Comics Final page of ASM 698 is now online...

Out of respect for Dan i'm not even remotely gonna click that
Out of risk for losing your respect for Dan you shouldn't.

Apples and Oranges good sir (or miss, you could be female for all I know). It might be something you dislike but could be great for me...whatever the hell it is
Apples and Oranges good sir (or miss, you could be female for all I know). It might be something you dislike but could be great for me...whatever the hell it is

Less apples and oranges, more like Citizen Kane and Paul Blart mall cop.

Yeah, it's that stupid.
I allowed myself to be spoiled, and I liked it. There is a whole lot that can be done. It might even explain why OMD and BND happened.
I allowed myself to be spoiled, and I liked it. There is a whole lot that can be done. It might even explain why OMD and BND happened.

OMD and BND happened because Joe Quesada wanted it. Marcel's done whatever they could to try and sweep it under the rug for the past five years except the on thing that would quiet the masses.

My problems with OMD and BND were of course doing away with The Other powers and bringing back Harry. Slott's explanation on why he's back was extremely sloppy, and made his return all the more stupid.
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oh crap... I JUST saw the final pages of ASM #698... DAAAMN...
I read the entire issue and it is fantastic. I don't know why everyone is saying this is so horrible. This whole twist is done in such a creepy and disturbing way and I salute Dan Slott for having the balls to do it.
I read the entire issue and it is fantastic. I don't know why everyone is saying this is so horrible. This whole twist is done in such a creepy and disturbing way and I salute Dan Slott for having the balls to do it.

People saw this coming for months so I don't see why his genitals deserves your admiration.
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I read the entire issue and it is fantastic. I don't know why everyone is saying this is so horrible. This whole twist is done in such a creepy and disturbing way and I salute Dan Slott for having the balls to do it.

key words being...
Lol, anyone that actually likes this is one of the reasons Marvel sucks so much these days. This is the literary equivalent of being entertained by jingling keys.
This is not half as bad as you guys are saying. I like it. Its an interesting twist. Its not like it hasnt been done before though. But its still pretty neat
So which of you called it first, I forget?

Also when dan slott said this was going to be something never done before I think he meant I'm going to use the same idea the red skull has been trying like hundreds of times but using different people!

That said I'll pick up superior 1, I like the new spider-man as a character in pretty much everything he's been in.
This is not half as bad as you guys are saying. I like it. Its an interesting twist. Its not like it hasnt been done before though. But its still pretty neat

Now'a the time to focus on getting people to stop trashing Spider-Man because of OMD. Not making people forget about it by doing something else surely to piss more people off.
Its nowhere near as ridiculous or maddening as OMD. That was erasing history. This is standard super-villain fare
Its nowhere near as ridiculous or maddening as OMD. That was erasing history. This is standard super-villain fare

Standard fare that they claim is new and exciting. I wasn't comparing its horribleness to OMD simply stating this is probably going to get more hate mail than fruit baskets.
Lol, anyone that actually likes this is one of the reasons Marvel sucks so much these days. This is the literary equivalent of being entertained by jingling keys.

"I only read mature comics for mature readers, such as myself."
Maybe youre right. Seems that its more " meh" than it is " aarrgghh" though. :p
Keep in mind, folks, that this is part 1 of a three part story (four if you count Amazing Spider-Man #699.1) with the main story in Amazing Spider-Man #700 being something like close 60 pages. So given what winds up happening, you know there's going to be a lot more twists and turns before Superior Spider-Man #1 launches. And yes, the suspense is getting to me already. :wow:
People saw this coming for months so I don't see why his genitals deserves your admiration.

And Dan STILL managed to make it shocking that it actually happened. THAT's why it's such a good issue. The whole build-up to the reveal, it was intense.

And the fact that people were so convinced that it was going to happen in this issue, when in fact Dan pulls a "I did it 35 minutes ago." on us and it's been under our noses for months.

I'm actually guessing the people who are saying this is so stupid didn't even read the issue, or any recent issues at all for that matter, and are just basing their thoughts on a single page or an outline.
OMD completely immunised me against asinine Spider-Man decisions. This makes me feel absolutely nothing...
Someone said there were jingling keys, so I came here to be entertained. :oldrazz:

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