Ok, I see from some previous posts that you're only 13, and that thus far you've enjoyed Age of Apocalypse, Young Avengers, along with ASM, UXM and NA.
Well, here we go then: Have you tried Ultimate Spider-Man? Have you tried Runaways? If you like the X-Men, have you tried Astonishing X-Men?
I would strongly recommend a series for you called Invincible
Title: Invincible
Writer/Artist: Robert Kirkman, Ryan Ottley, Cory Walker
Publisher: Image
Amazon.com listing:http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/15...f=pd_bbs_1/103-9396336-0621452?_encoding=UTF8
Invincible is the Eisner Award-nominated top selling Image book, created and written by Robert Kirkman (same guy who's doing The Walking Dead, Marvel Zombies, Marvel Team Up, and Ultimate X-Men). Here's the pitch from the back of volume one:
"Mark Grayson is just like most everyone else his age. He's a senior at a normal American high School. He has a crappy part time job after school and on weekends. He likes girls quite a bit... but doesn't quite understand them. He enjoys hanging out with his friends, and sleeping late on Saturdays... at least until the good cartoons come on. The only difference between Mark and everyone else is that his father is the most powerful superhero on the planet, and as of late, he seems to be inheriting his father's powers. Strange things begin to happen to Mark Grayson as he begins to develop superpowers. Luckily, his dad is around to show him the ropes, at least he would be if he weren't so busy saving the world all the time. "
But that's just the begining. Over only two years, Kirkman has not only developed Mark and his father into amazingly fleshed out characters, he's created a whole world around Mark that rivals the entire Marvel or DC Universes in variety and creativity. The twists are non stop, as is the fun. The plot is no holds barred, and you truly don't know what is going to happen next. The storytelling is top notch, and it is downright the best superhero title being published today.
Format: So far there's six softcover volumes collecting the first 26 issues. But the Hardcovers are the real bargain, as they contain three softcovers each, plus a load of bonus material, for cheaper than the softcovers. You can buy the volume 1 HC for an incrediblly low $23 at Amazon (softcovers they ask $10 a peice for). Buy it, and get hooked!