Hulk or Dr. Doom?


Mar 13, 2006
Reaction score
Two totally different characters with two totally different backgrounds. Who do you think would win this?
In the beginning, Doom would smack the Hulk around because the Hulk wouldn't be prepared. But after sufficient battle time has passed, the Hulk would win.
Hulk would win, already did once.

How about Dr. Doom vs Apocalypse?
lol look at the poll results so far...dr doom is no match for the likes of hulk who correct me if im wrong lifted a 150,000,000,000 ton mountain or something?
rodhulk said:
Hulk would win, already did once.

How about Dr. Doom vs Apocalypse?

That would be one for the ages. It really could go either way... I'm gonna play the safe side and say 5/5 split.
Aidan06 said:
lol look at the poll results so far...dr doom is no match for the likes of hulk who correct me if im wrong lifted a 150,000,000,000 ton mountain or something?

Well... He more "braced it" on his shoulders than lifted it...
rodhulk said:
Hulk would win, already did once.

How about Dr. Doom vs Apocalypse?
I'd have to give it to Doom. I remember after the Onslaught thing (maybe during?) when Magneto was a good guy, the Sentinals were kicking the crap out of everybody. A Sentinal was right about to kill both Mags and Rogue when Doom destroyed it with a blast from his glove. You could even say that he obliterated the Sentinal single handedly. :D

Anyway, my point is that Doom is an ultimate badass and a super genius.
Mr. Green said:
I'd have to give it to Doom. I remember after the Onslaught thing (maybe during?) when Magneto was a good guy, the Sentinals were kicking the crap out of everybody. A Sentinal was right about to kill both Mags and Rogue when Doom destroyed it with a blast from his glove. You could even say that he obliterated the Sentinal single handedly. :D

Anyway, my point is that Doom is an ultimate badass and a super genius.

Well... Compared to the Hulk, Rogue is a flea... As far as Magneto goes, I'm not a big X-Men reader, but wasn't Magneto's magnetism somehow nullified by the Sentinals? So he would have been completely ineffective. I think the Hulk would be a lot harder to destroy than a Sentinal.

My point being, if Doom doesn't manage to take the Hulk out right away, with sufficient rage the Hulk could take him.
torkibe said:
Well... Compared to the Hulk, Rogue is a flea... As far as Magneto goes, I'm not a big X-Men reader, but wasn't Magneto's magnetism somehow nullified by the Sentinals? So he would have been completely ineffective. I think the Hulk would be a lot harder to destroy than a Sentinal.

My point being, if Doom doesn't manage to take the Hulk out right away, with sufficient rage the Hulk could take him.
I could be wrong but I think Mr. Green was saying Doom could beat Apocalypse in reference to my question. I'm very confident the Green lad believes Hulk could take Doom. :)
I guess it depends on the contest

Arm wrestling-Hulk
Trivial pursuit-Doom
rodhulk said:
I could be wrong but I think Mr. Green was saying Doom could beat Apocalypse in reference to my question. I'm very confident the Green lad believes Hulk could take Doom. :)

My bad. I was actually wondering why he said that :o . In any case, I think that would be a good fight and I give it to Apoc.
If Doom can make devices that can drain the power cosmic out of Silver Surfer and the Beyonder's powers, I'm pretty sure he can whip up a gizmo to drain the Hulk's power or at the least, turn him back to Banner temporarily.
I love the Hulk, but Doom would win. Its gonna take alot more than brute strength and rage to take out the likes of Doom ill tell you that. First, someone with a high profile such as the Hulk would in no way shape or form go unoticed by Doom. If they were ever to do battle, Doom would already no what to do to defeat him before the battle took place. And if Doom were the one to antagonize the Hulk and go after him, Doom would be even more inclined to win. Besides i doubt it would turn into a physical battle to begin with. Doom wouldnt let it because Doom knows better than to pit strength for strength against the strongest thing on the planet. Doom would fight him on his own terms. Doom is arguably the smartest man on the planet, not to mention a king of his own country with almost limitless resources, an army of various Doombots, a suit of armor that rivals Iron Man's, and magical abilities only 2nd to Dr. Strange. Hes taken over the world 3 or so times and gave it back outta boredom for christ sakes. Doom also fights Thing on a regualr basis who inturn fights Hulk almost just as often, so its not like Doom hasnt faced the "strong" type before (true not as strong as the Hulk but close enough... i mean who is as strong as H?). Doom has the potential to defeat any Marvel hero or villain around easily if he so wanted.
Obi-Ron said:
I guess it depends on the contest

Arm wrestling-Hulk
Trivial pursuit-Doom
Hmmmm..... in respect to the trivial pursuit, what if it's Banner in control of the Hulk? :)
Doombringer said:
I love the Hulk, but Doom would win. Its gonna take alot more than brute strength and rage to take out the likes of Doom ill tell you that. First, someone with a high profile such as the Hulk would in no way shape or form go unoticed by Doom. If they were ever to do battle, Doom would already no what to do to defeat him before the battle took place. And if Doom were the one to antagonize the Hulk and go after him, Doom would be even more inclined to win. Besides i doubt it would turn into a physical battle to begin with. Doom wouldnt let it because Doom knows better than to pit strength for strength against the strongest thing on the planet. Doom would fight him on his own terms. Doom is arguably the smartest man on the planet, not to mention a king of his own country with almost limitless resources, an army of various Doombots, a suit of armor that rivals Iron Man's, and magical abilities only 2nd to Dr. Strange. Hes taken over the world 3 or so times and gave it back outta boredom for christ sakes. Doom also fights Thing on a regualr basis who inturn fights Hulk almost just as often, so its not like Doom hasnt faced the "strong" type before (true not as strong as the Hulk but close enough... i mean who is as strong as H?). Doom has the potential to defeat any Marvel hero or villain around easily if he so wanted.
Sure, Doom could take it/some, but I would still favor the Hulk. Remember, they fought once.... and Hulk won. It showed Hulk has the ability to beat Doom the majority of times.
torkibe said:
My bad. I was actually wondering why he said that :o . In any case, I think that would be a good fight and I give it to Apoc.
You know, I think most people would take Doom over Apoc, but I'm gonna side with you :-)o) :-)D) and say Apoc takes it. I like Apoc more and he really was tough. I think sometimes he thinks too much of himself (like when he said the power of the celestials supercedes all but his own... think that's what he said, don't have the issue handy), but he still was a serious threat to so many tough hero's out there. I would even consider him a serious threat for the Hulk (and from me, that must say something :D).
^Good to see you're back, DevilHulk! :) :up:
torkibe said:
So, you're ignoring the fact that Doom was winning, or at least fighting to a tie, when he stopped fighting to save the woman?
Sorry, Tork, but Doom was in no way fighting to a tie. He was losing badly.

1) Hulk goes to hit Doom, Doom fires a blast to get 'away' from Hulk.
2) Doom has his force field and sees Hulk coming. Hulk 'busts through it,' surprises Doom, but note: Doom saw him coming (meaning he's ready) and he has his force field ready which couldn't stop the Hulk.
3) Hulk grabs Doom and it ends there. Hulk could have killed Doom easily if he wanted.

Hulk wins.

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