Eric Bana talks Hulk!

I'm impressed to hear Bana be so gracious. Very big of him. Even he is excited to see Norton as Banner.
It's good to hear someone not employed by Marvel praising the new Hulk film. I'm glad Eric and the cast don't seem upset in the least that it is going for a new take.
nice lil read, ncie to see that mtv made sure to mention this is a reboot too
no way...just no way. I doubt Eric will even take the role, plus Marvel wont want him in another of their movies, he's already done one
no way...just no way. I doubt Eric will even take the role, plus Marvel wont want him in another of their movies, he's already done one

So what. He's an actor. Hell I could see him in a variety of roles including Strange, Namor, etc...
So what. He's an actor. Hell I could see him in a variety of roles including Strange, Namor, etc...

No... just no.

And truly I agree with Sava, they are not going to re-hire him for a new role in a new hero movie. Especially when his bombed at the B.O.

Unless you believe once Christian Bale is done with Batman he's going to go on to play Superman.
Bana is awesome, its a damn shame we'll never get to see him as BB/Hulk again, as this new movie sounds poor to me.
i always liked him. Troy, munich, hulk. Good actor. I wish he would repirse his role, but i'm glad he's not bitter, quite the opposite.
And truly I agree with Sava, they are not going to re-hire him for a new role in a new hero movie. Especially when his bombed at the B.O.

Hulk was financially successful. It just wasn't hugely successful nor critically or comercially well accepted. Casual movie goers didn't care for it and that was the lesson learned from Ang's Hulk.

Bana never intended to do sequels. He was aware a recast was going to happen from day one.
Hulk was financially successful. It just wasn't hugely successful nor critically or comercially well accepted. Casual movie goers didn't care for it and that was the lesson learned from Ang's Hulk.

Bana never intended to do sequels. He was aware a recast was going to happen from day one.

:| Wuh? It did fine with critics.
You know, it seems like MTV is always asking actors who've portrayed iconic comic characters what they think of the new guy.
Very big of Bana.

Thoman Jane should take a page out of Bana's book of professional, as he came off like a whiney ***** dissing Ray Steverson over the new Punisher movie.
Very big of Bana.

Thoman Jane should take a page out of Bana's book of professional, as he came off like a whiney ***** dissing Ray Steverson over the new Punisher movie.

Wasn't he drunk when he dissed Stevenson? In any case I don't mind Jane for being a bit jaded... not because he was replaced, but because he stuck around so long before being replaced. I remember him really trying to get that movie off the ground.
:| Wuh? It did fine with critics.

I meant casual movie going audience critics. It was advertised as an action movie when it wasn't. People were expecting "HULK SMASH!"
I have to somewhat agree with Advanced_Dark.

The general public doesn't know Bana as The Hulk. Norton will be known as The Hulk for another five years. Beside that, I think Advanced was actually saying that Bana's up for Namor. (I usually don't see a smiley face after a casting decision unless someone's infering something.)
Wasn't he drunk when he dissed Stevenson? In any case I don't mind Jane for being a bit jaded... not because he was replaced, but because he stuck around so long before being replaced. I remember him really trying to get that movie off the ground.

I don't recall alcohol being involved.
Really? MAN! Where do I keep hearing crap?!

Oh well, yes it was unprofessional of him, definitely but I can understand why he was so jaded.

Jane sounds drunk regardless. I like him..have met him...but the guy seems very peculiar. But then look what family he married into, if that tells you anything.

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