How much change do you have on you right now?


My name is Stefan, sweet thang
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
I normally only carry around the debit cards, but I just left Walgreens and got some cash back and the cashier basically gave me 12 quarters because she didn't have any bills this late apparently. So i have 12 quarters in my pocket. And you?

Zilch. Just a debit card & a couple other credit cards.
85 cents and it's going into my Incredible Hulk bank.
It wasn't that expensive. I picked it up at Toys R Us.
A few coins
Not enough to give Chester A. Bum
None. Ain't nobody got time for that cling clangy ****.
I usually cary about a dollar-fifty of assorted silver coins. Screw pennies though.
I have a 20 pound note in my bra. I'm not even making this up :funny:
....which cup and are you WEARING said Bra? lol

The left one, and yes :hehe:

It's a habit I picked up after watching the Lois and Clark episode 'Wall of Sound'. Lois is undercover at a club and needs to get to the front to attract the attention of the guy on stage. She sees these 3 big muscly guys, attracts their attention, reaches into her bra, pulls out a note and pays them to get her up there...

I always thought it was hot :funny:

I keep doing it because, honestly, when I put money in my pocket I loose it. When I put it in my bra I don't!
lol so your CHANGE bounces when you run....that IS sexy lol
The left one, and yes :hehe:

It's a habit I picked up after watching the Lois and Clark episode 'Wall of Sound'. Lois is undercover at a club and needs to get to the front to attract the attention of the guy on stage. She sees these 3 big muscly guys, attracts their attention, reaches into her bra, pulls out a note and pays them to get her up there...

I always thought it was hot :funny:

I keep doing it because, honestly, when I put money in my pocket I loose it. When I put it in my bra I don't!
Oh yeah, I missed the change part of the title...

Sometimes change does end up in their too, but that's usually only when i've been drinking :hehe:
None cause I'm not wearing any pants right now.


But I also keep a piggy bank in room that averages out about $15 every month.
aw much is this gonna cost me?

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