Ghost Rider & The Midnight Son's Magazine


Sep 27, 2003
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So, I just got this magazine in a recent shipment and have to say that it's definatly not what I expected when ordering. I gotta say that I'm pleasently surprised with it though. There's a bevy of information on the cast of the midnight sons and the creators (had no idea that Bobbie Chase was female, by the way. Why? I don't know). I'm only about half way into the thing and I've already learn't so much.

Anybody else have this gem?
Yeah, I like that one, too. Was not to easy to get it in Germany, though.

Do you have a picture of the cover? I don't seem to recognize what comic you're talking about.
I have never seen that before. Looks like there is yet another comic I have to look for.


Thanks Doc
Well, technically, it's not a comic. It's a magazine. There's interviews, articles, profiles and whatnot of some of the creators/developers of the midnight sons. There's also profiles and a lot of history of where the midnight sons came from, the Darkhold, baddies. All kinds of great ****!
I got my copy from Great service, by the way. I had no troubles and I used a money order system.
FlameHead said:
(had no idea that Bobbie Chase was female, by the way. Why? I don't know).

I always thought she was kind of hot. She's not with Marvel anymore, is she? Wonder whatever happened to her...?
That's a good question. I'm not sure at all what else she's done, before or after this...

I am interested now to see a pic though....
CaptainStacy said:
I always thought she was kind of hot. She's not with Marvel anymore, is she? Wonder whatever happened to her...?

Yeah she is sorta hot, but shes also incompetent (as evident by her work on ghostrider) .......... which I suspect is why she is not around anymore. Either that or shes got a sugardaddy.
Reaper said:
Yeah she is sorta hot, but shes also incompetent (as evident by her work on ghostrider) .......... which I suspect is why she is not around anymore. Either that or shes got a sugardaddy.

Man, the way I see it, she deserves a lot of props for a lot of the great stuff we got in the 90's. That Midnight Son's Magazine that I have taught me a lot about here. Built a sort of respect for those behind the scenes that never get reconition. The ones that hold the team together, making sure everyone is on the same page.
That "great stuff" is open to interpretation, but you gotta admit she oversaw the convolution of the medallion of power mythos being added to the Noble Kale. That alone is crappy editing, she was in charge of allowing that or not, she failed. Then of course you got the siege of darkness saga which wandered aimlessly through the wilderness. The confusion that befell the 2nd series could have been avoided by a competent editor.
Reaper said:
That "great stuff" is open to interpretation, but you gotta admit she oversaw the convolution of the medallion of power mythos being added to the Noble Kale. That alone is crappy editing, she was in charge of allowing that or not, she failed. Then of course you got the siege of darkness saga which wandered aimlessly through the wilderness. The confusion that befell the 2nd series could have been avoided by a competent editor.

Really? I thought Siege Of Darkness was extremely entertaining. Like you said; great stuff is open to interpretation.
It was Bobbie Chase's departure as editor on GHOST RIDER that led to Howard Mackie quitting the book as well - the incoming editor, James Felder, wanted to take the book in a different direction than Mackie. Felder won out, obviously, as he got his direction with Ivan Velez and the Noble Kale storyline.

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