Iron Man 3: Aldrich Killian's True Supervillain Alias Identified


Aug 1, 2012
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For anyone who has NOT seen Iron Man 3. Please go back and leave this page until you do. And for those of you who have seen the movie PLEASE understand this....

that just because the twist in Iron Man 3 made Aldrich Killian the film's true main antagonist along with the character saying that he is the Mandarin does NOT mean he really is the Mandarin. NO, because it only meant that he was the bad guy that Tony was really after and not only did he NOT were 10 rings on his fingers like the official Mandarin and did not posess all the powers the Mandarin has. Only one so lets take a good look at more of the Information below.

After seeing Iron Man 3, Aldrich Killian, creator of the Extrmis virus did inject the serum into himself and become super fast and strong like Savin, Taggert, Brant and all the other test subjects but by injecting the Extremis virus into himself not only does he have healing abilities which gives him speed and strength but also the ability to breath fire from his mouth like a dragon which turns him NOT into the Mandarin but into an "Extremis enchanced" version of this supervillain


and to help prove my theory is specific enough for all of you to understand take a look at this picture of the character and Firebrand below

Now you will notice that on the top part of the picture are Aldrich Killian from Iron Man 3 and Firebrand from the 1994 animated series and that on the bottom part of the picture both Killian and Firebrand from Iron Man Armored Adventures are breathing fire from their mouths. Plus with Killian regenerating his left arm like lave flowing out of a volcano and with glowing like lava and by melting the spot on the Iron Man armor in between the neck and the chest piece, Firebrand really does fit Aldrich Killian's Extremis ego and if Firebrand was never really Aldrich Killian or an Extremis based character that can regenerate limbs so what? Consider Killian in the movie as a new version of Firebrand otherwise you'll just be making the situation worse for everyone else, including yourselves.

Afterall we all know that wth Aldrich Killian appearing as a fire weilding Extremis Maniac, he does appear to be a more improved Firebrand than some cheap and unwanted knockoff of a Mandarin and Firebrand did have a grudge against Tony Stark
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I think he was supposed to be a little bit Fing Fang Foom, actually. Dragon tattoos and fire breathing and such.
Good find. They really went to the bottom of the Iron Man villain barrel and then just pulled everything they found together.
Good find. They really went to the bottom of the Iron Man villain barrel and then just pulled everything they found together.

Thank you! And I definately agree with you on your statement there
Yeah nice find. Didn't even know about that villain. Iron Man's rogue gallery sucks.
Or, here's a better interpretation:

They used the "known" properties of Extremis from Warren Ellis' book. There is only one "Extremis soldier" in Ellis' original --- namely, Mallen. The MCU ups the ante by creating a whole army of them. But comic-book Mallen had all the powers that MCU Killian had, including the fire breath.

So Black rewrote Extremis and had Killian assume Mallen's role, and infect himself with the virus instead of giving it to a white supremacist domestic terrorist. Killian's character in the movie is an amalgamation of Mallen, "real" Killian, and The Mandarin.

But for purposes of the MCU, Killian *is* The Mandarin, whether you choose to like it or not.

P.S.: Why is this not in the IM3 boards, where it belongs?
P.P.S.: Why did you give away the whole spoiler in the title of the thread?
Given that Killian started AIM, and Tony and Happy kept referring to his "big brain", I sort of thought he was an allegory for MODOK at first.
Given that Killian started AIM, and Tony and Happy kept referring to his "big brain", I sort of thought he was an allegory for MODOK at first.

Could be.
Geez, what if they're planning to have a badly misshapen and Extremis-immortal Killian come back in that form.....? :wow:
Could be.
Geez, what if they're planning to have a badly misshapen and Extremis-immortal Killian come back in that form.....? :wow:

I could totally see that. Lord knows he survived enough horrible stuff already, and he clearly had a superior form of the Extremis ( or for whatever other reason was more powerful than the soldiers ).
Or, here's a better interpretation:

They used the "known" properties of Extremis from Warren Ellis' book. There is only one "Extremis soldier" in Ellis' original --- namely, Mallen. The MCU ups the ante by creating a whole army of them. But comic-book Mallen had all the powers that MCU Killian had, including the fire breath.

So Black rewrote Extremis and had Killian assume Mallen's role, and infect himself with the virus instead of giving it to a white supremacist domestic terrorist. Killian's character in the movie is an amalgamation of Mallen, "real" Killian, and The Mandarin.

i see more of Mallen in Savin than Killian.
I am actually very surprised this thread is allowed to persist. Spoilers abound.

But anyway, I see no Firebrand in Guy Pearce's character. Nor Melter. Nor Mandarin.

I see Killian and Mallen. And the conception of The Mandarin archetype.

I thought Jack Taggert and Ellen Brandt were wasted. But I think it's funny that "Firepower" was used purely for the sake of an explosion.
Guy Pearce is a combination of Killian, Mandarin, Firebrand, Mallen and MODOK. It's genius really :whatever:
Yah, let's just forget about the part that says he's the true Mandarin, lol.
The dragon tattoos are a Mandarin reference, as comic Mandarin is sometimes drawn with a dragon tattoo on his chest. That's why Shane Black himself referenced the dragon tattoo when saying in the same sentence that Killian is the Mandarin. Shane Black says it outright, guys, Killian is the Mandarin and his dragon tattoo is a part of that, a reference to Mandarin having a dragon tattoo on his chest.
I pray they get Pearce into a Daredevil costume soon! He was the one I wanted before Affleck was announced and now he looks even more the part! With that jawline he'd be perfect! And one line he delivered in Iron man was in perfect DD voice! Come on, Marvel! He's the closest thing you've got to Spider-Man so make it happen! Help us forget about Johnson/Affleck disaster!
The dragon tattoos are a Mandarin reference, as comic Mandarin is sometimes drawn with a dragon tattoo on his chest. That's why Shane Black himself referenced the dragon tattoo when saying in the same sentence that Killian is the Mandarin. Shane Black says it outright, guys, Killian is the Mandarin and his dragon tattoo is a part of that, a reference to Mandarin having a dragon tattoo on his chest.

The fan denial is really starting to get hilarious.
Spider‑Man;25824829 said:
I pray they get Pearce into a Daredevil costume soon! He was the one I wanted before Affleck was announced and now he looks even more the part! With that jawline he'd be perfect! And one line he delivered in Iron man was in perfect DD voice! Come on, Marvel! He's the closest thing you've got to Spider-Man so make it happen! Help us forget about Johnson/Affleck disaster!

Given that Pearce was Killian/Mandarin, I doubt they are going to use him for Daredevil.
He's got a dragon tattoo on his chest like the Mandarin.

He's a mad scientist like The Mandarin.

He's got superhuman martial arts powers allowing him to karate-chop the armor to pieces like The Mandarin.

He calls himself The Mandarin.

The guy who wrote him into existence calls him The Mandarin.

He's the frikken Mandarin.
He's got a dragon tattoo on his chest like the Mandarin.

He's a mad scientist like The Mandarin.

He's got superhuman martial arts powers allowing him to karate-chop the armor to pieces like The Mandarin.

He calls himself The Mandarin.

The guy who wrote him into existence calls him The Mandarin.

He's the frikken Mandarin.

Really, whether or not you enjoy the execution of it it's a fitting enough twist that's totally in line with the character. If all this is just because he's white then damn, we really haven't moved much past organics. :doh:
He's got a dragon tattoo on his chest like the Mandarin.

He's a mad scientist like The Mandarin.

He's got superhuman martial arts powers allowing him to karate-chop the armor to pieces like The Mandarin.

He calls himself The Mandarin.

The guy who wrote him into existence calls him The Mandarin.

He's the frikken Mandarin.


Fans who are still in denial, take a tip from Sean Connery--
Yeah I don't think people here really consider Aldrich Killian as the Mandarin.

Which is sad, lol.

It feels like some fans secretly didn't like the twist and they're creating these ideas with the notion that the "real" Mandarin could pop up later.

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