Action-Adventure Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

Looks like upgraded proton packs:

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Yeah the title feels/sounds off.

The trailer does nothing to me. I didn't enjoy the last movie, so I will catch this on streaming.
GREAT teaser!

Also, looks like Elsa had another episode.....and the wrong kind of team has to deal with it.
Afterlife I thought was okay. I want to preface that before saying what I thought of this trailer. My overall impression was....meh. Just didn't do anything for me. I hope the movie is good, but just....meh
Trailer looked neat.
I never was this huge Ghostbusters fan and dont get why people hold the old ones to such high standards...but i liked them and the new one enough that i do look forward to this sequel.
Looks good and i do think the whole IP has potential moving forward.
I’ve seen some online reactions wondering why this franchise has turned from a comedy to a serious epic. I don’t think it’s that extreme a change but I do think Sony knows it’s not easy to replicate the comedic style of the original, especially after the reboot failed.
I’ve seen some online reactions wondering why this franchise has turned from a comedy to a serious epic. I don’t think it’s that extreme a change but I do think Sony knows it’s not easy to replicate the comedic style of the original, especially after the reboot failed.
I've seen that too, it's a strange take given how the original has some serious dark tones too. It balances the horror and the comedy like no other movie, true, but it never avoided the "epicness".
It's a weird complaint to have.
I've seen that too, it's a strange take given how the original has some serious dark tones too. It balances the horror and the comedy like no other movie, true, but it never avoided the "epicness".
It's a weird complaint to have.
Sounds a lot of people online need to rewatch the original Ghostbusters again.
I think I'll enjoy this more than Afterlife.
I’m not a huge Ghostbusters fan, but I really liked this trailer.
You would had to have grown up in the 80's to understand why Ghostbusters was so important. It was a pop culture phenomenon like no other.

After the film, the Real Ghostbusters animated series came out, and that quickly became the most popular children's show at the time.

Every 80's kid wanted to be a Ghostbuster.
You would had to have grown up in the 80's to understand why Ghostbusters was so important. It was a pop culture phenomenon like no other.

After the film, the Real Ghostbusters animated series came out, and that quickly became the most popular children's show at the time.

Every 80's kid wanted to be a Ghostbuster.

As an 80's kid, I can vouch for this.
I am a fan of the original Ghostbusters film. Very much so. But the tone isn't why this is off to me. The entire movie just kind of feels....stock to me. Going by the trailer. It just feels like another generic Sony blockbuster. It's like watching a trailer for Scorcher 6 from. Tropic Thunder if they were actually trying to make a serious movie out of it. I hope the movie showcases more personality when it actually comes out, but the trailer is just so blah to me. That and the CG looks very bad on the ice effects.
I am a fan of the original Ghostbusters film. Very much so. But the tone isn't why this is off to me. The entire movie just kind of feels....stock to me. Going by the trailer. It just feels like another generic Sony blockbuster.
After reading that comment that the movie is influenced by the Real Ghostbusters animated series is actually quite fitting. The trailer made me feel like this movie finally breaks free from the originals and starts exploring the possibilities of the concept and the universe, much like it was explored in that show (and those ideas floating around about 3). New characters, new threats, new equipment, new gear. Is like the burden has been lifted after Afterlife and they're having fun. That's at least how I felt after watching it. Totally Ghostbuster-y in tone but also something fresh and new which, to me, is the best route they could've gone if they wanted to keep the franchise alive without ignoring the original ghostbusters *coughs2016coughs*.
After reading that comment that the movie is influenced by the Real Ghostbusters animated series is actually quite fitting. The trailer made me feel like this movie finally breaks free from the originals and starts exploring the possibilities of the concept and the universe, much like it was explored in that show (and those ideas floating around about 3). New characters, new threats, new equipment, new gear. Is like the burden has been lifted after Afterlife and they're having fun. That's at least how I felt after watching it. Totally Ghostbuster-y in tone but also something fresh and new which, to me, is the best route they could've gone if they wanted to keep the franchise alive without ignoring the original ghostbusters *coughs2016coughs*.

My first reaction when seeing the main villain was "Samhain?", but it clearly isn't.

The more influences from the cartoon, the better, imo.
After reading that comment that the movie is influenced by the Real Ghostbusters animated series is actually quite fitting. The trailer made me feel like this movie finally breaks free from the originals and starts exploring the possibilities of the concept and the universe, much like it was explored in that show (and those ideas floating around about 3). New characters, new threats, new equipment, new gear. Is like the burden has been lifted after Afterlife and they're having fun. That's at least how I felt after watching it. Totally Ghostbuster-y in tone but also something fresh and new which, to me, is the best route they could've gone if they wanted to keep the franchise alive without ignoring the original ghostbusters *coughs2016coughs*.

Never watched the cartoon growing up much. But I am also not asking for this to be just like the original movie. I am all for a new direction. I just wish it didn't look so boring to me. At its core, the original movie is a simple movie about friends starting a business with an eccentric concept. It's a clever movie. Afterlife wasn't a perfect movie to me and fell into bad nostalgia bait that torpedoes the 2nd half of it for me, but I liked the overall Stranger Things but Ghostbusters vibe it was aiming for. This just looks like a generic the world is ending blockbuster that everyone else is doing to me. I wish I was more enthusiastic about what I saw in the trailer, but it just didn't do anything for me. This just might be another IP like Star Wars where I might just might be over it and stick with the OG material I like (in the case of Ghostbusters, basically just the original movie).
Never watched the cartoon growing up much. But I am also not asking for this to be just like the original movie. I am all for a new direction. I just wish it didn't look so boring to me. At its core, the original movie is a simple movie about friends starting a business with an eccentric concept. It's a clever movie. Afterlife wasn't a perfect movie to me and fell into bad nostalgia bait that torpedoes the 2nd half of it for me, but I liked the overall Stranger Things but Ghostbusters vibe it was aiming for. This just looks like a generic the world is ending blockbuster that everyone else is doing to me. I wish I was more enthusiastic about what I saw in the trailer, but it just didn't do anything for me. This just might be another IP like Star Wars where I might just might be over it and stick with the OG material I like (in the case of Ghostbusters, basically just the original movie).

Although I'm excited for GB:FE, I get it. Everything you're saying makes sense to me--it does look generic, but it is new ground for the live action side of this franchise, particularly.

I also had a problem with how rehashed the second half of Afterlife was, but it was saved for me by their farewell to Harold and, well, the joy of getting to see the OGs return, however briefly. I just wish that they'd done something different than the Keymaster/Gatekeeper thing again. Would have been nice, lore-wise, if Shandor's backup plan in Summerville had some alternate ceremony to summon Gozer back to this world. The mini-Pufts were also lame and served no purpose. Stay Puft was just an alternate form Gozer had taken, and now they're acting like there's an additional link between the two, just to have another throwback.

The thing is, GB is never going to be like the first film was ever again--the driving point of/main attraction of the original film was "hey, aren't these schlubby scientists so quirky?" It wasn't really very much about the Ghostbusting... but you can't replicate that premise again unless each film is going to be about a new team that can be quirky in new ways. In the original film, the premise is in service to the characters.

Immediately, the animated series did the opposite. The characters were now in service to the premise--which is far more interesting to me, and much more logical (as I said, you can't just coast on zany characters for very long). GB2 continued this, as did Extreme Ghostbusters, the reboot, Afterlife and so-on. It's why most of the discourse about this franchise now is so bizarre to me--GB being this epic started as soon as The Real Ghostbusters and isn't new. And while the franchise did shift focus right away, I don't understand how it's a bad thing.

I saw a comment yesterday complaining that GB:FE is absurd, comparing the original film to Caddyshack, and this argument is laughable--Ghostbusters has all the building blocks of a superhero franchise, and some folks are deliberately distorting the facts purely to find fault. Ghostbusters may have been a comedy, but let's not act like it's premise isn't high concept. Happy Gilmore and Caddyshack are one thing. GB is another, and it's frustrating to have such ridiculous takes catch fire all over the internet.

If somebody isn't interested in Ghostbusters as a premise, that's fine--but it drives me nuts when folks get determined to try and make their opinion somehow authoritative via weak or illogical arguments.
Although I'm excited for GB:FE, I get it. Everything you're saying makes sense to me--it does look generic, but it is new ground for the live action side of this franchise, particularly.

I also had a problem with how rehashed the second half of Afterlife was, but it was saved for me by their farewell to Harold and, well, the joy of getting to see the OGs return, however briefly. I just wish that they'd done something different than the Keymaster/Gatekeeper thing again. Would have been nice, lore-wise, if Shandor's backup plan in Summerville had some alternate ceremony to summon Gozer back to this world. The mini-Pufts were also lame and served no purpose. Stay Puft was just an alternate form Gozer had taken, and now they're acting like there's an additional link between the two, just to have another throwback.

The thing is, GB is never going to be like the first film was ever again--the driving point of/main attraction of the original film was "hey, aren't these schlubby scientists so quirky?" It wasn't really very much about the Ghostbusting... but you can't replicate that premise again unless each film is going to be about a new team that can be quirky in new ways. In the original film, the premise is in service to the characters.

Immediately, the animated series did the opposite. The characters were now in service to the premise--which is far more interesting to me, and much more logical (as I said, you can't just coast on zany characters for very long). GB2 continued this, as did Extreme Ghostbusters, the reboot, Afterlife and so-on. It's why most of the discourse about this franchise now is so bizarre to me--GB being this epic started as soon as The Real Ghostbusters and isn't new. And while the franchise did shift focus right away, I don't understand how it's a bad thing.

I saw a comment yesterday complaining that GB:FE is absurd, comparing the original film to Caddyshack, and this argument is laughable--Ghostbusters has all the building blocks of a superhero franchise, and some folks are deliberately distorting the facts purely to find fault. Ghostbusters may have been a comedy, but let's not act like it's premise isn't high concept. Happy Gilmore and Caddyshack are one thing. GB is another, and it's frustrating to have such ridiculous takes catch fire all over the internet.

If somebody isn't interested in Ghostbusters as a premise, that's fine--but it drives me nuts when folks get determined to try and make their opinion somehow authoritative via weak or illogical arguments.

Like I said, it isn't the epic tone or anything. It's the fact it just looks uninteresting. Ghostbusters II I never liked much cause it's just essentially the 1st movie but much worse, which isn't a sequel style I love. Then Afterlife just torpedoes in 2nd half for me. [BGCOLOR=initial]Like I said earlier, this trailer felt like watching the Tropic Thunder joke trailer for Scorcher 6, only this time it isn't meant to be a joke. There just isn't anything unique to me here to latch onto. The movie not being like the 1st movie I don't think is valid excuse to just make an overall generic and forgettable movie. Again, I hope when this gets screened, reviews and such show me something I am not seeing here. But if this is going to be the movie, it just won't be my cup of tea. Given recent Sony blockbusters, I am inclined to think this will ultimately turn out as advertised.[/BGCOLOR]
Like I said, it isn't the epic tone or anything. It's the fact it just looks uninteresting. Ghostbusters II I never liked much cause it's just essentially the 1st movie but much worse, which isn't a sequel style I love. Then Afterlife just torpedoes in 2nd half for me. [BGCOLOR=initial]Like I said earlier, this trailer felt like watching the Tropic Thunder joke trailer for Scorcher 6, only this time it isn't meant to be a joke. There just isn't anything unique to me here to latch onto. The movie not being like the 1st movie I don't think is valid excuse to just make an overall generic and forgettable movie. Again, I hope when this gets screened, reviews and such show me something I am not seeing here. But if this is going to be the movie, it just won't be my cup of tea. Given recent Sony blockbusters, I am inclined to think this will ultimately turn out as advertised.[/BGCOLOR]
Everything about this revival franchise looks like a Tropic Thunder joke. That first Afterlife trailer with The Force Awakens energy framing the Ghostbusters like Jedi was hysterical. By far the weakest, most embarrassing legacy franchise.
You would had to have grown up in the 80's to understand why Ghostbusters was so important. It was a pop culture phenomenon like no other.

After the film, the Real Ghostbusters animated series came out, and that quickly became the most popular children's show at the time.

Every 80's kid wanted to be a Ghostbuster.

Without the cartoon, the fanbase would not be as big as it is. Yeah, my dad made me watch the movies a lot of times, but the cartoon and toys were a bigger factor in my fandom.

Which is why the nostalgia and reverence to the movie don't hit for me as it does others.

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