"God doesn't play at dice"


Mar 17, 2006
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This phrase attributed to Albert Einstein alludes to the role of something other than chance in the FF receiving their powers via cosmic ray bombardment in space.
Firstly, by Reed's own admission, many others have ventured into space, but only he, his confreres in the FF, the Red Ghost and his three Super Apes, the U-Foes, and Dr Volkh of the Bogatyri( the origin of whose ductile abilities seem to parallel Reed's own stretching ones) have developed super powers as a result of being bombarded by cosmic rays.
This trongly suggests that something that other than pure chance is the issue( after all, Reed-or God forbid, Sue-could just as easily have turned into the Thing-as happened in an alternate reality whilst Ben and Johnny could have developed invisibility or stretching powers. Remember they all were all bombarbed by the same rays- which seem to ahve triggered a latent mutation in each just as the U-Foes and Red Ghost did)
I think this ought to be debated-unlike mutants such as the X-Men who are at least born with the potential of their powers-the possibility of some kind of "intelligent design" is at least arguable.

This was the first topic JMS covered when he came on board a few months ago.
When recruited for a government experiment to duplicate the FF's initial trip into the cosmic rays, Reed begins to realize that they each gained powers that seem to be representative of their personalities.

Do you read the book?
It also proves they were meant to be heroes in the what if they succeed in their mission in space.
And who gave Stan and Jack THEIR personalities( I'm not talking about their respective parents!!!)?

Fantasyartist said:
And who gave Stan and Jack THEIR personalities( I'm not talking about their respective parents!!!)?


What is the point of this thread? Other than unsubtle proslytizing?

People's personalities are the result of hereditary traits and environment.


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