Fan's review of Casino Royale script!(SOME SPOILERS)


Oct 13, 2005
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Well here it is! After days of work JCRendel and myself have put together a fan's review of the script. It's made of the views and opinions of JC and I along with a handful of others who have read the script, many you know. ;) We still got a few more reviews waiting to come in so stay tuned. Many Thanks to those who took part! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments at the e-mail provided at the end of the review. Enjoy! :)
This was really well composed and organized. I enjoyed the panel QnA style you guys wrote it in, I actually prefer that much more to a scholarly essay style.

Also, it was very informative and I think you guys did a good job of selling the movie and why this will be an exceptional new Bond film.

So hats off.
Well, I finally got around to reading the Casino Royale review. It was a very original and interesting read. It makes you want to see the movie, like, right now! The only complaint I have is with the critic named 'GS'. Most of the time, he really didn't give an answer. What's up with that? Anyway, good job guys.
The Trainman said:
Well, I finally got around to reading the Casino Royale review. It was a very original and interesting read. It makes you want to see the movie, like, right now! The only complaint I have is with the critic named 'GS'. Most of the time, he really didn't give an answer. What's up with that? Anyway, good job guys.

I'm pretty sure GS is Gravity's Sillouette, who posts on the MI6 message boards and is a hardcore Craig-hater.
Kurosawa said:
I'm pretty sure GS is Gravity's Sillouette, who posts on the MI6 message boards and is a hardcore Craig-hater.


Seriously, a lot of his answers were unanswered.
That GS guy was a sourpuss man. I'm very much looking forward to the movie even more after reading the other responses though.

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