Hard or Frustrating Games You Completed


Dummy Dragon Holo
Oct 11, 2010
Reaction score
Any games you think was very frustrating and nearly impossible -or maybe heard it was impossible- but you mustered enough guts and patience to tough it out and finish it?

I think that question applies to me with most games after reaching the half point. :oldrazz:

But in honesty, there are games like Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero that start hard regardless of difficulty you choose, and kicks you down multiple times until you get used to it (assuming you did like I did and finished the game). This is a standout for me.

Another game is Spider-Man 3 on PC (so did Ultimate on PS2, but..) I started playing it on a laggy PC before getting a graphic card (3D Hardware Accelerator) and the QTEs were downright frustrating, until I upped the brightness and lowered down resolution and visual quality. Even with those that game offered a lot of frustration to me, but I toughed it out basically cause I saw a good amount of qualities that make me highly enjoy it, and I still do to this day 13 years after first time playing it.

I think the Amazing Spider-Man 2 is the most frustrating game I've played in certain respects though, not because it's hard though, first time I finished that game I did it in one day, voice files recorded and their incessant repetition (among other reasons) made me cry and not want to play the game again for a bunch of years.
I'm still in the process of playing this but last night I just got done with a pretty big boss fight in Death Stranding which I thought would have been the final boss battle of the game until I looked it up and saw that I still have about 3-4 hours left. I suppose that in a game where I've already logged about 25 hours of gameplay, that basically is towards the end of the game but I also knew what I was getting myself into when I bought it. Death Stranding is a game that requires patience because it takes a looooong time to really pick up speed in terms of the story but it's still an incredible game regardless.
Hmmm I don't think there's been a game that I thought I was stuck and I wouldn't see the ending since Arkham Knight. That cloud buster tank was so hard in easy mode. I just don't remember any mission as frustrating as that one. It took me 2 days, my eyes were red, my hands hurt, and I felt so relieved when I passed that mission. I didn't complete all the Riddler stuff though so even if I got 99%, I didn't get 100% completion.
Driver 3 on the PS2.
Holy crap was the gameplay bad. It's hard to believe that I beat this game. I tried to play it again some years after its release and it was unplayable. It's just so bad.

The boss fights in Lords of the Fallen literally had me screaming at my TV but somehow I managed to beat it. Though people say it’s like Dark Souls only easier and I guess I would have to agree because I could never get anywhere in Dark Souls.


The old PC version of Diablo 2 was a hell of a challenge back in the day. I remember how the Diablo fight took me like 2 hours to complete as I kept teleporting out and restocking my potions, then jumping back and hitting him a few times and then also dying repeatedly and then teleporting back to his lair and looting my corpse.

Others… Shadow of War was a damned hard game to beat, with all of the crazy sieges (in which you always have to fight the overlord alone despite showing up with a freaking ARMY), the Balrog, and all the frustrating-as-all-hell Nazgul fights. But I made it to the end and it’s easily one of my favorite games of all time.

I would probably put Assassin’s Creed Odyssey up there too simply because the fights with the Minotaur, Medusa and that stupid farting boar were damn near impossible. But I beat that entire game and it was so good that it made me sad when it was all over. I would easily play another 10 DLCs to continue those adventures.
I’ve got much less patience for super-hard games nowadays unless the controls are super-tight and there are multiple ways to get through checkpoints and the checkpoints aren’t too long. In that case I enjoy them but it’s too often not the case.
These days I pretty much won’t even play a game unless it’s mostly open world. Super linear games with levels just make me too anxious.
These days I pretty much won’t even play a game unless it’s mostly open world. Super linear games with levels just make me too anxious.
That's funny, I'm basically the opposite. With an open world game I can feel too overwhelmed about trying to jam in as many side missions as possible and what order to complete main story missions in if there are too many options available at once but with a linear game with levels, even if they're massive levels like Uncharted 4 or The Last of Us 2, I'm only stressing if I'm trying to be more of a completionist and finding as many bonus items/weapons/outfits as possible.
Returnal is giving me nightmares.
I don’t like this genre - roguelike/roguelite or whatever it’s called. Even the names suck! Permadeath comes under unfun in my dictionary. :D
I sadly love the punishment. :hehe:
I'm not a fan of punishment, but I do like a lot of roguelites. It depends on both the difficulty curve and the sense of progression. A good roguelite doesn't make death feel like a punishment, because you want to play again many times anyway.

The king of the genre is definitely Hades, which outright rewards you for dying, since that means you get to talk with the numerous compelling characters and advance their stories again. Plus, a run only takes maybe 20 minutes tops, anyway.

( Which is why Returnal, for all its ambitions, was unforgivable for lacking a quicksave feature. A full run of that game takes several *hours* if you aren't speedrunning it, there is no excuse for not letting the player quit the game and return to finish the run later. )
I'm not a fan of punishment, but I do like a lot of roguelites. It depends on both the difficulty curve and the sense of progression. A good roguelite doesn't make death feel like a punishment, because you want to play again many times anyway.

The king of the genre is definitely Hades, which outright rewards you for dying, since that means you get to talk with the numerous compelling characters and advance their stories again. Plus, a run only takes maybe 20 minutes tops, anyway.

( Which is why Returnal, for all its ambitions, was unforgivable for lacking a quicksave feature. A full run of that game takes several *hours* if you aren't speedrunning it, there is no excuse for not letting the player quit the game and return to finish the run later. )
Has Returnal seriously not added that in even now?
Has Returnal seriously not added that in even now?

They did finally add it some months ago, though they whined and complained the whole way. It was a giant patch, too, which means they probably had to majorly rework the engine to get it to function.

I have zero sympathy. The necessity of a quicksave function should have been obvious from day 1 of development. If they didn't include it at that stage, it is because *they* screwed up, presumably due to being so remote from the actual end user experience that they thought "Well you can just leave the console in suspend mode" was a valid solution.
They did finally add it some months ago, though they whined and complained the whole way. It was a giant patch, too, which means they probably had to majorly rework the engine to get it to function.

I have zero sympathy. The necessity of a quicksave function should have been obvious from day 1 of development. If they didn't include it at that stage, it is because *they* screwed up, presumably due to being so remote from the actual end user experience that they thought "Well you can just leave the console in suspend mode" was a valid solution.
I’ve no sympathy either. They were ruling out many people who would struggle to play for a bunch of time in one go. Everyone else is trying to make their games more accessible to those who wouldn’t be able to play easily and they are putting up massive additional barriers.

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