Hi guys! I want to say something to you all.
I will compare Spidey movies to Superman movies, because I found intersting stuff.
Ok, look at Spidey 1 and Super 1 ('78), what we can see?
Love story with awesome action? Yep, Pete&MJ and Clark&Lois.
Camp (or better will be if I say insane) villian? Yep, GG and Lex Luthor.
Resbonsibilty? Yep again, Uncle Ben and Jor-El (or Jonathan Kent).
Newspaper? Jameson (Daily Bugle) and Perry WHite (Daily Planet).
Suit? Blue and Red (Spidey) and Blue and Red (Supes).
Choice? MJ or people in carriage (Spidey) and Lois or earthquakes (Supes).
Also: Aunt May and Martha Kent.
So as we can see Spidey has the same formula, which STM had.
The next is sequels.
More love story with more action.
Serious villian? Yep, Dock Ock (Spidey 2) and Zod (Supes).
What about girlfriend? MJ knows that Peter is Spidey and Lois knows that Clark is Supes.
Superpowers? Spidey losses them and Supes just dont want to be kryptonian anymore.
Box Office? Less than Spidey 1, but still very good and less than Supes, but still very good.
And now... Spidey 3 and Supes 3.
New love story and more action.
Changes in superhero? Spidey finds black suit and Red kryptonite's influence on Supes.
New love story? Gwen Stacey and Lana Lang.
But Spidey 3 has something that didn't has Supes 3, 4 supervillians.
But there is one question, will Spidey 3 be disappointment like Supes 3 was?
As for me, I hope it will not. But what you think?
I will compare Spidey movies to Superman movies, because I found intersting stuff.
Ok, look at Spidey 1 and Super 1 ('78), what we can see?
Love story with awesome action? Yep, Pete&MJ and Clark&Lois.
Camp (or better will be if I say insane) villian? Yep, GG and Lex Luthor.
Resbonsibilty? Yep again, Uncle Ben and Jor-El (or Jonathan Kent).
Newspaper? Jameson (Daily Bugle) and Perry WHite (Daily Planet).
Suit? Blue and Red (Spidey) and Blue and Red (Supes).
Choice? MJ or people in carriage (Spidey) and Lois or earthquakes (Supes).
Also: Aunt May and Martha Kent.
So as we can see Spidey has the same formula, which STM had.
The next is sequels.
More love story with more action.
Serious villian? Yep, Dock Ock (Spidey 2) and Zod (Supes).
What about girlfriend? MJ knows that Peter is Spidey and Lois knows that Clark is Supes.
Superpowers? Spidey losses them and Supes just dont want to be kryptonian anymore.
Box Office? Less than Spidey 1, but still very good and less than Supes, but still very good.
And now... Spidey 3 and Supes 3.
New love story and more action.
Changes in superhero? Spidey finds black suit and Red kryptonite's influence on Supes.
New love story? Gwen Stacey and Lana Lang.
But Spidey 3 has something that didn't has Supes 3, 4 supervillians.
But there is one question, will Spidey 3 be disappointment like Supes 3 was?
As for me, I hope it will not. But what you think?