First time posting art.


Sep 16, 2004
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Well I have been coming here for a while now. With an older name of course. Finally figured out how to upload pics. Decided I might aswell post something


Finished this today. Not really complete. I need to darken it more and clean it up a bit. I hardly do stuff like this. But I'm so pumped for Begins that I really felt the need to draw something from the movie.

I have more. But I need to find them. I moved a few months ago and haven't fully unpacked.
its good but you just copied a picture. theres not much to say the original was a cool shot and obviously you thought so too. See the thing is, when people use source material like a photo they more often than not treat it as scripture.

this is a great debut pic for Hype, better than I've put up. However, if you take the same route for future pics (which i think ppl would be interested to see), try to add something to the original by making it your distinct interpretation. If you can do this you garner a lot of respect and admiration. O and the ppl on the Hype love Bats. I mean in a a crazy crack induced euphoria sorta stalkerish festishism. So your on to something already...
I don't care if it's the same as the pic, the fact that its a drawing is crazy. good job man. im pumped for begins as well so if uve got any more batman stuff deffinately post it. as u can see, dansker was right about all the bat fans

Huge Seinfeld fan. Did this a few years ago when I was bored.
dansker said:
However, if you take the same route for future pics (which i think ppl would be interested to see), try to add something to the original by making it your distinct interpretation.

Yeah. I am not into drawing as much as I used to be. So I usually draw something I like before my interest dies down. This Batman only took me two days too do. So i'm suprised I could get it to look good at all lol. I might start doing stuff again. And I will add something too it like you said.

You're Batman drawn looks very good. This is Michael Keaton i think?! Right?

Can you make (draw) a Spider-Man or RoboCop or somebody else?

And, excuse when my English is not correct, i'm from Belgium and i didn't learned a lot of English. 2 schoolyears i think...

no its definatly bale he based his drawing on this pic

Nice Batman drawing
I like Batman drawing, my only gripe is his mouth looks slightly askew, but the shading is dead on! Great work. And I love that Kramer! Excellent.
MidKnight said:
my only gripe is his mouth looks slightly askew,

Yeah. I noticed that after posting the pic. I fixed it. I still need to do some more work too it. I will post it again when it's 100% done and satisfied with it.

I'm gonna start work on some other stuff sometime this week. Just don't know what.
Nice job man,but i really don't like the eyes and the mouth they look very flat..................
loving the Kramer. a big Seinfeld fan myself. kudos, and welcome to the Fan Art forums.

I read what some of you have said and made some changes. Looks more pissed off now too. Still not completely satisfied with it. Still needs a bit of work because it's darker in some spots than others.

If anything else looks off let me know.
I think it looks alot better. Subtle cahnges, but good oens nonetheless.

I really didn't plan on plan on posting anymore pics considering I haven't been interested in drawing too much these days. But I decided too do another Batman based on one of the promo posters. It's been a few months since the last one. So don't be suprised if it looks kinda crappy.

I don't ususally like posting things until they are done. But I figure I might aswell post as I go along. That way you guys can let me know what you like and don't like about it.:)
O'Haire said:

I read what some of you have said and made some changes. Looks more pissed off now too. Still not completely satisfied with it. Still needs a bit of work because it's darker in some spots than others.

If anything else looks off let me know.
Practice practice practice, That's what I heard from many of the teachers at the Kubert school.
One thing you may want to keep in mind when it comes to the mouth is, the corners of the mouth will always line up with the puples of the eye, unless you're drawing the Thing or characters like that.
Good job O'Haire.

Quick update. Not too happy with the neck. That will need more work. I'll probably do the mouth last. Maybe next just too get it out of the way. Anyway. I'll be back tomorrow or the next day with another update.:)
What kind of paper are you working on? If my instincts are correct, I bet you are using paper that isn't the best for this type of work. Whenever I render with pencil like this, I'll use illustration board or at least a heavier ply paper with some tooth to it.

Also, I'm curious as to what kind of pencils you are using as well? That decision will also make a big difference in your work.

Anyways, the new piece seems to be coming along well and I’m interested in seeing the final.

jrs2345 said:
What kind of paper are you working on?

Just plain computer paper with a #2 BIC pencil LOL. Not really interested in buying all the proper stuff. This is all just for fun. and something too do when I am bored. I used too have the proper art pencils and all that. Don't know what happend too them. I have moved so many times I can never keep track of things.

Another update. Still need too darken it clean it up in some spots but I will do that when I finish the rest of him. Sometime today or tomorrow.
dansker said:
its good but you just copied a picture. theres not much to say the original was a cool shot and obviously you thought so too. See the thing is, when people use source material like a photo they more often than not treat it as scripture.

this is a great debut pic for Hype, better than I've put up. However, if you take the same route for future pics (which i think ppl would be interested to see), try to add something to the original by making it your distinct interpretation. If you can do this you garner a lot of respect and admiration. O and the ppl on the Hype love Bats. I mean in a a crazy crack induced euphoria sorta stalkerish festishism. So your on to something already...

who cares if it comes from an original pic. It is a rendering. YOur just jealous.

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