Iron Man 3 Guy Pearce is Aldrich Killian

The "fire breathing thing" came straight from the comics. There was nothing cheesy about it.

It may have been in the comics, but I'm just saying, why include it into the movie when it's literally those few seconds and they never did anything else with the concept again?
It may have been in the comics, but I'm just saying, why include it into the movie when it's literally those few seconds and they never did anything else with the concept again?

Maybe because he never needed to use it before. What did you want him to do, light a cigarette with his fire breath? Heat up some hot dogs with it? He didn't have an action sequence until the end.
Maybe because he never needed to use it before. What did you want him to do, light a cigarette with his fire breath? Heat up some hot dogs with it? He didn't have an action sequence until the end.

you kinda answered your own question: he indeed does have the action sequence near the end, so why not use it there?
What was the fire breathing-thing used for anyway? Killian spit fire one time in a threatning fashion and then Rhodey had his comedic line "So you breath fire? Ok". I'm sure it means a lot more in the comics

you seemingly liked the idea that Killian could breath fire, and that's fine by me, but the question is did it need to be there. It's kinda such a far out idea to put there that it's weird just having it established and not do anything with it. I'm sure that if it's from the comics like you said, they had more than a single panel where he spit fire and nothing with that ever again
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Great thread, some really nice analysis of the character here. I have to be honest, I'm not a comic book reader, but I'm a fan of the "Iron Man" films and Guy Pearce. Obviously the combination pleased me greatly.

Anyway, some of the posts here have hinted at the possibility that we'll see him again? Can anyone give me a few basic reasons why I can hope (fantasize) about seeing Killian in another Marvel film?

Thanks much
There's an old saying in Marvel comics: Nobody ever stays dead in the Marvel Universe, except Uncle Ben. The "resurrection" of Agent Coulson in the upcoming "Agents of SHIELD" TV series is proof of that.

It just comes down to whether or not the studio feels like they could get more mileage out of the character. If they do feel that way, then it'd be simple enough to say that Extremis-enhanced Killian is basically immortal, and survived the blast from Pepper.

The only way I'd really see him coming back, though, is if they choose to put together a "Masters of Evil" supervillain team for, say, Avengers 2, as a lot of posters here seem to hope.
Thanks--it really would be fairly easy, and not require too much greater suspension of disbelief to say that Killian either cloned himself, re-grew himself or whatever. With genetics, writers can get quite creative.

Even if they go with that MoE story line, it's still a question whether or not Pearce would reprise the role (I think he almost never re-visits a part). I think if Wheddon composed a good script, though, he'd probably be on board
I would love for Pearce to come back. I think he would be awesome if was like the Norman Osbourne/Doctor Doom of this universe since it's obvious they won't be getting those guys soon.
I think his death was ambiguous enough, what with his healing factor, to say he survived and that SHIELD dug him out of the wreckage and shoves him in a holding cell somewhere.
Now that it's been revealed there was another Mandarin and Killian is no longer the MCU's version of that character, anyone thinks he should return? Considering his death was ambiguous enough, and that he's no longer the main head of the Ten Rings, i think they should have him in some holding cell along with the other surviving villains of the MCU (Abomination, Leader, Batroc (?) ). The universe definitely needs more villains, since it's so crowded with heroes, it could also be helpful once they decide to adapt the masters of evil or Cabal.
He will always be the Mandarin for me. No matter what AHTK says
I've opened up to him basically stealing propaganda and such, but AFA I give a frick, he is the Mandarin. AHTK was basically "hey sorry pls sorry sorry" to all the bandwagon Mandarin "fanatics."

I hate that they killed him off, Pearce can play one hell of a villain.
I've opened up to him basically stealing propaganda and such, but AFA I give a frick, he is the Mandarin. AHTK was basically "hey sorry pls sorry sorry" to all the bandwagon Mandarin "fanatics."

I hate that they killed him off, Pearce can play one hell of a villain.

Yeh he's so freakin epic I loved him as Aldrich Killian, and his powers were hella cool
I think his death was ambiguous enough, what with his healing factor, to say he survived and that SHIELD dug him out of the wreckage and shoves him in a holding cell somewhere.
But he exploded, how can he come back, maybe Brant can because she wasnt disintigrated.
Aldrich killian is aldrich killian, he should be the villain of his own, not the mandarin
He doesn't need to come back. He's served his purpose.
He should back as half human and half dragon later and adopted identitiy of Fin Fang Foom lol

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