From Bill's Drawing Board...


Mar 7, 2006
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Well, I guess I decided to throw in a bit of art on the boards. I want to start off with some older work. These first two are drawings I did around '99 when the Matrix was popular. I used my wife as a model and drew two drawings of her as a Trinity-type character. The one that is colored was done so recently.


Here are a few minimate Desktops that I did for some buddies when I was posting on the Art Asylum boards. I liked the minimates, but I think I had more fun doing these pictures than collecting them.


Cool stuff, I'm glad you decided to make your own thread!
Thanks for the comments! Here are a few older drawings. Some of the very few inked items I have. I am very lazy when it comes to inking, and these days I tend to do it digitally. Anything that saves time. ANYway, these two drawings were done around the mid 90's. One is '94 definately. The first is a stippled Spawn. I used to stipple a lot, but, ya know, damn it's a pain. The other is a Spawn/Batman pic.


Okay, last one for tonight...

I did this one for some guys on these very boards. It was for a character they designed and named.

Bill said:
Thanks for the comments! Here are a few older drawings. Some of the very few inked items I have. I am very lazy when it comes to inking, and these days I tend to do it digitally. Anything that saves time. ANYway, these two drawings were done around the mid 90's. One is '94 definately. The first is a stippled Spawn. I used to stipple a lot, but, ya know, damn it's a pain. The other is a Spawn/Batman pic.



See mine is crap compared to this, I would go through so many pages...very excellent!!!
Zolland said:
There is no way I would ever have the patience for something like that. Very good job! :up:

Thanks, but I got very lazy on the girl and his cape. I just couldn't :)
Okay, here's another of a series of "what if" desktops I did for a guy who was collecting them. This one is inspired by the X-Men/ Star Trek crossover comic. It's really just photo-manip, but the Khan pic turned out cool.

Here's a fine art piece I did as a project in college. It's from "The Elephant Man." The movie is a b&w period piece from the early 80's starring John Hurt and Anthony Hopkins, but I decided to do this piece in color. It's a very moving story about a real person, and I recommend it. This piece is actually 17" x 20". It was a mixed media piece with watercolor, graphite and some digital editing. It's much more meaningful if you've seen the movie, but it depicts John Merrick's wish to lay down to sleep like a normal person. Because of his condition, he would suffocate if he laid in a horizontal position.

Consequently, John Merrick was an excellent artist and the part of the poster on the right side is my rendition of his self-portrait in which he draws himself sleeping normally. What is the most moving part of the picture is that his depiction of his own features is not as severe as his actual condition. At that point, he had never seen himself in a mirror.

On a lighter note, here's a Hulk drawing I did about the same time as the Matrix drawings above. The Hulk is my favorite character, but he's also the one I draw the least. I can never get him the way I want.

*sniff* Thats beautiful man

That movie sure does tug at the old heart strings and you have captured the emotion of it well

Good stuff :up:

The rest aint too shabby either
Well bill it's about damn time you put up your own thread full of you awesomness:D Make sure to put up that wicked superboy and gL you did:up: Good other stuff to by the way.
RAMORE said:
Well bill it's about damn time you put up your own thread full of you awesomness:D Make sure to put up that wicked superboy and gL you did:up: Good other stuff to by the way.

Thanks, and here's the Superboy:

Here's a redesigned military-type Batman from the DC redesign thread. I did this version as a Batman that might actually exist according to what can be done in the real world. The armor is an actual design from the Army's Future Force program.

Love that design too. If you haven't already read it on that board i mentioned it could even go farther and give him like siphon filter green goggles.
RAMORE said:
Love that design too. If you haven't already read it on that board i mentioned it could even go farther and give him like siphon filter green goggles.

Yeah, I caught that. I was thinking more along the lines of some Splinter Cell type goggles with NV, Thermals, etc. for his vision needs. Although I couldn't have them glow green all the time.

I would base him very much from Sam Fisher. If you're familiar with the game, he has a lot of Batman's skills. He just has no compunctions about killing.
that's some pretty good stuff ya got there...ya got anatomy down pretty much, i'd suggest working on some better poses though ;)

keep up the great work!
DorkyFresh said:
that's some pretty good stuff ya got there...ya got anatomy down pretty much, i'd suggest working on some better poses though ;)

keep up the great work!

Thanks and thanks. I realize my poses can get a bit...generic. But I'm trying out a new style of rendering a drawing, with a more realistic approach. I'm really not getting into the groove of developing a "comic book" style of drawing.

I'm working on two redesigns for The Question. The characters include a gang of martial artists who dress in white, and carry various weapons. They are named after face cards, ie., King, Queen, Jack, Ten and Ace. Each character must have the letter of their name on their uniform, and I decided that King tattoed his in his chest. I am currently doing King and Queen, but I've only just got King mostly done with his sword left to draw and then coloring. Queen is lightly sketched out.

I'm departing from overly muscled characters and trying to get to a more "real" feel. I've also switched to a slightly more dynamic pose. It's still just a standing one, but I don't want to get too technical with a redesign so as to give the person who came up with the idea a chance to see as much of the costume as possible. We'll see how it progresses.

I just decided to throw this in here. It's The Question's idea for a Catwoman redesign.

Wow Bill some off your artwork is really amazing. I like that Spawn.
Bill said:
Thanks and thanks. I realize my poses can get a bit...generic. But I'm trying out a new style of rendering a drawing, with a more realistic approach. I'm really not getting into the groove of developing a "comic book" style of drawing.[/IMG]
that's cool...i can understand that, but when you DO start getting more interested in poses.......i suggest going to the mall or any wide open public place and start drawing stick figures of people's poses. some of the hardest poses to draw are the most natural ones ;)

anyway, lookin' forward to seein' more work from ya. i like that king drawing
me too about the king drawing^ :up:
Here's the King AND Queen. Still haven't added weapons and color, but I have them blocked in and I'll probably finish this up tomorrow.


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