How Do You Introduce S.W.O.R.D in the MCU.


May 20, 2010
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I was thinking about it's obvious S.W.O.R.D. has been around for a minute. Selvig mentions them in the delete Thor scene, so I was wondering should they debut before GotG?

I mean I assume S.W.O.R.D. was tracking Thor and would most likely reverse engineering the Chitauri tech. But I was wonder besides Abigail Brand who could S.W.O.R.D use as most the characters associated with them are with FOX.
I wouldn't mind them appearing in a Thor movie while introducing Beta Ray Bill in the process. And having just learned that S.W.O.R.D. was actually created by Whedon, he can do all he wishes with it too. And I have a bad feeling Abigail Brand will be hard to use given the fact she's a mutant not to mention her ties to the X-Men World. Fox will try to seize control of the character I reckon. But if Marvel uses her in a way that could setup the Kree-Skrull War like in Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes and also establishing Carol Danvers and Ms Marvel, perhaps S.W.O.R.D. could be introduced in a Ms Marvel movie.
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I see no good reason to introduce them at all. SHIELD serves all the functions they are supposed to serve. As is, SWORD would come off as even more a blatant SHIELD clone than it is in the comics.
I dunno. Marvel clearly wants to branch out into the cosmic side of the MCU. SWORD could fit in there easily.
I think that introducing them as a result of the alien invasion would be a good way.
It's really not that hard. You just have Nick Fury sit down to lunch with Abigail Brand where she talks about her job, talks about how she operates with shield etc.

Easiest thing in the world! Or off it...
makes sense that SHIELD would be earth's FBI, and SWORD would be the CIA
makes sense that SHIELD would be earth's FBI, and SWORD would be the CIA
Same example I gave to meta in another thread. This is the perfect way to show why S.W.O.R.D. needs to be introduces. They can introduce them in a Ms Marvel film, Inhumans, or even TA2.
I thought you'd never ask.
Marvel films have already mentioned in the Avengers and Thor that Thor's arrival was a major game changer. He is seen as an alien, more powerful then an army of humans. Fury said that he scared them, that is why they were creating weapons based on Hydra's guns made from the Cosmic Cube. They were afraid, and then Loki (another "alien") shows up and brings an army of aliens to attack.
So I see Fury creating a new branch of SHIELD called SWORD. It is SHIELD's and Earth's 1st line of defense against aliens. All started because of the alien attack on New York. Its headed by Abigale Brande and includes former pilot and SHIELD agent, now SWORD agent, Carol Danvers.
Exactly. SWORD begins as a task force of SHIELD, as SHIELD handles extraterrestrial threats, but SWORD is their actual deployable force. Eventually, over the course of other films and the TV show they become more autonomous as their own branch and eventually a separate agency.

That's how.
Intro Abigail Brand as a SHIELD agent who gets a promotion by the end of the movie. But it only works if an alien invasion/spy plays a big part in that particular movie and if SWORD is going to play a part in the foreseeable future. Otherwise, its just an easter egg and doesn't necessarily need that much lead up.
I think the way to introduce SWORD (using my idea of them being SHIELD's response to the alien attack on New York ---> leading to SHIELD starting an alien defense agency) would be easily shown in a Captain Marvel film.
Carol Danvers is a former pilot, former SHIELD agent, who is now working in SWORD (Sentient World Observation and Response Department) an agency created by SHIELD in response to the arrival of Thor, Loki, and the alien attack on New York. Its headed by Abigale Brande. Carol, a field agent, is plunged into the middle of a Kree battle on Earth as Captain Mar-Vell fights against Yon-Rogg and his renegade Kree troop. Eventually this leads to Mar-Vell sacrificing his life and Carol getting his powers and becoming Captain Marvel.

The idea though is that the SWORD agency has already been started, just like SHIELD was in Iron Man, or the Avengers. Its already an agency, a brief explanation as to why they were created would be given in a sentence, like when Fury explained in the Avengers why SHIELD was creating Hydra weapons based on the cosmic cube. He says its because of Thor. All that would need to be said would be that SHIELD needed to create a defense for Earth, something like that.
Putting it in a movie like Captain Marvel would have the agency center stage but not the star, not overly explained or making them and their origins the focus of the film.
Abigail Brande and other SWORD agents would play as much a role as SHIELD played in the Avengers or Iron Man 2. Minor but still there. Also similar to how they were portrayed in EMH cartoon when Carol was introduced as Miss Marvel.

Just some thoughts on how I would do it.
I would (or would have) put SWORD in Guardians of the Galaxy. Doesn't Peter Quill's origin have somewhat to do with a space station. Why not have the SWORD base be that space station?
I would (or would have) put SWORD in Guardians of the Galaxy. Doesn't Peter Quill's origin have somewhat to do with a space station. Why not have the SWORD base be that space station?

The Peak could look incredibly awesome in live-action

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