Help ensure the Ghost Rider franchise lasts more than 1 film!

Advanced Dark

Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
The movie looks awesome and I'm sure it'll sell lots of tickets, it looks like Sony is sparing no expense to get the word out there however let's make sure (as best as we can) that every dollar for Ghost Rider goes to Sony and those that made it. Piracy is running rampant and costing these studios billions of dollars. It might be even more tempting for a film like Ghost Rider giving these theifs a head's up on the Summer. What can you do? If you see any sites online claiming to have the movie Ghost Rider them/turn them in. Send the link to the FBI, FCC, or whoever the hell needs to see it to crack down on it. The more profit Ghost Rider makes...the faster we'll get a sequel. It's impossible to stop all piracy but we can make a little difference.

This isn't exclusive to Ghost Rider either. If enough of us get together and do this it will make a difference and it is a felony w/potential jail time. I'm suggesting the same thing for Spiderman 3 and Fantastic Four, and all films for that matter. I'm sure some of you online download movie illegally on a regular basis but stop for a minute and put aside your need for instant gratification and think of all the people being hurt by piracy, losing their jobs, investors going bankrupt, ticket prices rising, studios being forced to spend endless millions just for new ways to protect themselves. Sending an e-mail to the authorities on this isn't that hard and doesn't take much time.

I'm happy MSJ visits these forums putting a bit of humanity behind the studios and the making of these films. You know he sweating his ass off for us fans, and is going beyond the call of duty to impress us. Now it's our turn to watch his back.

Thanks for listening.


You know i'm almost certain i'm gonna get flamed to a crisp by GR fans .

AD , no offence but i think what you're doing is a bit hypocritical.
IF you are doing this to Ghost Rider , you might as well do this to all movies which are posted on torrent sites or whatever because like you , there are probably many people out there who feel that their fav. movie is raped at the BO by putting it at torrent sites.
Just because it's Ghost Rider doesn't make it anymore special then other movies considering that those other directord also did do some incredible work just like MSJ , making their movies and promoting their movies.

There are alot people also out there , who like me , would rather first see a movie online and then afterwards see it in the cinema if they're unsure about it..
WHy ?
Because not everyone is sold on the concept of Ghost Rider. I'm definately going to see GR more then once in the cinema because i do think it will turn out to be a good/great movie.
But there are many people out there who are wary . I don't blame them because like them i also have seen tons of movies where i wasted my money because of how crappy they turned out to be.
Dowloading something of the net ( even tough it was low quality) helped me steer away from alot of lame movies and at the same time made me see some really cool movies in the cinemas.
So i do thik that it is fair that those people deserve a chance too. The fact that someone wouldn't like Ghost Rider after seeing it is actually worse 'cause 1) that's someone who won't see the sequel , 2) will definately be someone who won't recommend other people to see Ghost Rider or eventual sequels.

I have faith that if Ghost Rider is truly an awesome movie , word will spread by those who liked/loved it and they will recommend it to their friends/relatives/etc.
In this day an age it seems that people would rather listen to what someone recommends then what some critic says who probably no one has ever heard .
I just returned today from seeing The Illusionist. Now i'd also highly recommend it to everyone to see that movie. It's a beautiful movie.
And guess what. Despite first being shown in limited release and afterwards showing up on torrent sites , it still remained in the top ten for 12 weeks which IMO tells alot of how it's being received.
If that movie can do that , then i'm sure Ghost Rider can have similar performance.

Ghost Rider comes out feb 16th with no competition.
It's second weekend only real competition IMO is The Number 23 ( Jim Carrey flick)and mebbe Black Snake Moan
Thrid weekd has Zodiac and the 4th weekend has 300
Now it goes without a doubt that 300 will be number one flick and considering the amazing response it already has gotten that is a huge competitor for Ghost Rider.
However it has 4 weeks of relative competiton ( my guess is that Number 23 , Black Snake Moan and Zodiac are all R rated flicks which hurts them at the BO) so i do think that even without recommendation of other people it'll gross 100 million there alone.
It's times like this, I'm so ****ing glad I have blades on ignore, sadly I still looked:o
It all depends on the movie...Ghost Rider success depends on its fan base I am sure it will be #1 the first weekend but unless its a good movie it will continue to thrive finacially but if it sucks then there really nothing you can do. Sure piracy is costing money to companies people should be like me and pirate movies studios shouldn't recieve money for making Bloodrayne Gigli You Got Served etc...
Yeah...piracy is a big issue of course AD, but it really doesn't have that much of an impact on whether or not we'll get a sequel.

The truth is that getting a sequel depends on a number of things:
1)Fan Base/Reaction and Reviews/General Opinions- If a couple of folks thinks that the first film sucks after they see it, no big deal really to the studio. If thousands of people (maybe hundreds of thousands) think that the film sucks, then we sure as hell are not going to get a sequel, at least not with the same team who did it the first time. (which is usually ALWAYS a bad move n the studio's part) A positive review/opinion about the film not only makes the studio feel good about it and themselves (for distributing it) but it also makes them feel like they've got a great thing going, and a sequel would be a great move on their part...of course, this is not always the case, but it is more times than none.

2)Time and Money- How can a studio expect to even write a sequel script without time or money? The two most needed things in Hollywood: time and money, are not always easy to get. First, you have to think about a budget. Do you want this sequel to be bigger and better, or smaller and not as good? Next, time is an issue...can your original actors/writers/director/etc. work out a system/schedule to come and make this sequel, and are they even willing to do a sequel? (Contracts usually take care of that) You'll never get anywhere in Hollywood without time or money.

3)Studio- This one only applies to a sequel that is at a different studio, which usually means that the original studio did not want to risk a BO failure with that sequel/they didn't have faith in the team making it/the rights were sold/etc., but still...if you are making a sequel at a completely different studio, it will probably become harder to get done, and will take even longer than the original film did to make. First, you have to find a studio that will accept the film. Next, you have to usually get a completely new crew/partially new crew/etc., and then you have to get a script done, and go through quite a few drafts most have to impress the, some advice to any aspiring filmmakers (myself included)...when and if you make a sequel to any film you do, try to not go to a different studio by choice at least, because you will more than likely end up deeper into development hell than you started out and the film you're trying to make may never get made!

There are more reasons, but ^ is a lot of hands are tired, so just read that and think about it. A GR sequel is more than likely going to happen, but it really comes down to how well received the first film is (which I'm sure we will all love it) and whether or not the studio wants to risk another one.

Here's Hoping For GR 2 By 2010! :up: :up: :cool:

Help ensure the hype that after tonight Advanced Dark will not be able to make threads anymore :woot:

Say yes to hype & no to Advanced Dark today


& for those that wont be able to figure it out this is a joke
You know i'm almost certain i'm gonna get flamed to a crisp by GR fans .

AD , no offence but i think what you're doing is a bit hypocritical.
IF you are doing this to Ghost Rider , you might as well do this to all movies which are posted on torrent sites or whatever because like you , there are probably many people out there who feel that their fav. movie is raped at the BO by putting it at torrent sites.
Just because it's Ghost Rider doesn't make it anymore special then other movies considering that those other directord also did do some incredible work just like MSJ , making their movies and promoting their movies.

There are alot people also out there , who like me , would rather first see a movie online and then afterwards see it in the cinema if they're unsure about it..
WHy ?
Because not everyone is sold on the concept of Ghost Rider. I'm definately going to see GR more then once in the cinema because i do think it will turn out to be a good/great movie.
But there are many people out there who are wary . I don't blame them because like them i also have seen tons of movies where i wasted my money because of how crappy they turned out to be.
Dowloading something of the net ( even tough it was low quality) helped me steer away from alot of lame movies and at the same time made me see some really cool movies in the cinemas.
So i do thik that it is fair that those people deserve a chance too. The fact that someone wouldn't like Ghost Rider after seeing it is actually worse 'cause 1) that's someone who won't see the sequel , 2) will definately be someone who won't recommend other people to see Ghost Rider or eventual sequels.

I have faith that if Ghost Rider is truly an awesome movie , word will spread by those who liked/loved it and they will recommend it to their friends/relatives/etc.
In this day an age it seems that people would rather listen to what someone recommends then what some critic says who probably no one has ever heard .
I just returned today from seeing The Illusionist. Now i'd also highly recommend it to everyone to see that movie. It's a beautiful movie.
And guess what. Despite first being shown in limited release and afterwards showing up on torrent sites , it still remained in the top ten for 12 weeks which IMO tells alot of how it's being received.
If that movie can do that , then i'm sure Ghost Rider can have similar performance.

Ghost Rider comes out feb 16th with no competition.
It's second weekend only real competition IMO is The Number 23 ( Jim Carrey flick)and mebbe Black Snake Moan
Thrid weekd has Zodiac and the 4th weekend has 300
Now it goes without a doubt that 300 will be number one flick and considering the amazing response it already has gotten that is a huge competitor for Ghost Rider.
However it has 4 weeks of relative competiton ( my guess is that Number 23 , Black Snake Moan and Zodiac are all R rated flicks which hurts them at the BO) so i do think that even without recommendation of other people it'll gross 100 million there alone.
Im going to get into this later cux i dont have the time right now, but dude.........Your a thief. Plain and simple, your a thief. I dont know why in the past 10 years or so that people think that if its a movie, or music, or software, they can rip it off and then come up with some "HOLIER THEN THOU" reason why they do it like they are their own f'n Robin Hood.?.? But ill give you a really simple way to stop being a thief. If you go to a movie and 1/2 way through it you realize it sux. Then walk out and ask for your money back. ITS THAT SIMPLE. In fact most theaters will give you a refund even if the movie is almost over. So dont come in here with your " I torrent it first to see if ill spend the money at the theater later" crap. No one believes you.
Advanced Dark makes a good point and this is about helping GR, FF and other films BY FIGHTING against piracy. There are a lot of ways to help make a sequel and what AD is suggesting is one of them, one that is helpfull to all movies not just GR and super hero ones.
I admit that I do use torrents but thats because the things I want to buy kome out real late but I do try to buy them legally afterwards (I downloaded the Mortal Kombat:Armageddon from a torrent site and recieved my pre-ordered Limited Edition legal game a month later!!)(Im sorry and Im guilty but I'm also human you know?)
And one important thing about piracy is that some countries (Mostly Asian ones) Dont get to see the movie at all (At least not in theatres). For example Chinesse goverment either doesn't show a film / Bans it or Censors it to death (Sometimes making a 3 hour film last less than 70 minutes!!). Somehow at first torrents kould have a better use, dl it and use it for backup only if you have bought it legally before and own an original copy. I know it is mostly BS but sometimes people have to at least try it (Most of the time a big lie but a few times...).

QUESTION: If you are a crazy GR fan and know that the movie wont be shown at theatres in your country (place you live) at all and have to wait for more than 6 months for the DVD and then pre-order it from an online retailer from outside of your country (Since not even the DVD will come to your country) and hope to recieve it in 1 or 2 months... "What would you do" to get to see the film sooner?
ANSWER: Do what the rider did, sell your sould to the devil and go get a torrent. (I know its wrong but I'm asking you to think about someone outside of your own country, outside of US, Canada, Europe...

But really, if there was no piracy, instead of spending lots of money for protection against piracy, the film studios kould use that money to make better films. Even the biggest stinkers like Bloodrayne movie would have sold more than 10 million.
Some junk like that Bloodrayne do deserve to be pirated! and their directors (Uwe Boll) deserve to lose their jobs BUT Not GHOST RIDER, Not MSJ and all other great films and film makers.

A Note: Sites like Pirate Bay and Bitorrent have the latest movies on their front page and everyone including FBI knows about it and doesn't do sh**. What can we do?
Im going to get into this later cux i dont have the time right now, but dude.........Your a thief. Plain and simple, your a thief. I dont know why in the past 10 years or so that people think that if its a movie, or music, or software, they can rip it off and then come up with some "HOLIER THEN THOU" reason why they do it like they are their own f'n Robin Hood.?.? But ill give you a really simple way to stop being a thief. If you go to a movie and 1/2 way through it you realize it sux. Then walk out and ask for your money back. ITS THAT SIMPLE. In fact most theaters will give you a refund even if the movie is almost over. So dont come in here with your " I torrent it first to see if ill spend the money at the theater later" crap. No one believes you.

Dude , maybe where you are living but not where i live in Holland. Once a movie starts playing there's no way to get you''re money back.So don't be calling me a thief . You really have no right to say that ... . Like i said if i go watch a crappy movie and i can't get my money back , who's going to give it ? You Wisco ?
I do in fact buy stuff music and films that i had downloaded of the internet. I love my special edition dvd's . Imagine getting a downloaded dvd of a movie and sitting with you're surround sound and all of the sudded you see "Property of SOny Pictures "flashing constantly. It's annoying as hell so that's why i do buy the dvd's . Not all movies that. Same with music. i'm extremely picky when it comes to my music so when i se an album comes out i make sure that there are the tracks i like are all at least 70-80 % of what's in the album. Best thing to do that i first downloading it and then afterwards buying it.

Also i really don't buy the argument that just cause a movie sucks people can get their money back. IF that were true then really studios would probably go bankrupt. Imagine the crap of all those movies out there such as YOu GetServed or Big Momma's House and them still being hits. If those movies really did suck , why didn't people ask their money back ?
The whole giving money back system probably differs from country to country.
Advanced Dark makes a good point and this is about helping GR, FF and other films BY FIGHTING against piracy. There are a lot of ways to help make a sequel and what AD is suggesting is one of them, one that is helpfull to all movies not just GR and super hero ones.
I admit that I do use torrents but thats because the things I want to buy kome out real late but I do try to buy them legally afterwards (I downloaded the Mortal Kombat:Armageddon from a torrent site and recieved my pre-ordered Limited Edition legal game a month later!!)(Im sorry and Im guilty but I'm also human you know?)
And one important thing about piracy is that some countries (Mostly Asian ones) Dont get to see the movie at all (At least not in theatres). For example Chinesse goverment either doesn't show a film / Bans it or Censors it to death (Sometimes making a 3 hour film last less than 70 minutes!!). Somehow at first torrents kould have a better use, dl it and use it for backup only if you have bought it legally before and own an original copy. I know it is mostly BS but sometimes people have to at least try it (Most of the time a big lie but a few times...).

QUESTION: If you are a crazy GR fan and know that the movie wont be shown at theatres in your country (place you live) at all and have to wait for more than 6 months for the DVD and then pre-order it from an online retailer from outside of your country (Since not even the DVD will come to your country) and hope to recieve it in 1 or 2 months... "What would you do" to get to see the film sooner?
ANSWER: Do what the rider did, sell your sould to the devil and go get a torrent. (I know its wrong but I'm asking you to think about someone outside of your own country, outside of US, Canada, Europe...

But really, if there was no piracy, instead of spending lots of money for protection against piracy, the film studios kould use that money to make better films. Even the biggest stinkers like Bloodrayne movie would have sold more than 10 million.
Some junk like that Bloodrayne do deserve to be pirated! and their directors (Uwe Boll) deserve to lose their jobs BUT Not GHOST RIDER, Not MSJ and all other great films and film makers.

A Note: Sites like Pirate Bay and Bitorrent have the latest movies on their front page and everyone including FBI knows about it and doesn't do sh**. What can we do?

An excellent point.
Not all movies come out the same time as in the US.
Heck just now in Holland , they're released Saw 3 and NAcho LIbre whereas their dvd's are already out in the states.
I also post on another forum where a guy from India doesn't even know when a movie is going to be released. That just sucks even more , not knowing when you're movie is going to be released.
In that case i'd rather download a movie and if i truly liked that movie , then buying the dvd would be a no brainer. And last time i checked , the dvd market was getting bigger and bigger and nowadays seems to be the market where studios get their money from their movies.
So buying the dvd is also to help secure a sequel to ghost rider.
You know i'm almost certain i'm gonna get flamed to a crisp by GR fans .

AD , no offence but i think what you're doing is a bit hypocritical.
IF you are doing this to Ghost Rider , you might as well do this to all movies which are posted on torrent sites or whatever because like you , there are probably many people out there who feel that their fav. movie is raped at the BO by putting it at torrent sites.
Just because it's Ghost Rider doesn't make it anymore special then other movies considering that those other directord also did do some incredible work just like MSJ , making their movies and promoting their movies.

There are alot people also out there , who like me , would rather first see a movie online and then afterwards see it in the cinema if they're unsure about it..
WHy ?
Because not everyone is sold on the concept of Ghost Rider. I'm definately going to see GR more then once in the cinema because i do think it will turn out to be a good/great movie.
But there are many people out there who are wary . I don't blame them because like them i also have seen tons of movies where i wasted my money because of how crappy they turned out to be.
Dowloading something of the net ( even tough it was low quality) helped me steer away from alot of lame movies and at the same time made me see some really cool movies in the cinemas.
So i do thik that it is fair that those people deserve a chance too. The fact that someone wouldn't like Ghost Rider after seeing it is actually worse 'cause 1) that's someone who won't see the sequel , 2) will definately be someone who won't recommend other people to see Ghost Rider or eventual sequels.

I have faith that if Ghost Rider is truly an awesome movie , word will spread by those who liked/loved it and they will recommend it to their friends/relatives/etc.
In this day an age it seems that people would rather listen to what someone recommends then what some critic says who probably no one has ever heard .
I just returned today from seeing The Illusionist. Now i'd also highly recommend it to everyone to see that movie. It's a beautiful movie.
And guess what. Despite first being shown in limited release and afterwards showing up on torrent sites , it still remained in the top ten for 12 weeks which IMO tells alot of how it's being received.
If that movie can do that , then i'm sure Ghost Rider can have similar performance.

Ghost Rider comes out feb 16th with no competition.
It's second weekend only real competition IMO is The Number 23 ( Jim Carrey flick)and mebbe Black Snake Moan
Thrid weekd has Zodiac and the 4th weekend has 300
Now it goes without a doubt that 300 will be number one flick and considering the amazing response it already has gotten that is a huge competitor for Ghost Rider.
However it has 4 weeks of relative competiton ( my guess is that Number 23 , Black Snake Moan and Zodiac are all R rated flicks which hurts them at the BO) so i do think that even without recommendation of other people it'll gross 100 million there alone.

I did say that in my post regarding all films but I'm trying to get to people by using something they care about...that's all. It's a good opportunity where one of the creators of the film is here who worked very hard and spent years making this. He also spent the time to come here so it sort of humanizes the production. I know GR will make a load of money but that doesn't make it right. Just trying to remind people. If you look in the community boards I posted a general piracy thread there so I'm no hypocrite.
I did say that in my post regarding all films but I'm trying to get to people by using something they care about...that's all. It's a good opportunity where one of the creators of the film is here who worked very hard and spent years making this. He also spent the time to come here so it sort of humanizes the production. I know GR will make a load of money but that doesn't make it right. Just trying to remind people. If you look in the community boards I posted a general piracy thread there so I'm no hypocrite.

Is it this thread :huh: :
I'll give it a read.

And yes , i do understand that 'cause MSJ also contacted with teh fans , it makes it all the more cooler to see that Ghost Rider sequels will happen.
You do have a point that it sucks to see you're fav. movie not making nearly enough cash to warrant a sequel.

But again i'll point out that i'm not anti-piracy. At least not totally. If i were , you'd never see me in a cinema ( okay mebbe an IMAX cinema) cause with high quality dvd's popping up i'd be sitting at home with my surround sound.
I also would be satisfied with constant "this is property of (insert studio name)* showing up on screen.
Not only that , you'd never see me buy a cd again cause everything is available on the net.
But i have said before that i do support a movie or a cd by buying it IF it's worth my money. Piracy has helped me in that way. This is a matter of preference but i reallly like LXG. I had downloaded it frist and even that crappy footage was enough to let me see it 3 times in the cinema. Same goes for crappy movies. Wisco D pointed out that you can demand you're money back and i'll tell you as a fact that it's not possible here in Holland. So either i'm forced to watched a crappy movie or walk away knowing that i'll never get my money back for a crapfest or i can watch that crappy movie online , actually see that it's really C.R.A.P. and spend my money on other things that are worth my while.
It does make a difference but the main reason I put another thread here is because Ghost Rider is not Spider-Man or Pirates where it's gonna make 350-400 million at the box office. In those cases those films will get sequels despite the impact of piracy....but a smaller lesser known character who gets a 120 million dollar film wont' capture the same audience so every dollar really counts. If Ghost Rider can pull in 150 domestic it would be freaking awesome. I don't know what exactly to expect though I do feel it can make up to 65 in the opening 4 days. Ghost Rider is also the type of film that would be hot on the list of pirates because of the type of film it is...and due to the lack of similar big budget actions films at the same time. After GR you really have to wait till Spidey for something in the same genre worth noting. Yeah actually that's not the thread I was talking about but it is another one that I posted months ago in the communities thread. The one in the FF thread is more broadbased than this one though cause it goes into details of how it's hurting the entire industry worldwide.
It does make a difference but the main reason I put another thread here is because Ghost Rider is not Spider-Man or Pirates where it's gonna make 350-400 million at the box office. In those cases those films will get sequels despite the impact of piracy....but a smaller lesser known character who gets a 120 million dollar film wont' capture the same audience so every dollar really counts. If Ghost Rider can pull in 150 domestic it would be freaking awesome. I don't know what exactly to expect though I do feel it can make up to 65 in the opening 4 days. Ghost Rider is also the type of film that would be hot on the list of pirates because of the type of film it is...and due to the lack of similar big budget actions films at the same time. After GR you really have to wait till Spidey for something in the same genre worth noting. Yeah actually that's not the thread I was talking about but it is another one that I posted months ago in the communities thread. The one in the FF thread is more broadbased than this one though cause it goes into details of how it's hurting the entire industry worldwide.

True , however i do feel that there isn't a guarantee on BO anymore.
Technically the first POTC movie could've had a hard time but it didn't and went on to make 300 million domestic.
At the same time a movie like Superman Returns struggles to make 200 million domestic.
You never know how a movie might turn out. The two things you can hope for every movie is 1) a good opening weekend and 2) staying power.
Look at The Illusionist. That movie had staying power and while it isn't a 120 million dollar VFX driven movie like Ghost Rider , it shows that a movie can stay on based on good word of mouth. And this is WITHOUT all the awards attention like the Golden Globes , Bafta's , Emmy's and Oscars.

Like i said. IF Ghost Rider is truly a good movie , it'll make it's money back as well as ensure the status of a sequel. I have a feeling that Ghost Rider will perform good overseas. I mean Constantine performed well overseas and i remember reading that Lauren Shuller Donner said that it was also because of the exceptional overseas sales that the sequel to Constantine would go forward.
I think that Ghost Rider will have a similar fate. It's international dates are close to the US dates and the PG Rating ( which at least in Holland will be a 12 rating) will also help getting the money in.
Ugh! I work hard for my pay. Then I come here and read posts by people dead set on stealing from me. Just a few comments on some of this crap.

matrix_ghost said:
Dowloading something of the net ( even tough it was low quality) helped me steer away from alot of lame movies and at the same time made me see some really cool movies in the cinemas.

Irrespective of your (presumably) well intensioned attempts to test the product before buying, what you're doing with each download is commiting a crime. You might not think that what you download has any lasting impact on the BO dollars headed back to the studio, but bear in mind that every download supports the piracy 'industry' and helps to perpetuate the free download market making it easier for others to pirate.

Antrax255 said:
Sure piracy is costing money to companies people should be like me and pirate movies studios shouldn't recieve money for making Bloodrayne Gigli You Got Served etc...
And this was a pearl of wisdom from someone hell bent on stealing from the movie exhibition industry in general. Please note that stealing Bloodrayne may make you feel good about not supporting crap movies, but at the end of the day that theft has had an impact on quality cinema by also turning your back on your local exhibitor. If you don't want to see something in the cinema, or get the DVD from a video hire outlet, that's fine. Nobody will force you, but to then go for the illegal free copies? That just makes you a freeloader, bludging off everyone else for your own gain.

RED_Rider said:
QUESTION: If you are a crazy GR fan and know that the movie wont be shown at theatres in your country (place you live) at all and have to wait for more than 6 months for the DVD and then pre-order it from an online retailer from outside of your country (Since not even the DVD will come to your country) and hope to recieve it in 1 or 2 months... "What would you do" to get to see the film sooner?
ANSWER: Do what the rider did, sell your sould to the devil and go get a torrent. (I know its wrong but I'm asking you to think about someone outside of your own country, outside of US, Canada, Europe...

ANSWER: Don't become a petty criminal and just wait for the damn DVD.

ANSWER: Express your concerns with the best manicured constructive criticism you can manage, targetinng the industry that might actually provide a movie release and with some perserverance you might actually make a difference for positive change.

Some junk like that Bloodrayne do deserve to be pirated! and their directors (Uwe Boll) deserve to lose their jobs BUT Not GHOST RIDER, Not MSJ and all other great films and film makers.

No movie "deserves" to be pirated. Not even Little Man. Every download hurts the whole industry just a little and those billions of downloads add up.

A Note: Sites like Pirate Bay and Bitorrent have the latest movies on their front page and everyone including FBI knows about it and doesn't do sh**. What can we do?

Hotlines and websites are set up to give you an avenue of making a difference. I did a quick google search using "movie piracy" hotline for my terms and turned up several answers. Alternative search terms will turn up still more answers.

matrix_ghost said:
Dude , maybe where you are living but not where i live in Holland. Once a movie starts playing there's no way to get you''re money back.So don't be calling me a thief . You really have no right to say that

WiscoD has every right. You went on to admit you download pirated movies!

I do in fact buy stuff music and films that i had downloaded of the internet. I love my special edition dvd's

This is essentially knowingly receiving stolen goods and yet you object to being called a thief? I don't think I even need to provide an anecdote to illustrate how absurd that is. :(
^ Awesome post. THis world is all about instant gratification for the kids today. If there father had directed the film, or if they have invested 120 million in it only to watch a bunch of people share it online...they'd feel different. Best post in this thread.
Yeah...piracy is a big issue of course AD, but it really doesn't have that much of an impact on whether or not we'll get a sequel.

The truth is that getting a sequel depends on a number of things:
1)Fan Base/Reaction and Reviews/General Opinions- If a couple of folks thinks that the first film sucks after they see it, no big deal really to the studio. If thousands of people (maybe hundreds of thousands) think that the film sucks, then we sure as hell are not going to get a sequel, at least not with the same team who did it the first time. (which is usually ALWAYS a bad move n the studio's part) A positive review/opinion about the film not only makes the studio feel good about it and themselves (for distributing it) but it also makes them feel like they've got a great thing going, and a sequel would be a great move on their part...of course, this is not always the case, but it is more times than none.

2)Time and Money- How can a studio expect to even write a sequel script without time or money? The two most needed things in Hollywood: time and money, are not always easy to get. First, you have to think about a budget. Do you want this sequel to be bigger and better, or smaller and not as good? Next, time is an issue...can your original actors/writers/director/etc. work out a system/schedule to come and make this sequel, and are they even willing to do a sequel? (Contracts usually take care of that) You'll never get anywhere in Hollywood without time or money.

3)Studio- This one only applies to a sequel that is at a different studio, which usually means that the original studio did not want to risk a BO failure with that sequel/they didn't have faith in the team making it/the rights were sold/etc., but still...if you are making a sequel at a completely different studio, it will probably become harder to get done, and will take even longer than the original film did to make. First, you have to find a studio that will accept the film. Next, you have to usually get a completely new crew/partially new crew/etc., and then you have to get a script done, and go through quite a few drafts most have to impress the, some advice to any aspiring filmmakers (myself included)...when and if you make a sequel to any film you do, try to not go to a different studio by choice at least, because you will more than likely end up deeper into development hell than you started out and the film you're trying to make may never get made!

There are more reasons, but ^ is a lot of hands are tired, so just read that and think about it. A GR sequel is more than likely going to happen, but it really comes down to how well received the first film is (which I'm sure we will all love it) and whether or not the studio wants to risk another one.

Here's Hoping For GR 2 By 2010! :up: :up: :cool:


LOL Nothing we don't already know...I'm talking about Piracy whcih had a diverse impact on The Hulk as well as copies of the film spread online like fire the day it was released in theatres. It's not only the studio that loses the money but the theatre owners, employees, investors, etc...750k people a year lose their jobs due to piracy and 250 million is taken right out of the economy.

Yes it's possible in a film like this that piracy could in fact make a difference in how fast a sequel comes out. One of the worst cases of piracy was for the film SWAT where I belive they lost 70% of their rental income to pirates.
WiscoD has every right. You went on to admit you download pirated movies!

This is essentially knowingly receiving stolen goods and yet you object to being called a thief? I don't think I even need to provide an anecdote to illustrate how absurd that is. :(

So lemme get this straight.
Just cause
1 I don't like to spend my money on crap means that even tough i accidently watch crap , i just have to sit there and take it as it is knowing that i'll never get that money back.
Not only that i don't even have the chance to know whether something is crap and just go in ?
Well in that case i should ask people like you then for my money.
Maybe for you it's all BLACK AND WHITE THING ( this is good , this is bad) but for me it aint. I also earn my money the hard way and the last thing i want do to is spend it on some movie that isn't worth ****.

2 Seriously if you guys are so content calling people thieves , why not just all the MPAA ,FIBI , whatever other big company there is and reort just about half of all the posters on the hype . Cause even that small MP3 that they're downloading is a steal right ?
Justice needs to be served right ?
Heck why not go on even further. Fight big companies. Join the hunt for all piracy sites. Study to become lawyers cause we need more lawyers specialised in suing all pirate sites. Go on and spy you're neighbor , everyone in you're street and schools and report them.
A crime is a crime BY YOURE LOGIC

3 There is a difference between actually stealing something and BUYING IT.
Piracy for alot of people is sampling. Knowing whether something is crap or not. If you go to you're local fruit and veg, market you can always ask how something is and the guy is is selling his goods even gives you an grape. If you like it, you buy the whole thing . ít's not like the the guy will immediatly come after you with a gun demanding that you pay him for that one appel that you ate but didn't like it.
And really the way you guy are making this out , THAT APPEL that one apple that wasn't bought has it's effect on the farmer , his family , the fuel company that provides fuel for the farmer's tractor , the fertilazer company that supplies the farmer etc.
Same with this piracy . I'd like to sample something before i want to buy it.
A movie that i'm not certain on , I'll download and see if it's worth it. And i'll pay for that if i do seem to like it. See that's the difference to how you guys are making us out to be thieves. A thief just steals something and walks away. I pay for my stuff.
So lemme get this straight.
Just cause
1 I don't like to spend my money on crap means that even tough i accidently watch crap , i just have to sit there and take it as it is knowing that i'll never get that money back.
Not only that i don't even have the chance to know whether something is crap and just go in ?.

Bingo. Do you go to McDonalds and steal there food and if you like it...then you'll buy the next one??? Do you walk into blockbuster and steal a dvd for the night and return it in kindness??? Honestly sit down and think about what you just said. Nobody likes everything and everyone goes through the experience of buying something they don't like. That doesn't mean it should be free. Next time you might want to visit rotten tomatoes to see how popoular the film is amongst critics before doing something illegal.
Bingo. Do you go to McDonalds and steal there food and if you like it...then you'll buy the next one??? Do you walk into blockbuster and steal a dvd for the night and return it in kindness??? Honestly sit down and think about what you just said. Nobody likes everything and everyone goes through the experience of buying something they don't like. That doesn't mean it should be free. Next time you might want to visit rotten tomatoes to see how popoular the film is amongst critics before doing something illegal.

See again i'll point out that you see this black and white and i don't . I've made my point clear that i do support companies by buying stuff. Only after i've sampled it. And that doesn't make me a thief. A thief is someone who doesn't buy anything and simply leaves. I don't do that.
Everybody goes thru the experience of buying crap , but it also makes them wary cautios of future mistakes. That's what i'm trying to prevent. My hard earned money being spent on crap.

Also AD , Rotten TOmatoes isn't exactly a grademeter to see just how good a movie is :whatever: . There are tons of movies out there that are panned by critics but loved by other people. On the other hand there are also movies that critics love but are ignored. It's a matter of preference and therefore i at least don't check RT.
I would like to make out my own mind about whether a movie is good or not.
Guys, if you're going to have this conversation, refrain from calling people names, like thief of crooks. We all have to remember that there are a lot of laws out there that people break, like Jaywalking for example. Now, I am in no way comparing this to jaywalking but....

Regardless, the people who d/l this **** aren't the criminals. It's those who put it up there. Yes, there is a level of support from those who do the d/ling but, people have many different reasons for doing so and if it's there... it's hard to ignore right?

This is a touchy subject for me because this is my industry as an actor. I wouldn't want my projects stolen but, on the other hand, when a creative project is finished, all I really want is for people to see it.... regardless of the money it makes. Besides, I also believe that no one person should ever be able to make millions of dollars for anyone one thing. That's a problem with this world. Too few making millions and too many making nothing.

There is another side to every coin folks; remember that. Just lay off the insults and talk it out, that's all I'm asking.
The law is the law and there is no grey area on the legality of illegally downloading films. It's pure and simply illegal. You can argue all you want as to why you do it...but it's still illegal. It's theft of copyrighted IP. Period. No grey question about it. Period.

Also yes a good film MAY do well regardless of piracy but does that make it right? Does that make it legal to take something that's not yours? Claiming you may buy it later means nothing unless the artist is offering their product for sampling free of charge. Not all good films make money either btw so every dime counts. Tell Ron Howard he couldn't use a few more million from Cinderella Man.

The bottom line is you should wait till it's out on DVD if you can't afford a movie ticket. If you can't afford to buy the DVD...then rent it. If you can't afford to rent it or don't have the ability to rent it then wait till it's available online to download. There is no excuse. If you can't afford any of that then maybe watching a movie shouldn't be a priority for you.

You have to spend your money to see if you like something if that product cost money. Stealing someone's copyrighted material for your own use or benefit is no different than stealing anything else. It's not yours. Just because you can do it from your computer doesn't make it legal or right. Just because you can't afford it doesn't make it right. Just because it might be bad...doesn't make it right. The fact is you don't want to spend your money. Wouldn't it be nice if the studios didn't even have to make the films and they just used their computer to hack into your bank account and take $10 bucks each month. That's fair because why should they risk making the film if you might not buy a ticket.

There are laws on the books. Abide by them or your own character comes into question. When I was a kid I wasn't always right...but then you grow up and realize the difference between right and wrong and until they change the's black and white.
^ That's your own feeling. I can't argue with how you feel. I guess you care more when it hits home. To these studios & me it's like someone walking into my house and taking something. I myself have a big investment in Marvel and a few studios so piracy does have it's impact on these companies bottom lines just like anything else. If it was legal and it was having an impact it's just part of the standard business. But it's not and it can hurt. Even if it takes 1 penny out of someone's's not right.

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