Horrorfan said:
Guess you will owe me $20 bucks then. I hate all those games. MGS is splinter cell for ******s, with the dumb dialogue, characters and stories. I prefer wrestling and boxing games to games like tekken and doa. The only good devil may cry was the first one. Final Fantasy is also for kids and ******s. If you can find any post of mine in the past where I show respect to any of those franchises, and treat them and their fans with anything but the utter contempt the morons deserve, please point it out to me.
1. I bet you're just saying that. The fact that you are denying that all consoles already have promising looking titles show that mentality.
2. Metal Gear Solid pwns Splinter Cell so badly. Better story, awesome voice acting, great characters that you can get attached to. It's like playing a movie!
4. Wrestling and boxing games suck
5. Wow, that just shows your mentality even further for saying games are for kids and ******s.
Oh yeah I hate sony so much i have a psone, ps2 (which I both love) and psp. Good call sherlock. Get it right...I hate the ps3, and the way sony has handled it since it was announced. The product looked ****ty
The way you talk sure makes it sound like it. As a matter in fact, I've never even heard you say one positive thing about Sony. For quite sometime, when this section of the forum sucked because the fanboy bickering was the worst, you were one of the most guilty "Sony teh sux" people.
I hate the way sony treated me as a customer when it comes to ps3. with its inferior games, its clearly being pushed as a blu ray player first, gaming console way second. You are more than happy to let sony ass ram you, so you are, in fact, an idiot and corporate ****e, an intellectual void who DESERVES to be treated like an idiot by sony. If you buy a ps3 with the stunts they have pulled, then you're pathetic.
That I'll agree with you there. Sony has been treating the customer like s**t.
and quite frankly, anyone who buys one buys into the lies, and likes ****ty games, and thus deserves to be shot. If it had good exclusives, like bio shock, alan wake, gears of war, then I would understand. But FF? MGS? Get real. Those are franchises for losers. The idiots who can't take good writing and characters.
Again with calling people who don't like things you like ******s and losers.
And zelda is for kids. I don't care what anyone says. If you want to play kiddy games, thats fine and dandy, I wont judge you but trying to convince yourself its not a kiddy game is lame.
And again. That's the problem with a lot of gamers. People need to get this "OMG dis gAME is kIddy" mentality out of their heads and play games simply because they are fun.
Basically you are a person who sees people as idiots who buy Playstation 3's for reasons such as
a. They don't have the money to buy all three consoles and choose to simply have the Playstation 3 instead of an Xbox 360 - I fit this description. Not everyone has the money to buy all three consoles and since I already have a library of Playstation and Playstation 2 games along with many of my favorite franchises being on the Playstation system, I chose to go along with the Playstation 3 instead of the Xbox 360.
b. Buy all three consoles because they want to enjoy what all three consoles have to offer - People like these realise that all three systems have something good to offer.
c. Buy the Playstation 3 because their favorite franchises are on the system and only on that system (God of War, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, etc.) - In the end it's the games that will sell the console. The Xbox 360 has the games. The Wii has the games. The Playstation 3 has the games.
So basically, anyone who doesn't agree with you is an
a. an idiot
b. a ******
c. a little kid
You know what your generalizations of people make me think
a. You're an ass
b. You're an ass
c. You're an ass
d. Did I say that such a mentality makes you look like an ass?
It's the a**hole mentality like that, that makes me like the Xbots way worse than the Sony ****es and the Nintendo Fanboys (actually I like the Nintendo Fanboys, because they're not a**holes
And LOL! Wii isn't selling that great, isn't even selling out! I bet you it won't over take 360. I'll put money on it. How much do you want to bet that when the next gen comes, 360 is above wii? Any amount you want. Lets see if wii sells seven million in its first year, and then we will talk.
I bet you another $20 that the Wii will sell more than Microsoft.