I’m hoping Vic doesn’t die. I feel like if there’s a chance that they want to do a season 2 (even though the series is supposedly limited), then Vic survives because you kind need him as that moral center. Like, Vic has done bad things but he’s still not a “bad” guy or at least not at the level of bad that Oz is. You can make that argument for Sofia too, but Sofia is still out for revenge and power while Vic is just trying to survive, so Vic is your easier character to root for.
I also don’t think it’s a forgone conclusion that Oz kills Vic. At this point, I don’t see a reason for him to do it. I’m sure he’s angry that Vic let Sofia get the drop on him and kidnap Frances but I think if that was enough to make him want to kill the kid, he would have just done so when he found him. Maybe something happens in the final episode that pushes him over the edge but right now I don’t see Oz killing Vic. Now, maybe Sofia kills him, but again, I think if that was going to happen, she would have done it when she went to the apartment. Guess we’ll see though.