Help the Wallaby


Sep 10, 2004
Reaction score

Forget "Invisible Children", forget "Global AIDs", forget "Truth", forget the anti sweat shop campaign. We have a real crime against innocents here. The Wallaby. While others may face death and destruction this innocent Wallaby minding his business had his food stolen by a criminal of the highest order. We cannot let this crime go unpunished:mad: Please think of the Wallaby:(
Aww thats actually kinda sad :( The look on its face after the food's stolen
Batty for Bats! said:
I'd give it a hug and a big mac but I don't its home address :(
I wanna pet it but I cannot:( ....and I wanna kill that damn Bird too:mad:
E. Bison said:

Justice.....has been served.
Very well....I would have preferred converting it to Scientology or having DL sex it...but I suppose you're brand of Justice will be sufficient:up:
ShadowBoxing said:
Very well....I would have preferred converting it to Scientology or having DL sex it...but I suppose you're brand of Justice will be sufficient:up:
awwwww......................poor wallaby :( He just looked like 'aw man....that wasn't cool'. I wanna hug it and take it home and name it Rocko.
Tsunulia said:
awwwww......................poor wallaby :( He just looked like 'aw man....that wasn't cool'. I wanna hug it and take it home and name it Rocko.
And buy it a blue collared shirt with little purple triangles.
Hahaha, the Wallaby has the exACT same look on it's face that the old lady had in that video where the other old lady punches her brains out.

ass**** bird got Shadaloowned
Rocko needs a hug bad...why would a man just sit there are idly film such an atrocity.
ShadowBoxing said:
Rocko needs a hug bad...why would a man just sit there are idly film such an atrocity.

I wonder if whoever was filming it knew this was going to happen?
Boom said:
And buy it a blue collared shirt with little purple triangles.

and give him a cow and a turtle for freinds
Wilhelm-Scream said:
Hahaha, the Wallaby has the exACT same look on it's face that the old lady had in that video where the other old lady punches her brains out.

ass**** bird got Shadaloowned
Abaddon said:
And an ugly toad couple.

and the resident superhero Really Really Big Man

They would all be so happy :D
Ya could at least given me props for bringing this autrocity to your attention...sheesh! :rolleyes:
Superman4ever said:
Ya could at least given me props for bringing this autrocity to your attention...sheesh! :rolleyes: have been given props
where's that bird? SMACKDOWN FROM GRANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ShadowBoxing said: have been given props


Plagarist! You's true Shadow just made this thread to show he was politically correct.

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