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HEROES CON/WW: PHILLY '07- Marvel Edition

- Who the **** cares about Angel's origin? Nobody gives a **** about mutants' origins because their origins are that they're mutants. Why can't we get something more modern and interesting? :o

- The Newsarama writer who covered the Marvel Comics Presents panel can't write. The comic itself looks fantabulous, though. I'm particularly enthused for that Taskmaster story. I wish he were still wearing his purple costume from his last mini, but I'll take some Taskie action however I can get it.

- Bill Rosemann apparently doesn't know much about Eternal physiology. "Even as an Eternal, without a heart, how can you get your blood pumped?" Answer: make a new heart. Total control of their molecular composition, remember? Not that I mind that Thanos is staying dead. That guy sucked.

- No new Young Avengers until 2008? And the title isn't canceled? Sorry, two years between issues means the title is canceled to me. At this point, I don't care if Heinberg's next volume is solid gold--one delayed issue and I'm dropping it. No comic is worth these kinds of delays. Except Planetary.

An audience member asked for an indication in early New Avengers that the Skrull story was going on in the background, but Brevoort said it was too early to discuss, but by six months from now, it'll make sense. He used the Civil War prologue issues of Fantastic Four, dealing with Thor's hammer, as an example, as that will lead into the new Thor ongoing.
Kind of a bad example, given that the FF thing was setup for Thor to be used in Civil War, but then that was changed at the last minute to Clor. Unless that really is an appropriate example, in which case Brevoort is saying that the Marvel concept of foreshadowing involves planning things, showing some hints toward an outcome, changing their mind, abandoning those hints and doing something entirely different, and then finally following up on those hints in a totally different venue. Which isn't foreshadowing at all; I believe they call it insanity.

"When people in other industries like TV want to write comics, do you ever ask them to consider they might not have time to finish the book?" Quesada pointed out that Damon Lindelof was working on a mini-series, which didn't have an effect on the timeline of the Ultimate universe if it was late, and pointed out creators like Reginald Hudlin, who is head of entertainment for BET but has gotten into the rhythm of a monthly book on Black Panther.
So, in answer to the person's question, which Joe Q totally dodged: No. No one at Marvel asks anyone anything about whether they'll be late or even be able to finish their commitment. Because big TV/movie names = big $$$, even if they are two or three years late, and if they never finish, well, at least Marvel cashed in on those first couple issues.

A fan wondered if the Skrull revelation in New Avengers #31 could possibly be used as "cop out," to which Rosemann joked, "Like a continuity punch?"
Uh... yeah. Just like that, in fact. The continuity punch was the very definition of a cop out in action. Who cares if DC is guilty of it? Marvel is, too, and throwing the microscope back onto DC just because theirs were more recent until NA #31 looks kind of childish for professionals giving interviews.
Quesada: "All of this has to do with the execution and the quality of the story we tell."
... which is a bunch of words that actually means nothing, again.

- The One More Day panel made two things clear to me: 1) Joe Q and JMS are ending Peter and MJ's marriage with this arc somehow, and I don't even care much. That's how far Spider-Man has fallen away from being my favorite character just a few years ago. 2) I really, really don't enjoy Joe Q's art.

- I don't really understand the 3-times-per-month ASM move. I mean, I understand it in that ASM sells better than the other two Spider-Man titles, so they figure, "Let's basically keep publishing 3 Spidey titles but put 'Amazing Spider-Man' on all of them and see if they still sell as well as ASM does now," but it's kind of ******ed. I haven't been buying SSM and FNSM because they suck. If they didn't suck, I'd buy them. Similarly, if one of the writers on ASM sucks, I'm gonna stop buying their issues of ASM, no matter how frequently they come out. I suspect others will do the same. It seems like such a cosmetic change that I just don't really see the point.

Bendis added that there has been suspect behavior in the Marvel Universe lately, suggesting that Marvel Earth might have already "lost" an invasion to the Skrulls.
I don't care what anyone says, they will never convince me that the genesis of this idea was not some writer or some editor noticing that everyone is saying a crapload of characters are not acting like themselves. Make no mistake--this is the Marvel version of Emoboy Prime's continuity punch.
-- No new Young Avengers until 2008? And the title isn't canceled? Sorry, two years between issues means the title is canceled to me. At this point, I don't care if Heinberg's next volume is solid gold--one delayed issue and I'm dropping it. No comic is worth these kinds of delays. Except Planetary.

- I don't really understand the 3-times-per-month ASM move. I mean, I understand it in that ASM sells better than the other two Spider-Man titles, so they figure, "Let's basically keep publishing 3 Spidey titles but put 'Amazing Spider-Man' on all of them and see if they still sell as well as ASM does now," but it's kind of ******ed. I haven't been buying SSM and FNSM because they suck. If they didn't suck, I'd buy them. Similarly, if one of the writers on ASM sucks, I'm gonna stop buying their issues of ASM, no matter how frequently they come out. I suspect others will do the same. It seems like such a cosmetic change that I just don't really see the point.

Yeah, as of right now. I'm officially on the new writer for Young Avengers bandwagon. Look, all Heinberg needs to do is come up with some plots and let someone do the scripting and such. It takes me 5 minutes to come up with 12 issues worth of plots. Really, lets go.

Like I said, I don't like Spidey enough to be fooled/tricked into buying his title 3 times a month. I only bought FNSM and that got dropped recently.
A lot will be riding on who the new creative team is after OMD for me. I like Spider-Man, but I always find myself not really giving a **** what happens to him in most of the stories he's involved in now.
A lot will be riding on who the new creative team is after OMD for me. I like Spider-Man, but I always find myself not really giving a **** what happens to him in most of the stories he's involved in now.

I don't care who it is really. I was ready to jump on a Dan Slott Spidey book just because it's Dan Slott, but no:

- Who the **** cares about Angel's origin? Nobody gives a **** about mutants' origins because their origins are that they're mutants. Why can't we get something more modern and interesting? :o

I'll be at least thumbing through this for the Adam Pollina art. He's always been a favorite of mine, and it's nice to see him back to doing actual comic book work.

A lot will be riding on who the new creative team is after OMD for me. I like Spider-Man, but I always find myself not really giving a **** what happens to him in most of the stories he's involved in now.

I'm actually enjoying ASM, and have been since Civil War started.
It's been all right. It's so bleak and depressing, though, and it has been for-****ing-ever. I miss the lighthearted Spidey tales.

I do like Adam Pollina. He's not enough to make me read a comic about Angel's origin, though.
It's been all right. It's so bleak and depressing, though, and it has been for-****ing-ever. I miss the lighthearted Spidey tales.

I do like Adam Pollina. He's not enough to make me read a comic about Angel's origin, though.

Eh...I have a feeling everything's going to turn out alright for Peter and his family, so I'm just enjoying the adrenaline rush of watching him snap and actually portray his strengths (like throwing a Jeep).

Yeah...I'll see what the story looks like on that one. I have to wonder though, why he picked this for his return to comics.
Eh...I have a feeling everything's going to turn out alright for Peter and his family, so I'm just enjoying the adrenaline rush of watching him snap and actually portray his strengths (like throwing a Jeep).

Yeah...I'll see what the story looks like on that one. I have to wonder though, why he picked this for his return to comics.

Dude, Spidey and Daredevil live in a perpetual angst/depression driven world. It's just the way they write these fools now.
Dude, Spidey and Daredevil live in a perpetual angst/depression driven world. It's just the way they write these fools now.
Exactly. It works for DD because he's always been a humorless son of a *****. But Spider-Man used to balance that out with some grade-A comedy mixed in. I can't recall Spider-Man even quipping in a fight outside of New Avengers in years. Now it's all, "Who shot May Parker, punk?!" and "Tell me where you're hiding the Kingpin or I break both your knees!" and "Do you have any idea how hard it is to get grass stains out of tights?!"

All right, maybe not so much that last one. But you get what I mean. Being a great Spider-Man writer used to mean having a great sense of humor and, let's face it, JMS just isn't all that funny.
Exactly. It works for DD because he's always been a humorless son of a *****. But Spider-Man used to balance that out with some grade-A comedy mixed in. I can't recall Spider-Man even quipping in a fight outside of New Avengers in years. Now it's all, "Who shot May Parker, punk?!" and "Tell me where you're hiding the Kingpin or I break both your knees!" and "Do you have any idea how hard it is to get grass stains out of tights?!"

All right, maybe not so much that last one. But you get what I mean. Being a great Spider-Man writer used to mean having a great sense of humor and, let's face it, JMS just isn't all that funny.

"I need a hacksaw."
Rosemann teased that Stature will be appearing in Ms. Marvel.
Cool. Since their title is MIA, at least the kids get some page-time elsewhere.
Exactly. It works for DD because he's always been a humorless son of a *****. But Spider-Man used to balance that out with some grade-A comedy mixed in. I can't recall Spider-Man even quipping in a fight outside of New Avengers in years. Now it's all, "Who shot May Parker, punk?!" and "Tell me where you're hiding the Kingpin or I break both your knees!" and "Do you have any idea how hard it is to get grass stains out of tights?!"

All right, maybe not so much that last one. But you get what I mean. Being a great Spider-Man writer used to mean having a great sense of humor and, let's face it, JMS just isn't all that funny.

JMS is funny when he wants to be. This time around, he clearly does not want to be.

And Daredevil wasn't always a "humorless son of a *****". During the early days, he was as light hearted and a jokester as much as Peter. It wasn't until Frank Miller did he start to grow into being a Debbie Downer.
JMS is funny when he wants to be. This time around, he clearly does not want to be.

And Daredevil wasn't always a "humorless son of a *****". During the early days, he was as light hearted and a jokester as much as Peter. It wasn't until Frank Miller did he start to grow into being a Debbie Downer.
Whatever, the Miller years were almost 30 years ago. That counts as "always." :cmad:

And JMS is never funny. His Spider-Man humor has always been tepid.
- Who the **** cares about Angel's origin? Nobody gives a **** about mutants' origins because their origins are that they're mutants. Why can't we get something more modern and interesting? :o

- The Newsarama writer who covered the Marvel Comics Presents panel can't write. The comic itself looks fantabulous, though. I'm particularly enthused for that Taskmaster story. I wish he were still wearing his purple costume from his last mini, but I'll take some Taskie action however I can get it.

- Bill Rosemann apparently doesn't know much about Eternal physiology. "Even as an Eternal, without a heart, how can you get your blood pumped?" Answer: make a new heart. Total control of their molecular composition, remember? Not that I mind that Thanos is staying dead. That guy sucked.

- No new Young Avengers until 2008? And the title isn't canceled? Sorry, two years between issues means the title is canceled to me. At this point, I don't care if Heinberg's next volume is solid gold--one delayed issue and I'm dropping it. No comic is worth these kinds of delays. Except Planetary.

Kind of a bad example, given that the FF thing was setup for Thor to be used in Civil War, but then that was changed at the last minute to Clor. Unless that really is an appropriate example, in which case Brevoort is saying that the Marvel concept of foreshadowing involves planning things, showing some hints toward an outcome, changing their mind, abandoning those hints and doing something entirely different, and then finally following up on those hints in a totally different venue. Which isn't foreshadowing at all; I believe they call it insanity.

So, in answer to the person's question, which Joe Q totally dodged: No. No one at Marvel asks anyone anything about whether they'll be late or even be able to finish their commitment. Because big TV/movie names = big $$$, even if they are two or three years late, and if they never finish, well, at least Marvel cashed in on those first couple issues.

Uh... yeah. Just like that, in fact. The continuity punch was the very definition of a cop out in action. Who cares if DC is guilty of it? Marvel is, too, and throwing the microscope back onto DC just because theirs were more recent until NA #31 looks kind of childish for professionals giving interviews.... which is a bunch of words that actually means nothing, again.

- The One More Day panel made two things clear to me: 1) Joe Q and JMS are ending Peter and MJ's marriage with this arc somehow, and I don't even care much. That's how far Spider-Man has fallen away from being my favorite character just a few years ago. 2) I really, really don't enjoy Joe Q's art.

- I don't really understand the 3-times-per-month ASM move. I mean, I understand it in that ASM sells better than the other two Spider-Man titles, so they figure, "Let's basically keep publishing 3 Spidey titles but put 'Amazing Spider-Man' on all of them and see if they still sell as well as ASM does now," but it's kind of ******ed. I haven't been buying SSM and FNSM because they suck. If they didn't suck, I'd buy them. Similarly, if one of the writers on ASM sucks, I'm gonna stop buying their issues of ASM, no matter how frequently they come out. I suspect others will do the same. It seems like such a cosmetic change that I just don't really see the point.

I don't care what anyone says, they will never convince me that the genesis of this idea was not some writer or some editor noticing that everyone is saying a crapload of characters are not acting like themselves. Make no mistake--this is the Marvel version of Emoboy Prime's continuity punch.

Agree with your entire post. Not much more to say.
I hate that they're revisiting House of M, but Perkins is awesome:

I'm looking forward to marvel comics presents.It looks like fun.I'm relieved to know PAD is taking over She-hulk.I'm still very iffy about this whole Amazing three rimes a month thing.
I'm looking forward to marvel comics presents.It looks like fun.I'm relieved to know PAD is taking over She-hulk.I'm still very iffy about this whole Amazing three rimes a month thing.

I'm personally looking forward to it.

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