Episode 4: The Nexus Event (Spoiler Discussion)

we do know there's a 2nd season of this show so i think we'll have a two cliffhanger's in the finale - one that would effect the rest of the mcu and one for loki.
This Episode gave us answers but gave us more Questions.

I feel that we've seen Loki die so many times I don't think we will believe it when he is offically dead he is probably the one guy in the MCU you can kill. Cause it's like he said about Loki's they can't die they survive.
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Much better episode than last week. Pacing was better and liked seeing the whole ensemble.

Love how Marvel is finding a way to incorporate the comic costumes as one-offs. First with Wanda and Vision, now with Loki.

We also got a comic accurate Captain America outfit during his Star Spangled Banner Man performance and an Ant Man helmet in Endgame. And though its probably no longer MCU canon, Luke Cage gave us a glimpse of his 70s era Sweet Christmas suit.
Whether people die has no bearing on whether there's stakes since there are tons of other things that can be at stake in a story. It's also weird to use the "for once" even if you had just mentioned deaths and not stakes since characters have died in the MCU and your statement is one that says that it's yet to happen.

Certain posters have the amazing ability to witness Marvel kill off its most popular superhero and still whine about the MCU's lack of stakes. It's kind of a superpower.

This Episode gave us answers but gave us more Questions.

That guy that was being brought in when Sylvie was being brought in. Well IDK if anybody caught this but that was Casey and it seemed like Sylvie knew him because he wanted Renslayer to help him. Maybe Im looking too much into this but why has Casey pretty much been in every episode? Could he be a Loki in hiding?

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Casey is running the whole shebang.
This Episode gave us answers but gave us more Questions.

That guy that was being brought in when Sylvie was being brought in. Well IDK if anybody caught this but that was Casey and it seemed like Sylvie knew him because he wanted Renslayer to help him. Maybe Im looking too much into this but why has Casey pretty much been in every episode? Could he be a Loki in hiding?

Also I feel that we've seen Loki die so many times I don't think we will believe it when he is offically dead he is probably the one guy in the MCU you can kill. Cause it's like he said about Loki's they can't die they survive.

I just rewatched that scene, that's not Casey.
IGN trashed this episode, but the Dislike ratio tho :hehe:

I assume they pruned them all.

Yup I was right.

It was a diversionary move, so Lady Loki would invade the TVA.

I still doubt this show will have any major impact on the films at large, and the Multiverse will actually properly be introduced to audiences in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

That makes the most business sense, given the much wider audiences for the films.
It was contractually obligated and we all know he's coming back at some point anyway. Same with Cap, where there have already been major rumours for a while now.

RDJ's contract with Marvel Studios required him to die in Endgame? If you have a copy feel free to post it in the forums.

As other folks have posted, in universe death are not the only possible stakes possible in a cinematic connected universe. Characters can grow, mature, back slide, gain knowledge, and be wounded physically and/or emotionally. To suggest that there are NO STAKES!!!! unless there is a confirmed kill count is silly.
RDJ's contract with Marvel Studios required him to die in Endgame? If you have a copy feel free to post it in the forums.

As other folks have posted, in universe death are not the only possible stakes possible in a cinematic connected universe. Characters can grow, mature, back slide, gain knowledge, and be wounded physically and/or emotionally. To suggest that there are NO STAKES!!!! unless there is a confirmed kill count is silly.


Devil's advocate take...

If there is a high amount of reversible deaths it does drag down the narrative and can drain a story (Or ongoing stories like a shared universe...) of immediacy and impact because as a reversal it becomes expected or does make dramatic aspects seem besides the point.

We are talking about mental and emotional investment with entertainment and sure, in this case we are talking about the super hero genre with all the tropes like resurrections or faked deaths that have been recycled in the comics going back decades now so perhaps this stuff should be expected in modern blockbuster live action adaptations.

But... Well... I could give a crap about say Jean Grey dying again at this point. As an event, narratively speaking, there is no impact or maybe even meaning with that fictional event happening... AGAIN.

I don't think it unreasonable for a fan to react with a bit of disdain that character deaths and resurrections can feel cheap when that gambit is used again and again and again even if, yeah, that's all par for the course with super hero stuff.

Devil's advocate take...

If there is a high amount of reversible deaths it does drag down the narrative and can drain a story (Or ongoing stories like a shared universe...) of immediacy and impact because as a reversal it becomes expected or does make dramatic aspects seem besides the point.

We are talking about mental and emotional investment with entertainment and sure, in this case we are talking about the super hero genre with all the tropes like resurrections or faked deaths that have been recycled in the comics going back decades now so perhaps this stuff should be expected in modern blockbuster live action adaptations.

But... Well... I could give a crap about say Jean Grey dying again at this point. As an event, narratively speaking, there is no impact or maybe even meaning with that fictional event happening... AGAIN.

I don't think it unreasonable for a fan to react with a bit of disdain that character deaths and resurrections can feel cheap when that gambit is used again and again and again even if, yeah, that's all par for the course with super hero stuff.

If Marvel resurrects Downey and puts him back in the cabin with Pepper and Morgan, yeah I would find that annoying. But if they bring him back to be the voice of the AI for Riri Williams? I think that would be great. Same thing for Hydra Cap and 2012 Loki.

So long as Feige and company are creative about their "resurrections" I am okay with it. And it doesn't stand in the way of introducing new characters, like the Young Avengers team forming before our eyes.
AMAZING episode. Just wow.

Natalie Holt's score for Loki gets better every episode
What version of earth are all the Loki's on, with the destroyed Stark tower in the background? Is it a version of earth where the Avengers didn't stop the invasion?
Amid post-apocalyptic ruins, having a character say, essentially, "Come with me if you want to live" seems appropriate.
Damn well they went all out after the last episode being kind of meh.
I am really going to miss Mobius since Wilson was my favorite part of the show.

I was surprised and glad Sif made an appearance, still does not tell us where she is at in real time. They mentioned vampires meanings Blade won't just come out of no where. Vamps have existed.

Glad Hiddleston is still around, with having two Loki's I was like damn well technically they could go bold kill him and have Slyvie finish the show.

Kang has to be involved since the Timekeepers are officially fake. He is the best villain to involve time.
To be honest I checked out after Morbious got pruned came here and realized I need to go back and finish lol
I kind of did for a bit after just sad that it didn't happen in the finale. Such a good characters.

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