Ford, Hemsworth and Oldman Take Paranoia

Basically he's too good for the material is what it sounds like.
Percy Jackson. Three Musketeers. Perks of Being a Wallflower.

One of these things is not like the others.

Because it's actually good. :o
The Hemsworths obviously have some good genes.
Yes they most certainly do.

I've only seen Lerman in Percy Jackson and I thought he was dull as dishwater, of course Percy Jackson was as dull as dishwasher so I'd be hard pressed to blame him.
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Wow, the movie didn't even hit the top ten! That's just awful.
OMG, I just watched this and did Robert Luketic forget how to direct?

There are so many awkward moments. Poor blocking of the actors, weird pauses between dialog, poorly shot accompanied with bad narration.

When I say poorly acted, there's a scene right after Liam and his team got fired, when one of members (with the red pants) could barely say his lines.
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And Amber Heard, who is usually beautiful, has the most awkward intro. It was suppose to be sexy but it was just baffling unsexy. How can you make her unsexy? And they constantly put into these tacky outfits. Lord..
Seeing this thread pop up just made me realize how ****** this movie was. :barf:
It's so bad that I cannot comprehend it.

And I'm not just saying that out of spite.
Liam has 0 screen presence, and I just find him a lazy actor. What ever one may say about his brother, at least he tries.
I think Chris after Rush is a great leading man. Liam will forever live in his shadow unless he can pull a Casey Affleck (who's a stronger actor than his brother Ben)
I think Chris after Rush is a great leading man. Liam will forever live in his shadow unless he can pull a Casey Affleck (who's a stronger actor than his brother Ben)

I agree. Chris has "it" whatever it is. :word: But he also seems to take the craft seriously. Liam is just coasting on looks. That always equals bland.
This was just so incredibly bland, spearheaded by a Ken doll lead with zero screen presence or charisma. The book is actually a good thriller with some well plotted twists and you care about what happens to the main character even though he's no saint.

The movie strips away everything interesting from the book and just leaves this hollow shell of gimmicky technology and 1 dimensional characters, only Harrison Ford looked like he was having any fun.

It has to be one of the most empty movies I've ever seen, it really feels like nothing happens and there are scenes that seem to be just thrown in there to fill out the run time. It's pacing is non existent, there is no build up to anything, no time to get invested as there are no scenes that make you care, and Amber Heard might as well have been a mannequin for all the point her character had in the film.

At times It genuinely felt like they were making it up as they went along.

Just dreadful "for the paycheck only" film making which outside of the limp lead had a stellar cast that were wasted.


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