Halo 3 trailer!!!!!

It's hard to translate HD graphics to a web video... I expect better when you're playing it on high definition.
It would've been better if the Chief had said something, but oh well. :o
When he said i need a weapon in Halo 2 greatest line ever in video game:up: :o
"This is Snake" > "I need a weapon" :o
Hell yah. He could've atleast used the final line in Halo 2 at the end of the trailer.
Zenien said:
"This is Snake" > "I need a weapon" :o

Wrong, because it's text. If we didn't have text the only thing we would have been able to make out is "Snake."
So pretty.

VaderRISE said:
Wrong, because it's text. If we didn't have text the only thing we would have been able to make out is "Snake."

There about the same level in raspiness so either one could be a winner:o
I'm downloading the trailer now. I tried to download it on Market place but that's not working. I can't wait until it's finished.
Bungie shocks world with surprise game announcement. Ha Ha. Yeah Bill, shut up! Concentrate on your charity work.
I just watched it. Pretty cool. I'm glad the MA5B is back. I really liked that gun.
Zenien said:
"This is Snake" > "I need a weapon" :o

Wow, he looks so crappy now you need to be told who he is?

MC doesn't need a weapon....he IS the weapon.

Snake doesn't need a weapon...he needs a good nursing home.
ToddIsDead said:
I just watched it. Pretty cool. I'm glad the MA5B is back. I really liked that gun.

whats ma5b????

screw the graphics hows the gameplay?? what new features for online.... you can just remake halo and add stuff to it and it will be great(see halo 2)
Can't wait!:up: Just too bad I couldn't see it on HD...Windows Media Player just doesn't do it for me.

However I was hoping he would have said something. ANYTHING..

"Here we go again." That would have worked for me.:O
DarthRekal said:
whats ma5b????

screw the graphics hows the gameplay?? what new features for online.... you can just remake halo and add stuff to it and it will be great(see halo 2)
The MA5B is the Marine assualt rifle that was in the first game and that was prominently featured in the novels.
Kickass. That was f**king sweet. And Bungie brought back the MA5B assault rifle. :up:
ToddIsDead said:
The MA5B is the Marine assualt rifle that was in the first game and that was prominently featured in the novels.

it evads my memory..i will look it up and get back to you..i really miss the pistol from halo 1.. i was surgical with that ish!... this wimpy cap gun on 2 doesnt cut it!:mad:
Socrates said:
Kickass. That was f**king sweet. And Bungie brought back the MA5B assault rifle. :up:

damn you guys and the ma5b..now i wanna know someone post pic...

BTW so-crates..whos that in your avy...beeyoutiful!:up:
If you've played the first Halo, then you've used the gun.
Guns are for *****es, yo.

It's all about melee, on legendry.

Horrorfan said:
Wow, he looks so crappy now you need to be told who he is?

MC doesn't need a weapon....he IS the weapon.

Snake doesn't need a weapon...he needs a good nursing home.

Since you dislike Metal Gear and Zelda and generally are a *****ebag idiot with ****ty taste, you wouldn't know that Snake sort of communicates over Codec at the begining of each game, hence "This is Snake, I'm at the Sneaking point, sorry I kept you waiting."

As for your second brainstorm, if MC doesn't need a weapon because he "IS the weapon" why would he be saying "I need a weapon" look I know you're trying to make MC seem cool and trust me he is, so stop it, but you really need to think these things through.

If you have any more examples of your rapier wit that you would like to share, save everyone some time and don't.
ToddIsDead said:
If you've played the first Halo, then you've used the gun.

yeah i figured i just cant picture it right now....
DarthRekal said:
damn you guys and the ma5b..now i wanna know someone post pic...

BTW so-crates..whos that in your avy...beeyoutiful!:up:

Well, it was Melissa Theuriau, she's a french TV news reporter. But I wanted a Halo one after seeing the trailer, so I changed it after making one.

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