Arrow Heroes you want to appear

Primal Slayer

Let the Siren scream
Jun 30, 2005
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This thread was bound to might as well start it.

What heroes from the DCU would you want to see show up?
Would be nice if Batman showed up down the road. Or at least Nightwing, since they mentioned Bludhaven in the preview for episode 4.
A modern day interpretation of Hawk and Dove could be interesting.
I think eventually they'll start doing super powered heroes of the show goes beyond 3 seasons anyway.

I would love to see the Question
The Question, definitely. Though I'd love to see someone like Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) or Mr. Terrific someday. Maybe The Flash or Animal Man. Characters who wouldn't require effects that are too insane.

Ooh! Wildcat, definitely! And Black Lightning and Katana should be sure bets. :D
If they were to eventually do Superman which I don't think they ever will but maybe they could do some fan service and cast Brandon Routh or even Matthew Bomer.
If they were to eventually do Superman which I don't think they ever will but maybe they could do some fan service and cast Brandon Routh or even Matthew Bomer.

bro casting a guy that Played Superman in the movie almost no one likes is not fan service

my Superman fan service casting is Dean Cain, Teri Hatcher or Tom Welling or...... any one not Brandon Routh
Wildcat should basically be a must. He should be the one who helped train Dinah and can be a connection to her mother.
I would like to see Black lightning or Icon.
bro casting a guy that Played Superman in the movie almost no one likes is not fan service

my Superman fan service casting is Dean Cain, Teri Hatcher or Tom Welling or...... any one not Brandon Routh

Dude that your opinion, so many fans love Brandon Routh as Superman and Matthew Bomer was a fan casting choice for ages so how is that not fan service?
Dude that your opinion, so many fans love Brandon Routh as Superman and Matthew Bomer was a fan casting choice for ages so how is that not fan service?

about Matthew Bomer big fan Great Actor But casting him as Clark Kent Will be wasting his talent you do not cast Matthew Bomer as the Nice kid perfect son apple pie eating farm boy

you cast Matthew Bomer as a smooth talker Ladies man with a sense of humor and one lines like dick grayson nightwing
The Question. And not just because he's a fan favourite. For one, he actually brings something new to the table. He's an investigative thinker; a talent Ollie has yet to show a propensity for. If introduced in Season 1, he'd be the perfect guy to clue Ollie in on the conspiracy going on behind the scenes and connect the dots between all those people in Ollie's hit list. Likewise, his look fits perfectly well in the show's setting. A guy in a suit, trench coat and fedora? Classic CW.

Also, maybe Renee Montoya (though not as The Question). At the moment, one of the things lacking on the show is for Green Arrow to have an ally in the force. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if Laurel's father does eventually fill that role.
about Matthew Bomer big fan Great Actor But casting him as Clark Kent Will be wasting his talent you do not cast Matthew Bomer as the Nice kid perfect son apple pie eating farm boy

you cast Matthew Bomer as a smooth talker Ladies man with a sense of humor and one lines like dick grayson nightwing

Fair enough if u don't think Bomers right for Superman but it still would be fan service as I made in my point.
They could easily get away with Flash since his powers are realistic, kinda. Chemicals go boom and make him fast.
Fair enough if u don't think Bomers right for Superman but it still would be fan service as I made in my point.

i am not saying he is not right for Superman I'm sure he'll do a great job

I'm just saying his talent will be better used With a character like Grayson
Ralph Dibny/Elongated Man.
It will fit the tone of the show more than Plastic Man would.
i am not saying he is not right for Superman I'm sure he'll do a great job

I'm just saying his talent will be better used With a character like Grayson

Fair enough, I don't really see him as Dick Grayson myself would rather have someone younger cast.
EM is more of a detective, while PM is fun slapstick and gimmicks (like Jim Carrey's Mask).

But they're both stretchy guys. Stretchiness is a super power. So neither would fit the no-powers rule.
I'd love to see the Question, The Creeper, Gangbuster, the Spoiler, Red Hood
I think they should try to keep metahumans out of the frame. That being said, with Yao Fei already making an appearance, I wouldn't be surprised if reimagined versions of the rest of the Great Ten show up down the line. Maybe as a highly-trained black ops unit from China.


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