Again not Singer's fault. Always because of Fox corners had to be cut and things had to be taken out. Singer was gone for X-men 3 and still all these things they said they were going to fix and improve didn't happen. And Halle Berry still sucked as Storm.
Unless you know for sure that scenes of Storm flying were cut from X2 for reasons of budget, this is a total red herring.
LOL! STORM NEEDS TO FLY EVERYONE COMES UP TO ME AND ASKS WHY DOESN'T STORM FLY?! I WANT STORM TO FLY! All she did was jump in and go out of frame a handful of times. I think the whole point is that Storm doesn't truly fly at all. She uses wind to help lift her up and glide and hover. Halle Berry really doesn't know anything about the character at all.
And we saw Storm use winds to lift her up in X3, so your complaining is ridiculous. I think the amount and type of flight in X3 was fine. The flight scenes weren't the 'problem' with the character depiction.
I didn't mention X-men 2. I'd hardly call what she did in X-men 3 flight sequences.
In a multi-character ensemble movie, what she did in X3 was sufficient. The movie didn't call for lengthy solo flight sequence showing her zoom across the sky like Superman. It was also considerably more than her scene rising from the elevator in X2 and 100% more than her total lack of flight in X2.
Then why are you saying Singer got more out of her performance?
Singer got more out of her in terms of emotional depth and dialogue - that's what i mean by performance, her actual acting/emoting, not the power display scenes. Singer's power display scenes for Storm were fine too, though a bit sparse.
I think the power display scenes for Storm in X3 were great (I wish they'd also used the flash-flood scene, other people didn't like the way all that rain fell so quickly), but I think the X3 version lacked a bit of soul and compassion in places. A scene with Storm talking to Kitty at the gravestones was cut, and also the origin dialogue on the balcony - both of those would have helped give the character more heart. But she should also have showed more compassion towards Rogue - that was the only real failing in the finished movie as seen on screen. Giving up on Jean/Phoenix is arguable, since the two women never really showed a strong bond in the previous movies, so her strong standpoint against Jean/Phoenix in X3 is more understandable.
You mean the same bile Halle Berry didn't have a few years ago when she said she was done with X-men and would only do CATWOMAN 2?
I think a lot of actors (and also directors/producers/studio chiefs) don't truly understand the modern expectations of a comicbook movie. They treat it as something utterly fantastical and think superficiality and corny/hammy/cheesy stuff is part of the genre. There are also mainstream members of the public who think that. I know two people at work who will dismiss any comicbook/superhero movie as total hokum and would never to see one because they can't suspend disbelief that anyone would dress as a bat or be able to control weather or move an entire bridge with magnetism or lift a four-mile island into space. There was a time when comicbook movies/series were very much camp and comedic - think 60s Batman and 70s Wonder Woman. Some people think that they are just fantasy fun and cheesy entertainment, even today.
Since Halle is quite capable of heavily dramatic/emotional acting in other movies, then there is a reason she didn't bring that same deep emotion to Catwoman and to parts of X3. The writing, producing, directing, editing didn't put that deep emotion into those movies. I really don't know how much freedom is given to an actress like Halle in these movies - so I'm not sure how much she is really at fault.
It's clear you are rabidly slavering with hatred for her - and for just about everything else you ever debate on here.
There was indeed a time she said she was done with X-Men - and that was after she fell out with Singer during X2, when he got nasty with everyone due to being on pain medication or whatever it was. It doesn't seem unreasonable to feel 'done' with something where you didn't like the project and fell out with the director.
Ok so she got to "fly" this time. But I wonder what changed her mind all of the sudden. The point was, "Yeah we are going to go all out with Storm this time! We are going to treat Halle Berry like the star she is!" Blah blah blah ******** ******** ********.
Chill out, have a herbal tea and another pizza or three. The point was that a different director was involved and that they said they would write a strong part for the character. That sounds fine in theory. Her character did indeed have a strong part, but it went a little far in that direction, that's all. What's done is done and can't be undone.
As of right now, James Marsden is a more bankable star at the moment than Halle Berry, and he NEVER got the treatment he deserved in the sequels, especially X-men 3 which could've been his chance to be a more significant character. But nah, its all HALLE BERRY WE ARE GOING TO TREAT HER RIGHT THIS TIME!
James opted out of X3. Singer also tried to lure away Shawn Ashmore, Famke and even Jackman. Marsden was hardly going to be significant in X3 if he left the project to do SR. And, besides that, Cyclops was never made an important character previously - he's missing from most of X2. We've all been over all this a million times before. It just sounds like you can't let go and, as such, it's then your problem.