I can understand the appeal for people who find traditional methods of game control too complicated, and I even enjoy motion control when it's well integrated into the game.
As I've said before though, Microsoft and Sony really don't get it when it comes to motion control. Their main selling points seem to be, "It's like the Wii, except more precise and realistic!" But that's not going to appeal to anyone who started gaming with the Wii. The whole reason the Wii has been as successful as it has is because the games generally don't require a great deal of precision.
Look at Wii Sports. Despite the commercials featuring happy people high-fiving over swinging an imaginary tennis racquet or throwing an imaginary bowling ball, the actual motions required are just vague flicks of the wrist. If Wii Sports actually demanded the realistic motions and stances you see in the commercials, it would have been a failure.
I think Move will flop and Natal will be a bit more successful if only because it at least appears that Microsoft is more commited to their product.