OK, I saw it...
Sorry to say this, Romero fans, but I think old George has gotten a little squirrelly and ham-handed in his old age.
The zombie scenes were well-done for the most part, and there was some effective gore (if a bit too familiar), but the dialog was HORRIBLE. I could have overlooked the terrible script and pathetic delivery by the actors if this was just another fun, B-movie splatterfest, but this movie takes itself so damn seriously that it's hilarious for all the wrong reasons.
The insufferable narration by one of the main characters keeps reminding us that the metaphor this time around is the public's voyeuristic obsession with online videos. OK, we got it the 20th time - please give it a rest. Just in case we're still missing the point, there are actual montages of previous scenes that are repeated to remind us, coupled with more pointless voiceover philosophizing. Back in the day, the racial metaphors in the original NOTLD and the consumerism metaphors in DawnOTD were not beaten into our heads so humorlessly, so what's with the sledgehammer this time around, George?
Seriously - you're better off going to see
Cloverfield again. For die-hard Romero-fans only, and even then, prepare to be disappointed.
Rating: 5/10