a good fit for the Scarlet Witch. She's just someone fans keep nominating for every female role that comes up, like a bad habit. And for the record I think she would have been pretty dreadful as Natasha Romanoff, too. Marvel unwittingly dodged a bullet there. Thank God they backed off on using Krasinski for Captain America, because that would have been a disaster.
In contrast, Blunt isn't really a good fit for the Scarlet Witch. She's just someone fans keep nominating for every female role that comes up, like a bad habit. And for the record I think she would have been pretty dreadful as Natasha Romanoff, too. Marvel unwittingly dodged a bullet there. Thank God they backed off on using Krasinski for Captain America, because that would have been a disaster.

Mostly agree about Blunt, not really feeling that she is an inspired choice for Wanda. I think Marvel should be able to find someone more interesting. On Krasinski though, I still believe he would be a good choice for something in the MCU.
I'd ideally like Eva Green, but I'd be fine with this choice
It's not going to happen, but sure why not.

seems costume wise they're gonna follow the hawkeye route...
Ugh, I hope not. I was cool with Hawkeye's getting changed because he's a SHIELD agent and his comic costume did look silly for the movies, but I don't want them to change Wanda and Pietro's costumes too much. Just give Wanda a tiara to replace her...whatever that is and put more clothes on her (pretty much what she has in Marvel NOW) and they'll be good.
Also, waiting for the obligatory Mila Kunis suggestions.

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