Batman Begins Five-Minute Batman Begins

Dude, this stuff is genius. You should try doing this for the previous 4 Batman movies.
Thread starter's writing > David Goyer's

lol@ BAT-DAD: Hey, like the monorail? I built it!

YOUNG BRUCE: How'd you do that, dad?

BAT-DAD: Well, it happened like this... FLASHBACK!

I could picture Thomas Wayne doing the Wayne & Garth flashback sound effects.
Webmistress_O4 said:
It's like spoofing 9/11, not making fun of the FBI or the CIA, but of the victims who couldn't get out.

Webmistress, it'd probably be best if you never visited
Holy crap I just read the schindler's list one too. Just why? I mean lthe Batman, electra superhero movies I can understand, but thats just sad you went through all that trouble and spent I dont know how much time and effort into something like that. Why would you want to do that? I'm not being sarcastic or anything, but seriously, what made you want to do that?
I was just kidding about making a Schindler's List parody. It was a joke, you see. This whole thread is a big joke, designed to make people laugh.
Zev said:
Webmistress, it'd probably be best if you never visited

Ironically, even if I wanted to, I think it's blocked on my computer.
Is that situational irony or dramatic irony?

By the way, have you checked out Spider-Man: Endgame yet? I'm quite anxious to hear your opinion of it.

Yeah... that one quote... I can't even bring myself to type it for fear of laughing... was great. But I don't really know... overall, your dialogue is very good, but I have to question your use of some characters. I generally don't like reading scripts... unless, of course, I've written them. Which I will be. Grateful Hero will be getting it's own little series soon, once I've finished 'Legacy of the Goblin'.
I don't see why people are getting pissed over the Shindler's List thing. I mean, it's basically taking the final scene with Neeson's character and spinning it into Batman Begins. It's the same as putting the Shawshank voiceover for Morgan Freeman.
Alexia Dark said:

Yeah... that one quote... I can't even bring myself to type it for fear of laughing... was great. But I don't really know... overall, your dialogue is very good, but I have to question your use of some characters. I generally don't like reading scripts... unless, of course, I've written them. Which I will be. Grateful Hero will be getting it's own little series soon, once I've finished 'Legacy of the Goblin'.

Oh, please, specify. I enjoy a little constructive criticism.
Zev said:
Oh, please, specify. I enjoy a little constructive criticism.

It's just that your characters are difficult to follow. They say things that I would never think of them saying. It's almost as if you write lines for the sole purpose of putting them, in your sig to draw attention to your story.

Something that I copied, but that's besides the point.
That's why they're so funny! :D

I love your stuff, Zev, keep 'em coming!

And about the Schindler's List thing: the parody makes fun of the MOVIE, not the Holocaust. The former I find hilarious, the latter, not so much. I nearly died laughing at that part.
Ocelot said:
Damn dont you people have anything more to do with your time then rip lines outta other things and make scripts out of them? Funny but kinda sad seeing how much effort was put into something like this
And you have nothing more to do with your time than to complain about it?
Zev said:
YOUNG BRUCE: Hmm... I'm growing up in an idyllic setting...

EUROPEANS: Here we come to invade and enslave you all!

YOUNG BRUCE: Oh, I'm sorry. You're supposed to be in The New World.

EUROPEANS: Do we have to? It stars COLIN FARRELL.

YOUNG BRUCE: That's your problem. Anyway, where was I?

KATIE HOLMES: Is our existence not idyllic and serene? It's be a shame if this serenity were to be shattered by some traumatic act of violence.

YOUNG BRUCE: Yes, that would be... wait a minute, I'm growing up with Katie Holmes? Holy ****, I'm in Dawson's Creek!

PAULA COLE: I don't wanna wait... for our lives to be over, doo do doo do do doo...


BRUCE: Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh! Oh, wait... it was all just a dream. Just a horrible dream...

CHINESE MAN: Well... You're safe and sound now, back in good old Chinese prison camp.



CHINESE MAN: Some thugs want to kill you.

BRUCE: Can't they kill me before breakfast?

CHINESE MAN: Hey, I worked hard making this stuff. You don't have to be so mean about it.


MORGAN FREEMAN: I wish I could tell you that Bruce fought the good fight, and the thugs let him be. I wish I could tell you that - but prison is no fairy-tale world. He never said who did it, but we all knew. Things went on like that for awhile - prison life consists of routine, and then more routine. Every so often, Bruce would show up with fresh bruises. The thugs kept at him - sometimes he was able to fight 'em off, sometimes not. And that's how it went for Bruce - that was his routine. I do believe those first two years were the worst for him, and I also believe that if things had gone on that way, this place would have got the best of him.


DUCARD: So, solitary confinement?

BRUCE: Yeah.

DUCARD: Sucks, doesn't it?

BRUCE: Yeah.

DUCARD: Wanna be a ninja?


DUCARD: Okay then, I want you to bring me a flower.

BRUCE: Look, man, I don't swing that way, I don't care what Wertham says...


BRUCE: Oh League of Assassins, I have brought you your flower.

DUCARD: It is a good flower. I especially like the stem... but there is one small problem.

BRUCE: What is that?

DUCARD: We are now... no longer the League of Assassins!

BRUCE: What? Why?

DUCARD: When you think about it, assassin is just the words ass and in. And we don't like things in our ass! Well, except for Larry.

LARRY: Hello sailor!

DUCARD: We are now the League of Shadows. Therefore, we must give you one more test.

BRUCE: Name it.

DUCARD: You must find... another flower!

[dramatic chord]

BRUCE: Not another flower!

DUCARD: Then, when you have found the flower, you must place it here beside this flower, only slightly higher so you get the two-level effect with a little path running down the middle.

LEAGUE OF SHADOWS: A path! A path! A path!

DUCARD: Then, when you have found the shrubbery, you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... with... a herring!

[dramatic chord]


GOYER: See what I'm doing here? I'm starting in media res and flashing back to Bruce's origins. Isn't that just the coolest...

AUDIENCE: You mean, like Burton did in the original Batman?

GOYER: ...Goddamnit.


BAT-DAD: What's that Katie?

KATIE: Ruff ruff!

BAT-DAD: Brucie fell down a well!?


BAT-DAD: Why do we fall, Bruce?

YOUNG BRUCE: So that we can learn how to pick ourselves up?

BAT-DAD: No. So that other people can point at us and laugh. But how do we recoup?

YOUNG BRUCE: By turning it into a breakdance?

BAT-DAD: My boy.


DUCARD: Bruce Wayne, meet Ra's Al Ghul.

BRUCE: Honor to meet you. It's not every day you meet an Al Ghul belonging to a Sun God.

RA'S AL GHUL: ...Goddamnit Wayne.

DUCARD: Tell us... what do you fear?

BRUCE: There are only two things I fear in this world... and one of them is bats... FLASHBACK! (makes Wayne's World noises)

DUCARD: Wait a minute, wait a minute, what's the other thing you fear?

BRUCE: Carnies.


BRUCE: Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Small hands. And they smell like cabbage.


YOUNG BRUCE: Ahh! Ahhhhh! Trinity! No!

BAT-DAD: Bruce, what's wrong? Did you dream about bats again?


BAT-DAD: Do you know why they attacked you?


BAT-DAD: Because you touch yourself at night. So knock it off. Well, g'night son, I'm gonna go get hammered.


BRUCE: On recent thought, nostalgia may have painted a brighter picture of my parents than strictly true. Flashback!


BAT-DAD: Hey, like the monorail? I built it!

YOUNG BRUCE: How'd you do that, dad?

BAT-DAD: Well, it happened like this... FLASHBACK!


BAT-DAD: Well, sir, there's nothing on earth
Like a genuine,
Bona fide,
What'd I say?


BAT-DAD: What's it called?

PATTY & SELMA: Monorail!

BAT-DAD: That's right! Monorail!

CROWD: (chanting) Monorail... monorail... monorail...

MISS HOOVER: I hear those things are awfully loud...

BAT-DAD: It glides as softly as a cloud.

APU: Is there a chance the track could bend?

BAT-DAD: Not on your life, my Hindu friend.

BARNEY: What about us brain-dead slobs?

BAT-DAD: You'll be given cushy jobs.

ABE: Were you sent here by the devil?

BAT-DAD: No, good sir, I'm on the level.

WIGGUM: The ring came off my pudding can.

BAT-DAD: Take my pen knife, my good man.
I swear it's Gotham's only choice...
Throw up your hands and raise your voice!

ALL: Monorail!

BAT-DAD: What's it called?

ALL: Monorail!

BAT-DAD: Once again...

ALL: Monorail!

MARGE: But East End's still all cracked and broken...

BART: Sorry, Mom, the mob has spoken!

ALL: Monorail!
[big finish]

HOMER: Mono... D'oh!


BAT-DAD: And that's how it happened!

YOUNG BRUCE: That's all well and good, but what about the man in red and blue spandex and the other guy with tentacles fighting on that train?

BAT-DAD: Pah! Being able to clearly make out cool action... that's for beatniks!


YOUNG BRUCE: Ahhhh! Ahhh!

BAT-DAD: What's wrong? Is this opera reminding you of the bats?

YOUNG BRUCE: No, it's by Andrew Lloyd Webber!


YOUNG BRUCE: So, we're going home?

BAT-DAD: Yes. There I'll sign the papers on your arranged marriage to Charisma Carpenter, fax those pictures of what really happened at the Kennedy assassination, and submit my foolproof plan on adapting Watchmen to the big screen. Hey, let's take a detour through that scenic dark alley.

JOE CHILL: Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?

BAT-DAD: Awww, goddamnit...

JOE CHILL'S GUN: Bang! Bang!

BAT-DAD: I regret I have but one life to give for the underprivileged!

MARTHA: This hurts almost as much as being named Martha!

BAT-DAD: Bruce...

YOUNG BRUCE: Yes father?

BAT-DAD: Remember the theme of the film...

YOUNG BRUCE: Don't be afraid?

BAT-DAD: My boy... Rosebud!


YOUNG GORDON: Hey, son... wouldn't it be ironic if when we grew up, we fought crime together?

YOUNG BRUCE: Isn't this a little much? Establishing a connection this early in the movie is pointless and way too cute. What's next?

CLARK: Hi, I'm visiting from Smallville... fresh episodes every Wednesday on the WB. And don't miss Superman Returns, coming Summer 2006!



NOT QUITE AS OLD ALFRED: It wasn't your fault, Bruce. It was the guy who shot them's fault.

YOUNG BRUCE: Wow, I never thought of it that way... Michael Caine! What are you doing in a summer blockbuster!?

NOT QUITE AS OLD ALFRED: What are you, kidding? Anything is a step-up from Jaws: The Revenge.


BRUCE: So now you're going to teach me to be a ninja, right?

DUCARD: Yes... there are three things you must know about ninjas.
1. Ninjas are mammals.
2. Ninjas fight ALL the time.
3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.

BRUCE: So, now we spar?

DUCARD: Yeah, pretty much.


DUCARD: It was not your fault your parents died... it was Andrew Lloyd Webber's!


SWORD: Ching!

DUCARD: Wooha!


DUCARD: Careful! If your head comes away from your neck, it's over!

BRUCE: Ah-ha! Got you!

DUCARD: You haven't beaten me. You've sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke.

ICE: Crash!


CLARENCE: Bruce Wayne broke through the ice and died at the age of twenty-five.

GEORGE BAILEY: That's a lie! Bruce Wayne went to war on crime - he saved the lives of every man in that city.

CLARENCE: Every man in that city died! Bruce wasn't there to save them, because you weren't there to save Bruce.


DUCARD: Rub your chest, your arms will take care of themselves.

BRUCE: Okay...

DUCARD: Good, now stroke your nipples. Not that hard, you're not punishing them, you're playing with them.

BRUCE: Okay, this is getting kinda creepy... I'm gonna have a flashback now.

DUCARD: Sure, sure... Now lick 'em a little... oh yeah... that's the stuff...


NOT-AS-YOUNG BRUCE: Stately Wayne manor... just the way I remember it...

ALFRED: ****, he's coming! Hide the keg! Bill, get that lampshade off your head! Hurry! Hurry!

NOT-AS-YOUNG BRUCE: Alfred... 'sup?

ALFRED: Nothing much. Have you come back for Joe Chill's parole hearing?

NOT-AS-YOUNG BRUCE: Oh, yeah, that too...


KATIE: Bruce, we all loved your parents. What Chill did is unforgivable...

NOT-AS-YOUNG BRUCE: Then why is your boss letting him go?

KATIE: Because in prison he shared a cell with Carmine Falcone. He learned things and he'll testify in exchange for early parole.

NOT-AS-YOUNG BRUCE: Everybody got that?


AUDIENCE: Hey! Joe is rehabilitated and remorseful... what an interesting twist! Will Bruce...

ASSASSIN: Dead men say what.



AUDIENCE: Okay... that works too.


NOT-AS-YOUNG BRUCE: The man who killed my parents is dead... now I'll never get revenge!

KATIE: Don't worry, you can still shift the blame to someone else... like Carmine Falcone, who's responsible for all the crime in this city!

NOT-AS-YOUNG BRUCE: That's right, crime is society's fault. And in the end, that fault can always be traced to old, rich white men. (wink)


NOT-AS-YOUNG BRUCE: Carmine Falcone, I'm not afraid of you!

FALCONE: What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you'd come to me in friendship, then this scum that ruined your parents would be suffering this very day. And if by chance an honest man like yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies. And then they would fear you.

NOT-AS-YOUNG BRUCE: Where did that come from?


NOT-AS-YOUNG BRUCE: Hey! I, a very wealthy man, need to switch coats with you, a lowly street hustler.

BUM: Why are we trading places?

EDDIE MURPHY: Hey, this gives me an idea...

To be continued...

Very good, that made me laugh a lot....:up:
Iv'e forgoten what i was replying to now there all longer than five minutes coz I've been at the comp for over an hour now and i was only supposed to be on for ten minutes damn you zev you funny ba stad
Funny! Please make more. :)

Pretty good although your Spidey and X-Men two are the best :)
So are you Republican or Democrat? The eminent Domain and gun comment makes me think rep. but the "Dictator King George" bit raises the question

EDIT:You dont have to answer that.

I read your V in V min.
Holy crap, I just now read this,...

You guys should check out Zev's 5 minute X-Men The Last Stand if you haven't already..

Zev said:
FALCONE: Oh yeah? I'll expose you!

CRANE: I know. So I choose to expose myself!

FALCONE: Please, there are ladies present!

CRANE: I'm talking about the mask, you idiot..
LOL...I love that movie!

Another smashing success, Zev.

My favorite parts:

BAT-DAD: Why do we fall, Bruce?

YOUNG BRUCE: So that we can learn how to pick ourselves up?

BAT-DAD: No. So that other people can point at us and laugh. But how do we recoup?

YOUNG BRUCE: By turning it into a breakdance?

BAT-DAD: My boy.

BRUCE: Don't turn around. I'm pressing a gun into the back of your neck.

GORDON: I knew this would catch up with me! Look, I swear to God, she told me she was eighteen!

BRUCE: Uhhh... yeah. Well, look, I was throwing a war on crime, like to come?

GORDON: Sure. Let me this staple these papers... hey, wait a minute!

BRUCE: Ninja vanish!

I love your use of the word "GAK"

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