Gender Reverse Earth thread


Dec 29, 2006
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Well, the Gender reverse Earth is going to be apart of the DC Multiverse. So, at some point, someone was going to make a thread to talk about it. So here it is.

I still find it funny that the Gender reverse Earth was never apart of the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" and DC just said it was just gone like it was never there to begin with. :huh: Even that much like the Antimatter Universe it to was a Universe where everything was reversed.

Both Superwoman and Batwoman has already been named. Superwoman is Clara Kent. And Batwoman is Helena Wayne. And don't ask me why. :huh:

Have fun.:woot:

^What she said.

What are transgender people on alternate universes? The same thing? What a cruel fate.

Well, instead of being a man trying to be a woman, the guy would be a woman trying to be a man.
Transgenders are people that express aspects of both genders. You're thinking of transvestites.
You're thinking of Hermaphrodites, transgenders are people actively trying to change their sex.
Webster is telling me my definition is 'too broad.'

Instead of transgender, I should say, transsexuals or intersexuals (i.e. hermaphrodites).
Well, if you're talking about people with both a sching schwong and a who who, then yeah, they'd be pretty much the same, if you're talking about people who took some pills to slim their wastes or bulk up and grow hair, grow some boobs or get peck implants, in order to change over from what they are, to what they feel they should have been, then I suppose i'd be right as well.
Well, if you're talking about people with both a sching schwong and a who who, then yeah, they'd be pretty much the same...

Is that what kids are calling it these days? I was under the impression it was a penis and a vagina. Genitalia works too.
I think DC said that they would chance some of the costumes so they don't look so identical to there counterparts.
Nice outfit there, Black Condor. And Wonder Man is wearing the star spangled shorts! Fabulous!!!
Nice outfit there, Black Condor. And Wonder Man is wearing the star spangled shorts! Fabulous!!!

Believe it or not that supposed to be "Wonder Warrior" to avoid calling him "Wonder Man".:cwink: And yes they costume are disturbing. You should have seen Superlad's original costume look like. Something like what his counterpart Supergirl's costume. But as you can see with the other pic they changed that.:woot:
Here the cover to Countdown Presents: The Search for Ray Palmer: Superwoman/Batwoman #1:woot:

Don't most hermaphrodites appear to be more one gender than the other? On the reverse gender Earth, the more male-like hermaphrodites would probably look more female and vice-versa.

Androgynous people, on the other hand, would probably look the same.
Photo, she's manish... and it's not the hair.

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