Heavy Rain (PS3)


Sep 11, 2001
Reaction score
http://uk.gamespot.com/ps3/adventure/heavyrain/index.html?q=heavy rain

This game looks pretty damn sweet. Very realistic movements and facial expressions. I like the look of it alot.

Just one thing. The same people making this made Indigo Prophecy.

Indigo Prophecy could have been an amazing game. It starts off well, where you have to hide a body and hide clues, cover your tracks. The game goes down hill fairly soon after that. Indigo Prophecy's story was weak. Very, very weak. The most contrived story you've ever heard of. It turns out that the only decisions that matter are the ones towards the end of the game. For a game that gives you so much choice of dialogue and actions, NOTHING you do changes the course of the game. No matter how well you cover up your tracks, the cops will still find you. They should have worked on the game longer. I mean, played the start of the game twice, because I wanted to cover up my tracks as best as I could. No matter what you do, you leave through the back door, etc, the woman at the counter STILL recognises you. Not only that, but the dialogue with the woman at the counter when she's talking to the detectives is inconsistant. If you leave through the back door, at first she'll say she didn't get a look at you at all. THEN, moments later, she says she'll never forget your face??? The game also had repetitive gameplay. Endless sequences of matching your button pressing with what you see on the screen. I hate that in a game!! And this game is the worst for it!
Smirnoff said:

Get the cheaper model and you can wait a year.

On the subject of Heavy Raint hough, it defines the whole things about deminishing visual returns, you don't actually see the veins in her eyes or the tears actively falling down her face unless the camera is very close. Why bother wasting rescources on that for anything other than cutscenes.
I'm getting pretty tired of being blocked out of mature rated stuff even though I'm 18...
TheEvolutionist said:
I'm getting pretty tired of being blocked out of mature rated stuff even though I'm 18...

lol you know you can put a fake b-day in, right? :p
imdaly said:
lol you know you can put a fake b-day in, right? :p

Yeah, and I used to, but it doesn't make any sense that I should have to when I'm 18...
it was a failed attempt at something great... let's hope they learned from it and are making a better game now.
The PS3 impresses the hell out of me, looking forward to this system launch and these games

your name should have been 'Long Duck Dong'

it would have been funnier.
it was a failed attempt at something great... let's hope they learned from it and are making a better game now.

Excellent description.
Visuals are great though her mouth looks a bit weird.
Hey, it's great that none of you guys are going to buy this!

Go play Indigo Prophecy you jerks.
IGN said:
IGN: There has been a lot of speculation since E3 that Heavy Rain will go "PS3 only" because of where it was showed. Any truth to that or can we expect to see it on multiple systems?

Fondaumière: We hear and read a lot of things lately on Heavy Rain. All I can say is: not everything is true and nothing is written in stone as we speak. For now, Quantic Dream is working on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC platforms.
for a second I thought this was an adaptation from that crappy Christian Slater/Morgan Freeman movie...
I'll be in on this one. I have a demo of indigo prophecy (named Fahrenheight over here), I intend to get that at some point.
Woooooooooo WOWY WOW! Did you guys watch that trailer? OMFG! Ok...it had some odd things but so what....that got my attention.
JackBauer said:
for a second I thought this was an adaptation from that crappy Christian Slater/Morgan Freeman movie...
I thought it was "Chubby Rain" from that Steve Martin movie, "Bowfinger".
I wonder what hte actual game will be abotu and how it will play.
JackBauer said:
for a second I thought this was an adaptation from that crappy Christian Slater/Morgan Freeman movie...
how can you not like Hard Rain? It has Betty White swearing...

But Lake Placid is better, she calls the cop officer **** meat:up:
While it's nice and all it really enforces the deminishing returns of graphics and such. When finer details like the veins in her eyes, and the tears are only visible when you're an inch from her face, why bother rendering them in that details. Either taht or you'll need a 1000 dollar HD TV to appreciate them.

Feel free to blow my opinion away Artist71!
Zenien said:
Get the cheaper model and you can wait a year.

On the subject of Heavy Raint hough, it defines the whole things about deminishing visual returns, you don't actually see the veins in her eyes or the tears actively falling down her face unless the camera is very close. Why bother wasting rescources on that for anything other than cutscenes.

Zenien said:
While it's nice and all it really enforces the deminishing returns of graphics and such. When finer details like the veins in her eyes, and the tears are only visible when you're an inch from her face, why bother rendering them in that details. Either taht or you'll need a 1000 dollar HD TV to appreciate them.

Feel free to blow my opinion away Artist71!

Your opinion that you posted twice? :confused:

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