Energy Drinks: Should There Be An Age Limit?


May 12, 2006
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A friend of mine believes that in 5-10 years, energy drinks will be much like tobacco. To buy it you will have to be 18 or older.

This kid(19 Years Old) basically drank two Monster drinks a day for three years. Also, a 14 year old girl drank two 24oz Monster drinks and died. There has been five deaths linked to Monster Energy drinks. So, should there be an age limit on them, or should they be banned all together? Discuss.
I wouldn't ban them all together just because someone isn't using good sense. An age limit is acceptable, though.
They should be regulated. I drank two of them too soon together (Piranha I think was the brand in this instance) once and it had my heart racing so fast it had me considering going to see a doctor. There was no warning about how potentially dangerous they can be when you consume even two of them.
Kids shouldn't be drinking them, but an adult should be able to choose to purchase them if he opts to. I think we could set an age limit at 17 or 18.
I've stopped drinking them. One of the bartenders I normally visit drank Red Bull and she said she's had mini-strokes from them. She's since stopped drinking them. The only time I'll drink them is if they're in a shot at the bar.

I think there should be an age limit set at 18. I think young kids assume these drinks are like beer. They don't know any better and consume as much as they can.
I haven't drank any since that incident either, nearly 10 years ago.
I voted yes for an age limit on energy drinks mostly because I don't think kids need them. If the parents want to get them for their kids then ok that is their business. When you are 18 you can make the choice whether you won't to put it in your body. I dont even think one will hurt most people (teenagers and adults depending on their health), but them chugging these things in large amounts isn't healthy, and I don't trust anyone with an under developed frontal lobe and whose body is being flooded with hormones to make wise decisions. Their needs to be some regulations on people under 18. After 18 its up to them.
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No age limit, no ban, people need to learn and use common sense. Now if you are a adult, 18 or 21 you can do whatever you want. Your body.

Let Parents actually raise their kids.
So we should remove age limits on smoking and drinking too, let the kids parents decide that. Afterall, we should let the parents raise their kids without worrying about things like overdosing and dying. You do realize kids and adults have died drinking these things excessively, not knowing they can kill you, right?
Aren't there warning labels on these drinks?
So we should remove age limits on smoking and drinking too, let the kids parents decide that. Afterall, we should let the parents raise their kids without worrying about things like overdosing and dying. You do realize kids and adults have died drinking these things excessively, not knowing they can kill you, right?

That would solve the issue though. I think as a species, we could all benefit from adding a little natural selection back in to things. :o

And here I was, about to make a "yes, they should have an age limit, nobody over the age of 25 should be allowed to drink this swill" joke, and I'm offered something completely different.
I say there should be an age limit... I'm hearing too many heart related concerns with this stuff.

I have personally stopped drinking all fizzy or energy drinks a couple of months ago. They were causing havoc with my stomach and after a conversation with my doctor (where he revealed the horrors of what could happen) I came off them cold turkey.

I now only drink water, pure orange juice, milk and a cup or two of peppermint tea.

We simply don't need the stuff, but it's up to the individual at the end of the day and if they can exercise moderation, then they are welcome to the stuff.
No age limit. The problem is regulation. Parents should be aware of what their children are in-taking, and adults should know better.

I tried all the energy drinks when I was younger when they first started showing up, and they all have the same effect on me; the opposite. They make me drowsy and sleepy nearly a few minutes after drinking them, so I haven't touched them in 12 years. Hell I don't even drink Gatorade that much any more, just water and milk.

I run on pure energy :word:
I tried that Mountain, excuse me, Mtn Dew Kickstart one day because there was nothing else in the machine at work.

You ever tasted carbonated urine? That would probably taste better.
I'm certain there will be an age limit sooner or later. The majority of the cases involving EDs and death/seizures/heart problems involve teens or younger kids. Not only do these drinks have massive amounts of caffeine in them, they usually have several other stimulants as well. For smaller bodies and still-developing brains, that's a recipe for disaster.
Should the discussion of a dangerous energetic be discussed from the angle of age limit?

Why not to consider other means than the artificial energetic, crap-like tasting beverage?
I tried that Mountain, excuse me, Mtn Dew Kickstart one day because there was nothing else in the machine at work.

You ever tasted carbonated urine? That would probably taste better.

The only one that's tasted good to me was Red Bull. Anything else is god awful.
Red Bull is the only one I drink. The caffiene content per ounce is less than a drip starbucks coffee which has an insane amount of caffiene, by the way, and they aren't alway dicking with their formula to compete. They keep it the same, and to me its far less gimmicky. I guess you could say Red Bull has some integrity whereas Monster and Rockstar and all the rest are just trying to be flashy and get you to buy their crap. Plus, Red Bull has very little carbonation and sugar compared to the others. It doesn't seem like a soft drink posing an energy drink. I swear those other energy drinks are like roided up sodas.
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