I'd like to say that while this thread may not have been necessary, it's refreshing to see a new thread that doesn't say "From what I've seen, this movie will suck" or "From what I've seen, I'm not really impressed," etc. True, I have my concerns about the film, but I'm more than willing to be optimistic and everything I've seen has looked really good, IMO.
Another thing I'd like to note... for all the people complaining that he's too young... actors very rarely portray characters who are their exact same age. Most of the "teenagers" you see on TV or in movies are actually closer to if not in their 30's. However, it can easily go the other way as well... younger actors often portray older characters. Now, this is always within limits (a guy in his early 20's should never play a character in his early 60's unless you have a really, REALLY good make up artist) but Routh looks like he could be anywhere from 22 to 35. As does Bosworth (at least with the look they've given her in the film). And the advantage is, that way, if the movie is good, we're sure to see actors returning for sequels for a long time because they won't get too old for the part too fast.