How much do you spend on comics?


Jan 17, 2004
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How much money do you spend on comics?
Wow. You're going to find a lot of people who spend way more than $50 a month on comics.

I buy roughly 5 comics per week. At maybe $2.99 each (let's round that to $3) that's $15 per week. With four Wednesdays in a month, that's $60 per month. $60 for reading only 5 comics per week.

You'd have to read an average of 4 titles per week to spend $48 per month. Let's check March 5th's Diamond List thread...
I get the distinct impression there are very few of us who spend less than $50 each month on comics.
no more than 15 to 20 a week

a month?I'd say 30 to 40
Some months only 3 bucks...some months 40 bucks or more. It just depends as to what is being offerred that month. The only regular comic I read is Ghost Rider.
Get around 3 comics a month. Buy a trade about once a month so I'd say around 25.
I usually buy $30-50 a week.
I was bleeding money out at the comic book store (Invincible and UFF trades killed me, but then I bought them all) so now I'm down to about $30 a month, maybe a little more.

Ironically, last semester, I spent the most I ever have on comics, and my girlfriend was in town, so I was going broke every week between dates and comics. This semester she's studying abroad, and I don't have to pay for dates or anything, and yet I don't really have any books I want to spend more money on...
I was spending about $50 to $70 on comics a week until my car broke down a couple weeks ago. Since then, I've pared my pull list down considerably. My haul last week was $35.
Damn, Corp. Where do you put all those comics?
Whatever patch of my room is uncovered, at this point. I gotta start looking into long-term storage for them.
This month's list is going to cost me about $50. It's way more than what I'm used to spending, but I currently really like the stuff I'm reading, and can afford it, so that's how it is. But then again, I don't spend nearly as much money on things I used to spend on, like clothes, gas, and nightclubs.
Usually around $30-40 per month, sometimes 50 a month
$10-20 per month. I only collect 5 series, and one of them doesn't come out every month.
Depends. I've dropped a few hundred bucks in one store before. If I pick up something new and love, I'll go back and buy up the whole run. That gets pricey. I would say I spend at least $20-24 each month, but sometimes I could spend up to $300-$400 in one week.
It depends on what you mean by comics. if you mean monthly issues, then it fluxes, There's about four or five titles I get each month.

but if you mean trades... yeah. it's well over 50 a month. I read a lot of trades.

I have a pile of nine trades sitting next to my computer, all purchased in the last two weeks.
When I buy my comics, it's usually between 10-20 for me. Today I spent a little bit more because I got seven comics instead of five or so and with tax, it was about 27 bucks.
The minimum that I spend is roughly $70 - $120 per week at the moment (standing order), pending if any series finishes or whatnot. Damn all those variants, and that's also not including back issues.
Usually around $200, I go months without buying anything so when I get the chance I get alot of issues I missed and some trades.
Take that cost and spread it out as an average monthly expense. About how much would that be?

I do like to hear about people's spending habits, but for the sake of this thread, I'm more specifically looking for the amount that people devote to buying comics on how much of it comes out of your monthly pay?
On average, I drop a good $12 every two weeks on comics, then another $30 a month on tpbs.
Take that cost and spread it out as an average monthly expense. About how much would that be?

I do like to hear about people's spending habits, but for the sake of this thread, I'm more specifically looking for the amount that people devote to buying comics on how much of it comes out of your monthly pay?
The minimum that I spend is roughly $70 - $120 per week at the moment (standing order), pending if any series finishes or whatnot. Damn all those variants, and that's also not including back issues.
You, sir, have impressed even me with your comic spending. :)
Cheers, it does cut down the spare space in my house square inch by square inch every month, but thats the price to pay. Sometimes I think that I should cut back .... but every time I see something new I want and must have.

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