In Sam Hamm's interview in the 1989 Comics Interview Super-Special on Batman Sam Hamm says "I was at the World Science Fiction Convention and they were showing slides of Batman's various weapons and gadgets, and the batwing -- our version of the batplane -- came up on the screen, Jeff Walker, the Warner Brothers publicist, mentioned that it was outfitted with rocket launchers, machine guns, etc., etc., so somebody jumped up in the back of the room and said, 'Do you mean Batman is going to be using a gun!?' As if to say, 'Uh-oh, the canon has been violated.' The thing I said to the guy was if you want to go back to the roots of the character, back to when he was created, he did carry a gun. In the early comics there are scenes where he's pulling out the old .38 automatic and popping guys."
Even in Nolan's Batman films he carries a gun. As in the Burton Batman films, the gun he's carrying isn't firing bullets, but it's still a gun.
And the Tumbler is armed with machine guns.
And the Batpod is also armed with machine guns.
Even though Batman has used guns in the comics and on film, he's certainly not a gun lover. Of course he shouldn't like guns. After all, a gun was the weapon that was used to murder his parents. However, he wouldn't be able to avoid using guns for effectiveness, because, after all, there are limits to a batarang.