Hype: the series sign up


Apr 30, 2005
Reaction score
Now its your turn to sign up to be in your very own television show. Included in your sign-up sheet for the new hype show should be:

Past History:
Super Powers (if any):
Survival techniques:
Name: Dante

Past History: Spawn of a devil and Human woman

Super Powers (if any): In Human Form: Bulletproof, superstrength, Swordmaster, Gun master

In Devil Form: Flight

Survival techniques: Skilled fighter
Dante said:
Name: Dante

Past History: Spawn of a devil and Human woman

Super Powers (if any): In Human Form: Bulletproof, superstrength, Swordmaster, Gun master

In Devil Form: Flight

Survival techniques: Skilled fighter
Who would have figured you'd be a demon hunter. Your alias should be Captain Originality.
The Lumberjack said:
Who would have figured you'd be a demon hunter. Your alias should be Captain Originality.

Captain Originality...what a FREAK.
The Lumberjack said:
Who would have figured you'd be a demon hunter. Your alias should be Captain Originality.

Where did I say demon fihgter?
I don't know How many times this has been done...but I'll bite.:)

Name: The Exalted

Past History: Hmmm where to start... Would be Absolute ruler of the HYPE, Kidnapped the beloved Viking Kittens (Curse the hype heroes for freeing them!), Fought Dr.Doom to a standstill,(Victor you bore me!) Started an empire of loyal followers bent on LOVE and PEACE, Has a HYPE holiday dedicated to myself (D.O.T.E.), Went one on one with a Super-Mod and lived to speak the tell, Arguably the most influential poster of 2002-2003,(Oh it's true) and oh yeah Cloned all Major Hype posters in order to attain the Eternal Flame! (I will posses it!)

Super Powers: Too numerous to recall, I am greater than anything you can ever comprehend.

Survival techniques: Wisdom, Knowledge and Love of someone even more than my Love of power.
Dante said:
Where did I say demon fihgter?
A half human half devil named Dante that can change from human form into a demon? I seem to have of that somewhere......:rolleyes:
All my RPG's have me as Dante from DMC. You should know that by now.
Murray said:
Name: Webmistress

Past History: I was an orphan girl, raised by the system. Now I fight crime... because there aren't enough superheroines out there, and I've always wanted to meet Spidey...

Super Powers (if any): I'm a Feral mutant. Think Shalimar from Mutant X, x 100 and with silver eyes.

Survival techniques: General kick-assness (is that even a word?

What kind of show is this, anyway?
A sexual crime fighting show with a BDSM twist.
Past History:Used to be treated like crap on these boards but worked my way up and now Im a (slightly) respected member of the hype
Superpowers: Im super hot
Survival Techniques:I can stab things and wear them as a hat
Name: Victor Von Doom

Past History: Rightful Lord and Master of the Earth.

Super Powers (if any): Unparalleled Intellect, A suit of fine Walachian Armor that enhances that which was already made perfect.

Survival techniques: I have plans withing plans within fail safe backup plans.
Name: Matt Murdock

Past History: Blinded as a child.

Super Powers: Unique radar sense, remaining senses heightened.

Survival techniques: Hanging out with prostitutes turned assasain ninjas.
Name: The Stupendous SuperFerret

Past History: Born on the dying Planet Hollywood, young Kal-Ef was placed in a rocket and fired to the pet store across the street, where he was found by Johnathan and Martin Klemp, a homosexual couple who owned a nearby Pottery Farm. Over the months, he matured and it was discovered that unlike other ferrets he had an attention span of longer than four seconds. He could pay attention to something for six to seven seconds before becoming bored and wandering off. Thus, SuperFerret was born!!

Super Powers (if any):Longer short attention span

Survival techniques: Chewing on the rubber soles of shoes.
Name: AlteredEgo

Past History: Has wandered the boards as a ghost posting only on rare occasions, gracing those in need with witty banter and enlightening wisdom just in time. a deus machina of sorts.

Super Powers: uhh, uses ":up:" a lot, probably too much... im like the ghost of fonzie; ay :cool::up:

Survival Techniques: Dont need any, im usually around before or after the huge stuff happens. However when i am on when the s**t hits the metaphorical fan, i am quite a sight to be seen, unleashing powers of the oldbies and the newbies in ways never thought possible :cool::up:
Victor Von Doom said:
Name: Victor Von Doom

Past History: Rightful Lord and Master of the Earth.

Super Powers (if any): Unparalleled Intellect, A suit of fine Walachian Armor that enhances that which was already made perfect.

Survival techniques: I have plans withing plans within fail safe backup plans.

Wait a minute...youre not Victor Von Doom!!!! I know Doom...and youre no DOOM!!!! :doom:

The Exalted can see thru you Charlatan!!!!!!:mad:
The Exalted said:
Wait a minute...youre not Victor Von Doom!!!! I know Doom...and youre no DOOM!!!! :doom:

The Exalted can see thru you Charlatan!!!!!!:mad:

Good. My guise has proven successful. As long as you continue to "see through me", you'll never notice the parasitic ebbing of your powers. Be thankful that you exist.
Victor Von Doom said:
Good. My guise has proven successful. As long as you continue to "see through me", you'll never notice the parasitic ebbing of your powers. Be thankful that you exist.

Oh so indeed you are DOOM! HA HA HA HA HA HA Victor still up to you're old futile tricks! Parasites are so last year...The Cloak I wear protects me from them and any other bacteria that your limited mind can contemplate!!!

You should be thanking me...your life, your freedom, your reality are the play things of the Last Trueborn...Remember this encounter, for it marks the beginning of your END!:mad:
Name: Danger Mouse

Past History: Prodigal child of an ancient belief. It has been said that I am the Prophesized One but the leaders of the Council did not believe in me or my potential. They were afraid of me. I am the best fighter in the galaxy, yet they appoint me on the Council but not confer on me the title of Leader. Even my former mentor did not believe in me. I HATE HIM!!!!

Super Powers (if any): Clairvoyance, telekinesis, psychic mind-control, the ability to asphyxiate a person.

Survival techniques: Extremely proficient in sword-play. Especially luminescent ones.
Name: Jayna

Past History: Former Wonder Twin; turned rogue once twin brother Zan spent all the family money on meth and slot machines. Lives with her father on the planet of Exxor and has started to charge Galactic Officials for her services.

Super Powers (if any): Can turn into animal with the help of Zan's hand that she managed to chop off while he was unconscious. She keeps it in her pocket whenever she needs to transform.

Survival techniques: as she continues her secret rendezvous with Batman, he's always looking after her and comes to help if she ever needs it. She has full access to his batcave and bedroom.
Captain_Obvious said:
Name: Jayna

Past History: Former Wonder Twin; turned rogue once twin brother Zan spent all the family money on meth and slot machines. Lives with her father on the planet of Exxor and has started to charge Galactic Officials for her services.

Super Powers (if any): Can turn into animal with the help of Zan's hand that she managed to chop off while he was unconscious. She keeps it in her pocket whenever she needs to transform.

Survival techniques: as she continues her secret rendezvous with Batman, he's always looking after her and comes to help if she ever needs it. She has full access to his batcave and bedroom.

You are sick! I think I'm in love.

Or is that gas?

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