HYPE Super Bowl XLVII thread!!!!!! OMG

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Feb 15, 2001
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Got food? Got picks? Just wanna chat about how the game would be better if Matt Moore was in it? Whatever you want, here it is.

The Hype Super Bowl party starts now! :wow:
I WANT the 49ers to win, but I have a sickening feeling the Ravens will win. How should I be voting, LOL!
Is this all Art Modell hate?
This SB is impossible to pick. San Fran is the most complete team and can still win even if their rookie QB has a horrible game but on the other side is the Ravens and they are on a kind of destiny run that I've seen twice before (being a NY Giants fan and all).

I think we may get our first Super Bowl that goes to OT gentlemen....
All I know is that, if Baltimore wins, Cam Cameron better not get a ring.
That would be kinda hilarious actually.
As a fellow University of Delaware alumnus, I'm pulling for Mr. Flacco and the Ravens.
I live in Owings Mills, Maryland, not far from the Ravens' HQ. For the last few days gigantic ravens -- the real birds -- have been wheeling through the sky over the area. Just huge flocks of them, soaring overhead. I live on the top floor of my building, on a hill, and the birds have been driving my cat nuts swooping by the windows. The occasional "Caw, caw, caw!" rings out.

The Ravens are hunting for prey. This is a good omen.
I guess that's better than having a dirty old man with a pick axe show up at your door....
It is hard to decide...but I am bettin on the 49ers

but I want Flacco to succeed so I'll be happy either way!
If I hear the word elite one more time in regard to quarterbacks, I'm going to hurt someone.
You know who's an elite QB? JaMar...f*** I can't even finish it. :funny: :csad:
This SB is impossible to pick. San Fran is the most complete team and can still win even if their rookie QB has a horrible game but on the other side is the Ravens and they are on a kind of destiny run that I've seen twice before (being a NY Giants fan and all).

I think we may get our first Super Bowl that goes to OT gentlemen....

Agree with most of this,The one thing I think the Ravens have going for them is that they will be better tested for this ( having had the 2nd toughest shedule for this season and all) while San Fran who have been great all year , havnt really been properly tested this yr.

I also see this superbowl going into OT too.
It would be a glorious thing to watch Ray Lewis lose the Super Bowl in his final game.

I hope Kaepernick makes the Ravens go kaputnik.
I was going for the 49ers at first but the fans have become so obnoxious that I want San Fran to lose on Sunday. Kaep is a good QB but he is nowhere near 'elite' or Top 5. Colin is still raw like Cam. He needs 2-3 more years of development under Harbaugh.
Except Colin actually wins games. Yeah, I know his team is better and all that, but Colin was a HUGE factor in a lot of those wins, especially that playoff game against the Packers. Cam is amazingly talented, but he's also prone to derpy mistakes that contribute to losses.
I want Lewis to lose but Kap to get hurt. That will make me happy.
Agree with most of this,The one thing I think the Ravens have going for them is that they will be better tested for this ( having had the 2nd toughest shedule for this season and all) while San Fran who have been great all year , havnt really been properly tested this yr.

I also see this superbowl going into OT too.

I think beating Brees Rodgers and Brady on their home field were proper enough tests.
Except Colin actually wins games. Yeah, I know his team is better and all that, but Colin was a HUGE factor in a lot of those wins, especially that playoff game against the Packers. Cam is amazingly talented, but he's also prone to derpy mistakes that contribute to losses.

Cam would win games behind that OL and defense too, Rows. There is a huge difference and it isn't the arm and decision-making. Cam completed 66% of his passes and only threw 2 INTs in his final six games when he was finally allowed to audible. He did that behind one of the worst OLs (most hit QB this season) and rushing attacks of 2012.

Like I said, Colin is just as raw as Cam. The only difference between the two is an elite OL, defense, and coaching staff. Take those away, and I severely doubt you'd be talking Kaepernick right now.
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