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Female Empowerment

The whole thing is basically, you're a minority, you're going to use what others have used to insult you and turn it on its ear, as if to say, "you've done this in the past, so now I'm going to use it and make sure you are never able to, and make you feel anger about not being able to do so. Like mentioned, same as with the n-word, same as with girls and the b-word, same as with gays and the f-word. I'm still astonished at how many white guys are angry that they can't call me a *****, as if there aren't more important issues going on at this point in time.
Sadly, I'm talking about those terms as words of endearment :csad: Like, instead of "what's up, friend?" (yeah I know no one says that, but you see my point haha) some women literally now say "what's up, *****?" :csad:

There are plenty of songs where "*****" is supposed to be acceptable....like that old Ja Rule song "Down Ass *****" and Busta Rhymes "I Love My *****." I think it's horrible.

i agree i think it's horrible.

i do not like being called a b*tch. i know some girls feel kinda, what's the word... complimented(?) to be called that, but i find it disrespectful when someone calls me that.
Female empowerment is a load of crap, it’s just a way for women to act like ****s without felling like ****s. Then they get to poison the impressionable minds of the younger generation of girls out here. Thanks a ton Britney Spears, your only true fans are going to be pregnant and sixteen due to your example.
Is that a complaint?
I love it. Keep ****ting it up ladies.
Cаrter;11586892 said:
Is that a complaint?
I love it. Keep ****ting it up ladies.

You want women to act like Paris Hilton? I'm not a fan of getting genital herpes...
The whole thing is basically, you're a minority, you're going to use what others have used to insult you and turn it on its ear, as if to say, "you've done this in the past, so now I'm going to use it and make sure you are never able to, and make you feel anger about not being able to do so. Like mentioned, same as with the n-word, same as with girls and the b-word, same as with gays and the f-word. I'm still astonished at how many white guys are angry that they can't call me a *****, as if there aren't more important issues going on at this point in time.

At least in my area, it normally doesn't matter what color your skin is when you say that, as long as it is used in the friendly way, and not the other way it was originally created for.

Or maybe its just ok for me cause I was the only white kid on the track team and they were cool with me...
Female empowerment is a load of crap, it’s just a way for women to act like ****s without felling like ****s. Then they get to poison the impressionable minds of the younger generation of girls out here. Thanks a ton Britney Spears, your only true fans are going to be pregnant and sixteen due to your example.

men aren't blameless, they encourage it, look at the amount of unclassy ladies in the hottest women thread on here
The whole thing is basically, you're a minority, you're going to use what others have used to insult you and turn it on its ear, as if to say, "you've done this in the past, so now I'm going to use it and make sure you are never able to, and make you feel anger about not being able to do so. Like mentioned, same as with the n-word, same as with girls and the b-word, same as with gays and the f-word. I'm still astonished at how many white guys are angry that they can't call me a *****, as if there aren't more important issues going on at this point in time.

Meh I don't care... However, I think it's ******ed when black people don't want other people to use it and they use it all the time, I can't turn on the radio without hearing it. It's f'ing common sense, you don't want people to use it, then don't use it yourselves... THe minute you tell someone they can't do something, there going do it. My two cents on the "n" word...
men aren't blameless, they encourage it, look at the amount of unclassy ladies in the hottest women thread on here


at least our hunk o rama thread is classier :woot: :oldrazz:
Being uptight does not constitute being empowered... and for the record, neither does being free and careless.

I realize that there will ALWAYS be the argument that even if a girl thinks she's wearing something because it makes her feel good, she's really just a slave to what she thinks men want from her... blah blah blah.

That's not the rule, and any woman who says you have to wear x y and z and do x y and z to be empowered needs to realize 2 things:

1) you've just exchanged one gender role for another.
2) being empowered is a PERSONAL thing. What is empowering to one person, is a prison to another.

A few of my female friends have had casual sex, and I respect them enough to accept that it was on their terms.

If I was to take the position that they're victims of a society that only sees them as objects and blah blah blah, that would prove that not only do support the bull gender role woman have been forced to play in our society, but further that I respect them so little that I think they are INCAPABLE of making a genuine choice for themselves.

If YOU, as a SINGLE ENTITY, are empowered by wearing conservative clothes, than do so... and while you're at it, don't let anyone tell you you're only wearing what you wear because society tells us that the way to be respected... because you're a person who CHOSE to wear those clothes, not a lemming.

but, save you're judgment next time you see a woman being overtly sexual, because to simply assume SHE HAS TO BE a mindless lemming, acting the way she acts...

That's textbook misogyny.
Meh I don't care... However, I think it's ******ed when black people don't want other people to use it and they use it all the time, I can't turn on the radio without hearing it. It's f'ing common sense, you don't want people to use it, then don't use it yourselves... THe minute you tell someone they can't do something, there going do it. My two cents on the "n" word...

, said the white guy.

If you're not in a minority, you can't know what it is like to hear someone in the majority use a slur in reference to you.

I had a conversation about racial slurs with two friends who claimed that they knew what is was to be a minority because as Christians they traveled to China to do covert missionary work.

They were claiming that they felt REAL prejudice towards Christians there, and so they knew what is was to be a minority but they still felt that minorities in America needed to, basically 'have a sense of humor'.

The point they were missing and that you MAYBE (as I don't pretend to know you) have missed, is that when you're raised in a society that tells you that you are the ideal... that you are what is valued most... EVEN IF you find yourself in the scenario you are being marginalized or stereotyped, THE FACT REMAINS that there is always that safe haven you can return to where you are seen as #1... the ideal.

For most minorities, that safe haven either doesn't exist, or has to be artificially created by living a very closed off life.

So I guess what I'm TRYING to say is, lets not pretend that two minorities trading racial slurs has anything to do with a person in the majority using a slur against a minority.

They are equally hateful. But the latter has tangible power behind it, and no matter how much it annoys you, that DOES make it more wrong.
I call my black friends N-ers all the time. They really dont care. They've grown up and dont take anything unneccessarily serious. Americans need to have a sense of humor.

"Be the miracle" - Bruce Almighty
"Quit bittching" - The Man Of 16
I call my black friends N-ers all the time. They really dont care. They've grown up and dont take anything unneccessarily serious. Americans need to have a sense of humor.

"Be the miracle" - Bruce Almighty
"Quit bittching" - The Man Of 16

its not the responsibility of minorities to make you feel comfortable using hate speech.

if your friends aren't offended, it MIGHT have something to do with the fact that they know you personally. you know as well as I do that a stranger on the street wont afford you the same benefit on the doubt, nor should they.

Also, it SOUNDS when you say "Americans need to have a sense of humor" that you may be someone who is not American. I'm knowingly inferring that, as you could also read it as "we americans..."

Regardless, the n-word has a great deal of weight here due to the absolute horror of race's role in our country's history. We are not unique in this respect, but our particular history has much to do with the use of the n-word in the country...

So if you're a non-american, I'd suggest you might not appreciate how horrible race relations have been and are currently here, and worse yet if you are American... open a history book.

either way, never NEVER use 'everyone needs to lighten up' as an argument. in the case of African Americans, that argument is just a civil way of saying 'quit being so uppity'.
Alot of women dress "trashy" cause they feel sexy wearing whatever they are wearing,guys think they look like ****s and those women can't seem to understand why they aren't being treated with respect. A word of advice ladies...self respect is sexy and guys look for it.Just like women look for confidence in men.

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