Guardians of the Galaxy GOTG animated series


Part-time Mutant
Apr 19, 2010
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Are there any thoughts on where this could possibly go?

The look reminds me of Tron Uprising and Motorcity, two series I enjoyed a lot. I'd love if that was at least the level of quality they were going for here.
I'm cautiously optimistic. The animation looks quite a bit better than in Marvel's current shows and Stephen Wacker has made comments about not needing to dumb down shows just because they're "for kids." So that's encouraging, but Marvel's less than stellar recent output is where the caution comes in.

I suppose that it's too much to ask that they not so blatantly try to ape off of the movies. Seriously, Avengers Assemble has the six movie Avengers plus Falcon (who played a major role in TWS) and this apparently has the five movie Guardians. I would think that it'd make more sense to also include different characters in order to familiarize the GA to them and potentially set them up for future films. Moondragon, Phyla-veil, Mantis, Adam Warlock, etc. So many to choose from, so they could have their cake and eat it to.
Some early concept art looked a little less of a direct import of the movie (mostly a more classic appearance of Starlord). However, I can't blame them for following the popularity of the movies. They're have a lot more episodes to fill, so I suspect they will draw from more of the Guardians comics than the movie was able to.
Some early concept art looked a little less of a direct import of the movie (mostly a more classic appearance of Starlord). However, I can't blame them for following the popularity of the movies. They're have a lot more episodes to fill, so I suspect they will draw from more of the Guardians comics than the movie was able to.

Which concept art please?
Wait, is the cartoon going to be set in the MCU? or in the same universe as the other ongoing Marvel Cartoons?
Wait, is the cartoon going to be set in the MCU? or in the same universe as the other ongoing Marvel Cartoons?

Have no idea but I rather it be the former not the latter
‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Animated Series Is Unrelated to Films
Germain Lussier said:
Rumor had it that the show, which will air on Disney XD starting in 2015, would take place in the time period between the first and second movie. While that may be what the show’s creators are thinking, that’s not what the main creative force behind the films, James Gunn thinks. At all.

Is that what somebody said? Because that’s not true. There’s no way,” Gunn told us. “It’s totally separate from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and whoever said that, it pisses me off.” In fact it was Stephen Wacker, Marvel’s vice president for animation, who told the New York Times “the show’s plot would pick up where the movie left off.” Now, there’s obviously some semantics here. Wacker probably means the team is all together, like at the end of the movie. Either way, do not think of the Guardians of the Galaxy animated series as Guardians 1.5.

Disney Pins Hopes on ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Show
‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ TV Show Is Latest Hope for Disney XD Channel
Well that stinks. An Animated TV show in the MCU would be pretty cool. Although it might restrict the characters they can use.
I'm cautiously optimistic. The animation looks quite a bit better than in Marvel's current shows and Stephen Wacker has made comments about not needing to dumb down shows just because they're "for kids." So that's encouraging, but Marvel's less than stellar recent output is where the caution comes in.

I suppose that it's too much to ask that they not so blatantly try to ape off of the movies. Seriously, Avengers Assemble has the six movie Avengers plus Falcon (who played a major role in TWS) and this apparently has the five movie Guardians. I would think that it'd make more sense to also include different characters in order to familiarize the GA to them and potentially set them up for future films. Moondragon, Phyla-veil, Mantis, Adam Warlock, etc. So many to choose from, so they could have their cake and eat it to.

Don't hold your breath. Marvel animation has sucked ever since they decided to make their animation a direct representation of the movies and pretend that the comics don't exist. Just look at Avengers: Assemble. Their team is an exact copy of the MCU. Only difference is the Falcon, and it's obviously just because of diversity that they added him. Marvel absolutely refuses to add any new characters to their roster until they show up in the movies first, which is sad. How are people supposed to get exited for new characters if they don't show them. So, don't expect Moondragon, or any of those other characters, because they don't exist to Marvel. It has been rumored however, that Moondragon has a small cameo in AOU. She's possibly that woman in the last trailer behind Thor as he's being electrocuted.

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