High School/College Graduates: Do you keep in touch with any of your former teachers?


SHHFFL 2014/2019 Champion
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Aug 17, 2003
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How many of you guys still keep in touch with one/some of your former teachers?

Since I moved from my old high school, I really can't keep in touch with many (nor can I visit the school like some of my friends I know still do), but I do e-mail my Government/Economics teachers from 12th grade. Since I am studying to be a teacher, I figured it would be good to keep in touch with someone I can get advice about my future career from.

What about you guys?
i don't.

although there are definately some who if i saw them around town or something, i'd definately want to strike up a conversation with them.

one in particular was my h.s. senior year government teacher. at the time, i was VERY liberal (still am, just not as much), and this teacher was a hardcore conservative. it was also during the first bush election.

he was very adamant about his position, and would always give me **** for my position, but would always do it in a very playful way. overall, when it came down to it, he was very open minded and accepting of others viewpoints, and spending a semester in his class opened me up to a line of thinking that i never thought it would agree with.

he, more than anybody who isn't a parent of mine, i credit with my political line of thinking. he really opened my eyes, and my mind, to differing viewpoints, and while i didn't agree with him on everything, i understood his point of view, and did change my mind on a few things.
i do, not college (im still in it), but a few high school teachers..

me and my cousin stay in contact with our algebra teacher from freshman year, we were the first class she ever had, and she was about 23 at the time. now shes like 27 and still awsome and alot of fun. We go out to dinner whenever me and my cuz get home on break.

i havent talked to in a while, but my band instructor i was in a little bit of contact with, as was my friggin awsome physics teacher
I think I take the cake when it comes to keeping in contact with former teachers...

I went to an elementary school....and now like 15 years later I am a certified substitute teacher for the same school board county. So I go back to my own elementary school and substitute teach there. Guess what? The same PE Coach, Art Teacher, Libriarians, Office Staff, my Kindergarten teacher, and my Third Grade teacher, are all still at that elementary school (my mom works there too in the office). So I actually have subbed for the very people that taught me when I was only 5-11 years old. It's very strange. For example, the PE Coach still does the same exact activities he did with me as a little kid....so when he takes a day off from work, and I sub for him, it feels weird knowing that I have switched roles...I was once the little kid doing the things we do and now I'm the PE Coach telling them to do it. Same goes for the other teachers. I am subbing for my third grade teacher I think December 13, 14....funny huh?

I dont keep in contact with any middle, high, or university professors.

I am in training to become a firefighter....and firefighters are all like one big family, no matter what department you work for....so I see my instructors (EMT school, Fire Academy, Paramedic school) frequently.

There's one female teacher I had back in high school that I still keep up with via email. And yes, all the dudes in class thought she was hot....our basic day involved discussing how hot her ass was. Ahh, high school. :o
There's a few I wish I was still in contact with. Sadly I'm not.
There's one female teacher I had back in high school that I still keep up with via email. And yes, all the dudes in class thought she was hot....our basic day involved discussing how hot her ass was. Ahh, high school. :o

:woot: :woot: :woot:
There's one female teacher I had back in high school that I still keep up with via email. And yes, all the dudes in class thought she was hot....our basic day involved discussing how hot her ass was. Ahh, high school. :o
I have a couple of students that have kept in touch, but I'm also good friends with their parents.....so that probably doesn't count.

I haven't kept in touch with any of my teachers from high school or college...
Have you ever hooked up with one of your teachers or professors after high school or college?
She was in her 20's then, and she's about...late 30's now. She still looks about the same, shockingly.
I keep in touch with my band director, only because I work with him.
One of my friends from high school IS the vice-principal of our high school now... :wow:
One of my friends from high school IS the vice-principal of our high school now... :wow:

That's interesting. Were you good friends with them, or just kind of spoke to them at school?
That's interesting. Were you good friends with them, or just kind of spoke to them at school?

He was in my class. He was pretty much friends with everyone, a really nice kid. And student council president too...probably foreshadowed his later career. :oldrazz:
He was in my class. He was pretty much friends with everyone, a really nice kid. And student council president too...probably foreshadowed his later career. :oldrazz:

LOL...he really stayed the course.

I was kind of the guy in HS who was friends with everyone and helped everyone understand what they were learning...especially some of the guys on my football team. I got headaches helping them, lol.

Never was coucil president or anything though.
I work for my old forensics teacher/coach a few months out of the year.
One of my old college professors is actually one of my best friends as well. In fact, I keep in contact with three of them.

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