Father/Daughter Purity Balls


Nov 19, 2004
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It's so beautiful

One of the most memorable highlights of the ball is when the fathers stand in the middle of the ballroom and form a circle around their daughters standing all aglow in their lovely ball gowns. The fathers place their hands on their daughters, and together we pray for purity of mind, body, and soul for generations to come.

It is impossible to convey what I have seen in their sweet spirits, their delicate, forming souls, as their daddy takes them out for their first, big dance. Their whole being absorbs my loving attention, resulting in a radiant sense of self-worth and identity. Think of it from their perspective: My daddy thinks I'm beautiful in my own unique way. My daddy is treating me with respect and honor. My daddy has taken time to be silly, and even made a fool of himself, learning how to dance. My daddy really loves me!"

The moment I put my hand in my father's, I felt like a princess. In those six precious hours, I believe I grew in relationship with my father more than I ever have. I knew it was my night, and I treasured every minute of it,' said eleven-year-old Anna Tullis of our Father Daughter Purity Ball.
The Purity is overwhelming​

Disturbing to me because:

The ball is a celebration of love between fathers and daughters and a chance for the girls to commit to abstinence.
Some of the girls are 10 and 11 years old. I think it's weird that the fathers are having them, at that age, commit publicly, in a ritualized way, not to screw boys until they're married.

"It actually calls the father to a task," said Randy Wilson ( the founder of the Purity Ball ). "I know that when I am walking through the mall, my daughters watch my eyes and they're noticing if I'm looking up and down another woman coming my way and it bothers them."
Tell me Hypesters with kids, do you think of stuff like this when you're at the mall with your kids? Seems paranoid and twisted to me. Why is he ogling chicks at the mall knowing that his daughter can sense it?

The ball is the brainchild of Randy and Lisa Wilson, a Colorado Springs couple who founded Generations of Light Ministry
Uh, why don't the mothers have balls with their sons? Seems to me that it's part of this sick double standard, which I've seen on the Hype as well. 40 year old man has sex with female student, castrate the son of a b****. 40 year old woman has sex with male student, right f***in' ON! w00t!. Also, the old, "Guy that gets laid a lot is a stud, girl that gets laid a lot is a ****." thing.

The guy said that it's an attempt to show their daughters how a man treats a lady so they know what to look for in a husband. Adorable. So, shouldn't the Mom show the sons what to look for in a wife?

The ball is about not "giving it away" 'cause it would crush Daddy...as if "it" IS Daddy's.

"We believe that the identity of our daughters is tied to the father's heart. If the father isn't involved, our daughters are left to navigate through relationship and culture by themselves,"
So I guess if you're the daughter of a single mother, you are screwed.

the ball began with eight ballerinas carrying a cross to the front of the dance floor. Later, each of the girls placed a white rose at the foot of the cross.

"It's amazing," said Lauren Wilson, who is home-schooled. "You feel like a princess getting to dress up and knowing the person you're dancing with loves you so much. I want to feel beautiful to him more than anyone else in my life.
That's sick. And imagine a 10 year old boy saying, "I want to feel handsome to my Mom more than anyone else in my life." WTF?
Why does she want to make sure Daddy finds her attractive?

Such events have been criticized by secular scholars as sexist, because they equate a woman's humanity with her sexuality. " "Purity as a word - that has to do with whether your water is contaminated or not," Roberts said. "I don't like it being described for a human being. Why is it called a purity ball? Why isn't it called the respect-my-daughter ball? We never talk about men's purity."

Does this seem normal to you? Why not just have events where fathers and daughters have a good time and bond? Why tie it to SEX?

The moment I put my hand in my father's, I felt like a princess. In those six precious hours, I believe I grew in relationship with my father more than I ever have.

SIX HOURS? Thats as long as watching The Fellowship of the Ring and the Two Towers in a row!

I thought this was going to be some kind of sex toy thread.
What a creepy way to start the morning.
Calvin said:
What a creepy way to start the morning.

All of this is easily avoided by locking your children in the basement between the ages of 12 and 23. What some call "abuse" (whiners), I call "home schooling".
oooooooooooh, that kinda ball, like a dance....

this thread title is misleading or maybe i just have a dirty mind.
I don't see really anything wrong with it, sure the cross thing is kinda weird and the whole public proclomation that you will remain a virgin is silly, but I think more Dads need to do have talks with their daughters about this subject.

To me, there would be nothing greater than my daughters to make this choice and stand by it.
Man-Thing said:
...but I think more Dads need to do have talks with their daughters about this subject.

TALKING about this stuff and educating your kids is great and more parents need to do it. Dressing them in virginal white and having an odd, formal ritual over it is going a bit too far. In fact, I'd go so far as to say it's an avoidance tactic for the fathers to NOT have to have a meaningful, one on one conversation with their daughters about the subject of sex. Instead, they get the safety in numbers of other fathers and daughters celebrating their virginity. Everyone's read the brochure so no one really needs to actually TALK about what they're celebrating. They just DANCE!

I say the over/under on these girls having out of wedlock children in 5
jaguarr said:
In fact, I'd go so far as to say it's an avoidance tactic for the fathers to NOT have to have a meaningful, one on one conversation with their daughters about the subject of sex. Instead, they get the safety in numbers of other fathers and daughters celebrating their virginity. Everyone's read the brochure so no one really needs to actually TALK about what they're celebrating. They just DANCE!

Totally. :up:

And again, Where is the event where little boys take vows and celebrate their sexual purity? Why is the abstinence of the little girls so prized? They can't get pregnant or get STD's or morph into shameful ****s unless there's a boy there to stick it in.

Wilhelm-Scream said:
So I guess if you're the daughter of a single mother, you are screwed.
Actually kind of yes, there is a pattern girls without involved fathers are often the ones to drop out of school, have children at a young age, etc..etc...

Either way I think it's a creepy, creepy thing.

I never talked about anything regarding sex with my father at all.
Wilhelm-Scream said:
Totally. :up:

And again, Where is the event where little boys take vows and celebrate their sexual purity? Why is the abstinence of the little girls so prized? They can't get pregnant or get STD's or morph into shameful ****s unless there's a boy there to stick it in.


'Cuz wimmin-folk is for breedin' and they need to learn how to save their special place for their one and only husband and no one else. Boys have more important things to learn, like how to be a man.

Pagen rituals passed off as christian ceremonies, it really is odd.
ShadowBoxing said:
I bet Jessica Simpsons's father loved this ball

Thank you for upping the Creepiness Level of this thread another seven points.

I just dont understand the USA at times. body counts in Movies that rival actual wars, but god forbid the idea that two people in love have sex before marriage. its effing warped.
I made this thread because I wanted E.Bison's take on Father/Daughter Purity Balls.
But by the time I posted it, he only popped into tell the guy that made a lyric thread that he was Gay and then disappeared.
It's not even Bison posting under that name anymore. I can tell because he's exponentially less funny.

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