Yeah, I love "Grease", so what? Do something 
One of the only 2 musicals I really love (the other being "Singing in the rain")
Seriously, everything's perfect in this movie.
It would be scientifically impossible to replicate the amount of awesome that Travolta had on this movie.
One of the best scenes ever.
Everything's amazing until the 2:46 mark, where Travolta appears....then it turns glorious.
At the very end of the clip, Vince Fontaine, with his awesome "front flip microphone grab", proves he's one of the best human beings ever.
Yeah, this movie rules.

One of the only 2 musicals I really love (the other being "Singing in the rain")
Seriously, everything's perfect in this movie.
It would be scientifically impossible to replicate the amount of awesome that Travolta had on this movie.
One of the best scenes ever.
Everything's amazing until the 2:46 mark, where Travolta appears....then it turns glorious.
At the very end of the clip, Vince Fontaine, with his awesome "front flip microphone grab", proves he's one of the best human beings ever.
Yeah, this movie rules.