Empowered women?


Sep 11, 2001
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So I was watching this show last night called something like "Sex in the Naughties". It should have been called "feminists having sex", or something.

But basically the show had this supposed sex expert woman talking about the rise in certain sexual trends. One of these trends is the rise in women behaving more like men in that they're going out there and treating sex like a sport, no longer feeling ashamed at the number of sexual partners they're having and having lots of one night stands.

A man in this position would be called a womaniser, right? And quite rightly too. I think its a nasty thing to just treat people like disposable objects with no intention of talking to them again.

But there were various women talking about it, and they were talking about how great this is :huh: They said, its a sign of the empowerment of women :huh:

I sometimes feel like a woman could do anything, ABSOLUTELY anything and be called empowered. One example is, if a woman were attractive, other women act like this is an achievement in itself. Like the "beautiful" Kate Moss, and such and such.

A woman could get a job, get called empowered. Flash her boobs on a drunken night, get called empowered because supposedly they're taking a slice of the male booze culture.

Its bull****. Where is the male empowerment?

Am I the only male that feels like we live in a society where things are disadvantaged towards males? A man has to fight extra hard in our modern society for recognition.

One example, and you could witness this among male comic book fans. A girl mentions she likes anime and comic books, and all of a sudden shes the "perfect girl". So what? She's probably boring and stupid, just like anyone else could be. I'd mention I enjoy Stephen King and writing, and no one would give a ****. A female in the same position would be looked at in awe that she actually has writing down as an interest.

Anyone get what I mean?
I think this society is having a feminist movement. And if Hilary wins President, expect it to get a lot worse! I mean, nothing wrong with it, but it seems that a woman can do certain things that if a man has done he'd be greatly looked down upon. Basically, if a woman does it, it's empowerment. If a man does it, he's a pig or male chavonist. We can't win right now. :csad:
I always thought this was about double standards. A man sleeps with a lot of women and he's a stud. A woman sleeps with a lot of men and she's a ****.
I always thought this was about double standards. A man sleeps with a lot of women and he's a stud. A woman sleeps with a lot of men and she's a ****.

Times have changed! I work with women who brag about it. Women use to want to get married and raise a family. Now.............they dont' even want to cook. Maybe it's cause of the men who have been brought up really wrong and this countries screwed up moral system now but women just dont' seem like women any more. I mean...........not the way they use to be anyway.
I always thought this was about double standards. A man sleeps with a lot of women and he's a stud. A woman sleeps with a lot of men and she's a ****.

I don't think many people really cheer for the guy that has lots of one night stands. Maybe they used to. Maybe certain circles do. But I think the average person would view that kind of guy with disdain, and consider him to have low respect for women.

Certainly from the female perspective, men like that are viewed as sleazy and chauvanistic. This show I was watching said there is a change in attitude in that women no longer consider other women ****s for sleeping around, and instead consider it a "you go girl!" type of thing.
Guys can't get pregnant, so...we can leave our duties behind(which we shouldn't) and only have to worry about STD's. Chicks have the possibility of getting pregnant, birth control or not. I think that's the reasoning people use when females sleep around.

I don't think empowerment means ****ing everyone you come across...that just comes off as sleazy, male or female.
Times have changed! I work with women who brag about it. Women use to want to get married and raise a family. Now.............they dont' even want to cook. Maybe it's cause of the men who have been brought up really wrong and this countries screwed up moral system now but women just dont' seem like women any more. I mean...........not the way they use to be anyway.
I don't think wome have changed. I think perception of women have. Like I said, it used to be ****ty to sleep around. Now it's empowering. Now, women have been doing the nasty since women were invented; it's nothing new. We are just now seeing it in a different light.

This makes me think of that great line from Chasing Amy where Holden tells Alyssa that she was used by all the men she slept with. She replies, "I used them."
I remember watching this documentry a while back ( think it was on bravo) anyway they were interviewing these teenage girls and they were saying how they like to go down on their boyfriends cause it makes them feel empowered. I was like ookay what the hell.
I think I came across that last night while surfing through the sky channels
Can we just re-title this thread "Kaine Doesn't Understand Women: Part 35" and move on?

Kaine, I think you focus too much on generalizations. 'Women' do this and 'men' get treated this way. 'I hate girls because they all do this and that.' You're replacing a lack of solid basic experiences of a wide variety of people with oversimplified media/society drivel, and focusing on any personal experiences that reinforce these stereotypes. Its never as simple as 'women now are acting like men and getting praised for it.' Even if some women on TV present it that way. You're further alienating yourself from people by harboring these kinds of monochrome beliefs about people.

I've never been called empowered for anything I've done, from drunken boob flashing to comic book enjoying. I don't care, really, whether what I do is empowering or degrading. I do what I like to do- I don't expect/demand praise for it, nor do I cry when called a ****. I appreciate praise and the like, of course, but I don't feel its my empowered right to act the way I do and therefore it should be accepted.

There are nuances behind every stereotype/generalization. :up:
Kaine, I think you focus too much on generalizations. 'Women' do this and 'men' get treated this way. 'I hate girls because they all do this and that.' You're replacing a lack of solid basic experiences of a wide variety of people with oversimplified media/society drivel, and focusing on any personal experiences that reinforce these stereotypes. Its never as simple as 'women now are acting like men and getting praised for it.' Even if some women on TV present it that way. You're further alienating yourself from people by harboring these kinds of monochrome beliefs about people.

I've never been called empowered for anything I've done, from drunken boob flashing to comic book enjoying. I don't care, really, whether what I do is empowering or degrading. I do what I like to do- I don't expect/demand praise for it, nor do I cry when called a ****. I appreciate praise and the like, of course, but I don't feel its my empowered right to act the way I do and therefore it should be accepted.

There are nuances behind every stereotype/generalization. :up:

"****" can be a compliment, you know. :o

Just making sure we're clear about that. *snaps leather belt*


I was thinking more in the 'catty jealous girls' or 'mom finds out I'm nekkid on the interwebz' way.

Your way is much much better.
A man in this position would be called a womaniser, right? And quite rightly too. I think its a nasty thing to just treat people like disposable objects with no intention of talking to them again.
It is not a nasty thing if the people involved know what's going on and want the same thing. It's only nasty if there is some deception.
And this is nothing new and to act like it is is absurd. I have been surrounded by "****ty", unapologetically hedonistic females all of my life.
All the way back to the 60's, it's been very common.

This TV "Expert" is just more BlaBlaBla, fill time on air, sensationalize, drum up something bull s***.
I guess what's new is that some women who didn't use to have this attitude are less ashamed of themselves, but other women have still been there living in this way.

I sometimes feel like a woman could do anything, ABSOLUTELY anything and be called empowered. One example is, if a woman were attractive, other women act like this is an achievement in itself. Like the "beautiful" Kate Moss, and such and such.

A woman could get a job, get called empowered. Flash her boobs on a drunken night, get called empowered because supposedly they're taking a slice of the male booze culture.
Heh, this is funny. Seizing the power to intentionally objectify themselves after decades of moaning about how their objectification demeans them.

As I've said many times, it's like this one ex of mine who really liked....*sigh*....what's the acceptable term TODAY on the Hype, "performing oral sex on me" ?
Because it "gave her a sense of power". :huh:
lol, and I'm like, "erm, I always get a sense of power myself, laying back while you work at pleasuring me, but, :huh:....knock yerself out, PowerBlaster. :up:"

Its bull****. Where is the male empowerment?
Male Empowerment?

If you're a man you TAKE the power. :cmad:
No need to ask where it is.
It is in the palm of your hand. :cmad:

One example, and you could witness this among male comic book fans. A girl mentions she likes anime and comic books, and all of a sudden shes the "perfect girl". So what? She's probably boring and stupid, just like anyone else could be. I'd mention I enjoy Stephen King and writing, and no one would give a ****. A female in the same position would be looked at in awe that she actually has writing down as an interest.

Anyone get what I mean?
I can't believe I'd have to explain this to you, but when adoration is heaped upon females for loving the things that are predominantly loved by males, it isn't because it's seen as some kind of incredible attribute in and of itself.

It's because they so rarely enjoy those things, so the opportunity to have shared interests like that is prized.

I don't think a girl is wonderful because she knows who Dr. Evazan is, by name.
It's because she's a girl who knows who Dr. Evazan is.
It makes sense to me.
Kaine, I think you focus too much on generalizations. 'Women' do this and 'men' get treated this way. 'I hate girls because they all do this and that.' You're replacing a lack of solid basic experiences of a wide variety of people with oversimplified media/society drivel, and focusing on any personal experiences that reinforce these stereotypes. Its never as simple as 'women now are acting like men and getting praised for it.' Even if some women on TV present it that way. You're further alienating yourself from people by harboring these kinds of monochrome beliefs about people.

I've never been called empowered for anything I've done, from drunken boob flashing to comic book enjoying. I don't care, really, whether what I do is empowering or degrading. I do what I like to do- I don't expect/demand praise for it, nor do I cry when called a ****. I appreciate praise and the like, of course, but I don't feel its my empowered right to act the way I do and therefore it should be accepted.

There are nuances behind every stereotype/generalization. :up:

You're right. I'm thinking too much about stereotypes, and taking a really crap tv show of all things to back up these generalizations. I don't really have the personal experience because truth be told I don't meet many women. I live with a woman, and shes nothing like the generalizations portrayed on the **** tv show or in the newspaper or anything. I'm a bitter guy stuck in my own head too much cooking up these ideas based on nothing but a handful of negative experiences and watching tv and reading newspapers.

You know what the last girl I dated did? First time I've talked about this online. I've got nothing to do in work so I might as well. There was this girl who I had been friends with for awhile. We first met each other by going on a date years ago but nothing came of it, we've been occasional friends since. A couple of months ago she was single, and was sending me flirty texts. And I was like, okay lets see where this goes. I met up with her, we got drunk and were all over each other. More flirty texts, and shes pretty full on "we should have sex sometime, when can we have sex" at which point I didn't have my own place. I got my own place not long after, and she came back one night and was kissing me and stuff but didn't seem too enthused. We went to my bedroom and watched a dvd. She got naked! Got in bed with me naked, and I cuddled her while watching the tv. At one point we wre fooling about and she seemed into it, then she went back to watching the dvd. Anytime after that I made a move she didn't seem to be interested.

The next day, she asks me to meet up with her at the pub. I meet her, and shes with some other guy. And shes all flirty with him and ****. When he pisses off, I ask her whats going on, and she says...

She said she doesn't find me attractive

Not long after that, I left the place feeling very annoyed at being led on for so long. I felt angry and depressed and ****. After she told me this, she was still flirty with me with this guy around. It was strange. I didn't really wanna talk to her after that.

Bah. Not to mention my confidence. My confidence after that incident was at an all time low.

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